Diabolical — How Digital ID Will Control Your Life

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Source: https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2021/November/PDF/digital-id-pdf.pdf


  • India’s Aadhaar database contains the digital identifications of more than 1 billion residents, making it the largest biometric digital ID system ever constructed. Similar systems are now being pushed toward implementation in the West, starting with digital vaccine passports
  • Aadhaar is a de facto social credit system. While sold to the public as the key access point to government services, it also tracks users’ geolocation, employment and purchasing habits. Glitches in the system have led to an untold number of deaths among the poorest, as they were denied food rations
  • The budding dictatorship of today relies heavily on weaponized medicine and the control of information. Vaccine passports are an entry into digital IDs, which allow those who control the system to control virtually all aspects of your life, while simultaneously making a profit from selling your biometric data
  • A leading figure in this medical dictatorship scheme is Bill Gates, who wields a dominating influence over Big Tech, global health policy, agriculture and food policy (including biopiracy and fake food), weather modification and other climate technologies, surveillance, education and media
  • The U.S. vaccine passport effort revolves around a public-private partnership called the Vaccine Credential Initiative (VCI). A military-intelligence think tank called MITRE, which specializes in covert surveillance and data collection on citizens, has a central role in this partnership

CBC Called Out For Using Mannequins In Hospital Beds For October Story About How ICUs Work

source: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/cbc-called-out-using-mannequins-hospital-beds-october-story-about-how-icus-work

The CBC Edmonton was caught red-handed last month using a mannequin in a hospital bed as background footage for a story on how an ICU has been operating during the pandemic.

Even better, the mannequin, shown below in what looks like a hospital bed, wasn’t even filmed inside of an ICU, according to the National Post, who republished a spin of the even from the “Reuters Fact Check Team” later in October.

Steve Kirsch – Why can’t anyone explain how these 14 kids died after getting vaccinated?

On July 16, 2021, the CDC looked into the deaths of 14 kids in VAERS who died after vaccination. Their deaths are still unexplained to this day. If it wasn’t the vaccine, what killed those kids?

Source: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/why-cant-anyone-explain-how-these

COVID-19 Vaccine Safety in Adolescents Aged 12–17 Years — United States, December 14, 2020–July 16, 2021

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7031e1.htm

In July, 2021, the CDC published an analysis of 14 kids aged 12-17 who died after being vaccinated. They listed the causes of death as: pulmonary embolism (two), intracranial hemorrhage (two), etc. and then changed the topic. No discussion. No nothing. The message they attempted to send was: “there is nothing to see here folks, move along.”

Wow. No analysis at all. Just move on. And not one peep from the mainstream medical community complaining about them completely glossing over these deaths. Stunning.

There is plenty to see in those 14 deaths… if you bothered to look

I wanted to document, for the record, that there was plenty to see there.

Let’s start with intracranial hemorrhage. In the entire 30-year history of the VAERS system, there are no reports in that age range dying from intracranial hemorrhage.

Read that again.

So it isn’t “background.” And if it wasn’t the vaccine that caused those deaths, then what did? The CDC is silent on that.

Shortly after the report came out, I published an in-depth analysis of each of those cases (I only located 13 of the 14); see this document starting on page 58 which includes links to each VAERS record.

My analysis of the VAERS records showed 5 of the 13 died of cardiac arrest. That’s not normal for kids. In a recent 5 year period (2015 to 2019), there have been zero deaths listing cardiac arrest in that age group (as you might expect). Zero deaths in 5 years! So the 5 deaths are both excess and suspicious and merit investigation. But not according to the CDC.

Unless there is a business card implanted in the body saying “killed by the Pfizer vaccine,” they won’t find causality.

We know for certain the CDC is inept at finding causality. One of the world’s top pathologists, Dr. Peter Shirmacher, looked at people who died after vaccination and determined that at least 30% to 40% died from the vaccine and the number could be close to 100% (there is only so much you can definitively tell from autopsies done after death for these vaccines).

