Sheila Zilinsky – The Black Awakening: The Rise Of The Satanic Supersoldier- Russ Dizdar

Sheila Zilinsky – The Black Awakening: The Rise Of The Satanic Supersoldier- Russ Dizdar

Russ Dizdar joins Sheila Zilinsky on the Black Awakening:the Rise of the Satanic Supersoldier ”In this twilight of human history darkness burns its black flame. Soon it will all erupt and fear will fly as the bloodshed begins. The ‘Black Awakening’ will occur! For them, those who served this long cold secret it has to, it’s the only way to give the world a desperate reason. A willing but painful reason for the need of a new world order and of a leader who will rule with a power that only the ancients felt.” 5 million victims of satanic ritual abuse…. mind control….the gathering of the biggest super military warriors ….the Satanic Super Soldiers for end time Chaos… a rise of unimaginable evil…The Chaos before the new order…

Just News – The Guardian – Controversial documentary An Open Secret reveals paedophilia in Hollywood

Advancing Pedo Investigations – Important Updates by Russ Dizdar on The Hagmann Report

AN OPEN SECRET. Official PG-13 version. Copyright Esponda Productions LLC

In light of the long awaited revelations of sexual abuse in Hollywood finally being reported ESPONDA PRODUCTIONS presents AN OPEN SECRET for free for a limited time . A film about the sexual abuse of children in the entertainment industry in Hollywood. Please support our efforts of raising awareness by sharing with your friends and colleagues. #AnOpenSecret #BeCourageus #ReportIt #LifeGetsBetter. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @AnOpenSecret.


Controversial documentary An Open Secret reveals paedophilia in Hollywood
“What you see in the film is the tip of the iceberg” says producer Gabe Hoffman on An Open Secret, the documentary from Oscar-nominated director Amy Berg about child sex abuse in Hollywood
A revealing new documentary about the sexual abuse of children within Hollywood is hoping to lift the lid off an alleged network that implicates major industry figures.
An Open Secret, which was shown this week in an out-of-festival screening in Cannes, is a damning new film from Oscar-nominated director Amy Berg, who previously explored paedophilia within the Catholic church in Deliver Us From Evil.
An Open Secret review – damning documentary takes aim at sexual abuse in Hollywood
Amy Berg’s revealing look at child molestation in the film industry is plainly told but undeniably shocking
First-hand accounts from young actors who suffered at the hands of managers, publicists and directors, while underage, are used alongside input from investigative journalists and psychologists who present a damaging collection of evidence.

Full Show – Must See! Global Elite Panics As Hollywood Pedophile Nest Exposed – 10/30/2017
Kevin Spacey comes out — as a pedophile! Former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort is indicted in the DoJ’s Trump-Russia probe concerning alleged crimes that took place in 2006. And the media helps actor Kevin Spacey downplay his molestation of a 14-year-old boy as the actor deflects with a gay announcement. On today’s show former Trump campaign manager Roger Stone breaks down his successor’s indictment and his own decision to sue Twitter after they banned him. Marine Corps veteran Steven Gern discusses his support of President Trump’s travel ban, and former UFC fighter and Special Forces Operator Tim Kennedy also talks about the revelations in the newly-released JFK files.
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Just News – AMTV – Approaching APOCALYPSE and Demonic Possession of Washington DC with Russ Dizdar

AMTV – Approaching APOCALYPSE and Demonic Possession of Washington DC with Russ Dizdar
In today’s video, Christopher Greene of AMTV and Russ Dizdar of Shatter the Darkness Warn of Approaching APOCALYPSE and Demonic Possession of Washington DC.

The Official Hagmann & Hagmann Report – The Super Natural Is Here: Russ Dizdar with Russ Dizdar

Russ Dizdar, Exorcism, MPD, SRA, The Black Awakening (Full Movie)
Russ Dizdar is just a Christian, and although he has “delivered” hundreds of people from demonic possession he maintains it is just one aspect of the complete ministry of Jesus.
Nevertheless, over the past 30 years he has become an expert on Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Satanic Ritual Abuse, MKULTRA type mind control (sometimes called Trauma Based Mind Control.)
Because of his work with the victims and perpetrators of “Cult Crime” he has discovered an “underground” that most people could never imagine exists.
He says that these “Chosen Ones” are planning for something they term “The Black Awakening” and Russ and his team at (his ministry website)
Are seeking to do whatever they can to heal those involved, rescue victims, expose and bring to justice the perpetrators, and Let Them all know of the power and love of his king Jesus Christ.
This video is from Chris White’s “Nowhere To Run” radio show
More Russ Dizdar: