The Gateway Pundit – EXCLUSIVE: Elderly Vietnam Vet and Biden Political Prisoner BEGS FOR HIS FREEDOM and Help! MUST READ LETTER with VIDEO!

By Cara Castronuova

Retired Army Sargeant, Vietnam Veteran and January 6th detainee appeared on “Greg Kelly Reports” last night. 

Coffman sent us an exclusive letter from prison detailing his January 6th journey and his horrific experience in DC Jail where he is being held unconstitutionally with no bond. 

The 71 year old pleaded for America’s help for himself and the other prisoners in DC Jail, saying to the audience, “We are not domestic terrorists like they are saying, we are patriots and we love America. We need your support.

When Kelly asked him the first thing he would do when he got out of jail Coffman said- “I’m gonna get me a Mountain Dew and a smoke.”

You can find Lonnie’s crowd sourcing page here.

January 6th Prisoner Lonnie Coffman before his imprisonment at DC Jail.

Mises Institute – The Great Reset, Part VI: Plans of a Technocratic Elite


According to Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chair of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the 4-IR follows the first, second, and third Industrial Revolutions—the mechanical, electrical, and digital, respectively.4 The 4-IR builds on the digital revolution, but Schwab sees the 4-IR as an exponential takeoff and convergence of existing and emerging fields, including Big Data; artificial intelligence; machine learning; quantum computing; and genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics. The consequence is the merging of the physical, digital, and biological worlds. The blurring of these categories ultimately challenges the very ontologies by which we understand ourselves and the world, including “what it means to be human.”5

The specific applications that make up the 4-R are too numerous and sundry to treat in full, but they include a ubiquitous internet, the internet of things, the internet of bodies, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and more.

While Schwab and the WEF promote a particular vision for the 4-IR, the developments he announces are not his brainchildren, and there is nothing original about his formulations. Transhumanists and Singularitarians (or prophets of the technological singularity), such as Ray Kurzweil and many others, forecasted these and more revolutionary developments, long before Schwab heralded them.6 The significance of Schwab and the WEF’s take on the new technological revolution is the attempt to harness it to a particular end, presumably “a fairer, greener future.”7

But if existing 4-IR developments are any indication of the future, then Schwab’s enthusiasm is misplaced, and the 4-IR is misrepresented. These developments already include internet algorithms that feed users prescribed news and advertisements and downrank or exclude banned content; algorithms that censor social media content and consign “dangerous” individuals and organizations to digital gulags; apps that track and trace covid suspects and report violators to the police; robot police with QR code scanners to identify and round up dissenters; and smart cities where everyone is a digital entity to be monitored, surveilled, and recorded, while data on their every move is collected, collated, stored, and attached to a digital identity and social credit score.

That is, 4-IR technologies subject human beings to a technological management that makes the earlier surveillance by the National Security Agency look like child’s play. Schwab lauds future developments that will connect brains directly to the cloud, enabling the “data mining” of thought and memory, a technological mastery over experience that threatens individual autonomy and undermines any semblance of free will. The 4-IR accelerates the merging of humans and machines, resulting in a world in which all information, including genetic information, is shared and every action, thought, and unconscious motivation is known, predicted, and possibly even precluded. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World comes to mind. Yet Schwab touts brain-cloud interfaces as enhancements, as vast improvements over standard human intelligence, thus lending them an appeal not at all imaginable for soma.

Many positive developments may come from the 4-IR, but unless it is taken out of the hands of the corporate-socialist technocrats, it will constitute a virtual prison.

WHO document – Considerations regarding consent in vaccinating children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old


PDF source:

Common approaches for obtaining consent for vaccination

Current practices of obtaining informed consent for vaccination vary among countries, but can be broadly categorized into three approaches.

An implied consent process by which parents are informed of imminent vaccination through social mobilization and communication, sometimes including letters directly addressed to the parents. Subsequently, the physical presence of the child or adolescent, with or without an accompanying parent at the vaccination session, is considered to imply consent. This practice is based on the opt-out principle and parents who do not consent to vaccination are expected implicitly to take steps to ensure that their child or adolescent does not participate in the vaccination session. This
may include not letting the child or adolescent attend school on a vaccination day, if vaccine delivery occurs through schools.

Booster shots every 6 months for NSW

Booster shots every 6 months for NSW or lose your green tick to work and live. So much for “freedom” day for NSW.

So why are the premiers seeking 95% jab rate all of a sudden?


This plan was actioned in 2016/2017 by the WHO. (WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION).

How do you think the 6 month booster shots are going to go down with the public?

Video Source:

The Australian Government Department of Health in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources,
state and territory governments and other partners Implementation of the recommendations from the Joint External Evaluation of IHR Core Capacities


The Occult: Shining Light on Satan’s Shadow

The Illumined Heart – Orthodox dialogue to illumine the heart

158: The Occult: Shining Light on Satan’s Shadow
In this two-part series, Illumined Heart host Kevin Allen speaks with Eastern Orthodox priest and occult-specialist Father George Aquaro about the attractions and dangers of the metaphysics and practices of what is called the occult. From seemingly benign astrology to ghost-chasing, and Father George speaks extensively about these practices and what is behind them from the Orthodox Christian perspective. Do ghosts and apparitions exist, or are they necessarily demonic? This and other questions will be addressed in this fascinating two-part series you will not want to miss.