For the CDC, Pfizer, and Moderna not to admit a single death to date is absurd. They are lying to you.

Close to 800 kids have been killed by the vaccines so far

There are now 21 deaths in VAERS in the 12-17 age range. (21-1.6)*41 gives an estimate of 795 excess deaths.

Tragically, this will be ignored and there will be some excuse given for the all-cause mortality. Most people will never investigate and believe whatever the government says. They’ll make something up about all the cardiac arrests, pulmonary embolisms, and intracranial hemorrhage. Either a fact check will say this article is bunk because “everyone knows you can’t use VAERS to determine causality” (which is untrue), or the fact checker will simply cite the CDC as saying there “no causality” (without explaining reasons for the deaths) and close the case.

The all-cause mortality (ACM) from the vaccine is ignored by nearly everyone. We have a single-minded focus on how many kids we might save from COVID as the only thing that is worthy of discussion. The ACM is never discussed in any of the FDA or CDC meetings because it is zero since the CDC has said nobody has died from the vaccines. They don’t have to explain ANY of the excess deaths. They wave their hands and say, “all those excess deaths” were just background deaths from normal causes even though they know that isn’t true. Those were true excess deaths; we subtracted the background.

Killing 117 kids for every kid we save from COVID is a bad tradeoff. But that’s what the best risk-benefit analysis I’ve seen shows. Is it wrong?

Public Health or Private Wealth? How Digital Vaccine Passports Pave Way for Unprecedented Surveillance Capitalism

The titans of global capitalism, including Bill Gates, are exploiting the COVID crisis to institute social credit-style digital ID systems across the West.

By Jeremy LoffredoMax Blumenthal

Source: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/digital-vaccine-passports-surveillance-capitalism-covid-gates/

The death by starvation of Etwariya Devi, a 67-year-old widow from the rural Indian state of Jharkhand, might have passed without notice had it not been part of a more widespread trend.

Like 1.3 billion of her fellow Indians, Devi had been pushed to enroll in a biometric digital ID system called Aadhaar in order to access public services, including her monthly allotment of 25kg of rice. When her fingerprint failed to register with the shoddy system, Devi was denied her food ration.

Throughout the course of the following three months in 2017, she was repeatedly refused food until she succumbed to hunger, alone in her home.

Premani Kumar, a 64-year-old woman also from Jharkhand, met the same demise as Devi, dying of hunger and exhaustion the same year after the Aadhaar system transferred her pension payments to another person without her permission, while cutting off her monthly food rations.

A similarly cruel fate was reserved for Santoshi Kumari, an 11-year-old girl, also from Jharkhand, who reportedly died begging for rice after her family’s ration card was canceled because it had not been linked to their Aadhaar digital ID.

These three heart-rending casualties were among a spate of deaths in rural India in 2017 which came as a direct result of the Aadhaar digital ID system.

Dr. Mercola – How Long Will We Ignore the Truth About Vitamin D?

Source: https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2021/November/PDF/do-vitamin-d-supplements-help-prevent-respiratory-tract-infections-pdf.pdf


  • A scientific review published in 2006 concluded that epidemic seasonal influenza is most likely related to the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency during winter months. Since then, other studies have confirmed this theory
  • A 2010 study found there’s an inverse relationship between UVB sun exposure — which is how your body synthesizes vitamin D naturally — and influenza deaths
  • Vitamin D protects against tuberculosis, a fatal lung disease that kills an estimated 1.8 million people around the world each year
  • According to recent research, 82.2% of COVID-19 patients tested were found to be deficient in vitamin D, and vitamin D status has been shown to influence your risk of testing positive for COVID-19, hospitalization rates and need for intensive care, as well as your risk of dying from the infection
  • Vitamin D can reduce your risk of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections by reducing the survival and replication of viruses, reducing inflammatory cytokine production, maintaining endothelial integrity and increasing ACE2 concentrations, which helps lower COVID-19 severity