Vaccine News – Libertà di scelta – Siamo in Marcia, No obbligo vaccino

Typical of mainstream broadcast radio. Invite an opposing view on and not even allow for a response to statements made.
#vaxxed #Praybig #fakenews
Is this really the type of treatment a PhD researcher like Dr Brian Hooker receives from Australian media? He was ASKED to call back to discuss the issue of vaccine-induced autism, he was kept on hold for 30 minutes and never allowed to speak while a doctor with multiple vested interests who knew nothing about the composition of vaccines or even which vaccines are on the schedule spouted a bunch of lies about vaccines

For those that don’t know who Paul Offit is…he is the poster child for vaccines, supposedly all knowing and many Drs and professionals turn to him for vaccine knowledge.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr discusses his very revealing, recorded talk with Paul Offit.
There is MUCH more to be revealed concerning vaccines and if you’re a parent, you have the RIGHT to know! See this groundbreaking docu-series, replaying now >>>
#RevolutionForChoice #VAXXED #InformedConsent #OffitForProfit #CDC #CDCWhistleblower

Non c’è che dire, 5000 persone in piazza a Vicenza dopo Roma e prima di Milano solo i veneti sono in grado di farlo.
Grazie a tutti!
There is nothing to say, 5000 people in piazza in vicenza after Rome and before Milan only the veneti are able to do so.
Thank you all!

Mike Adams – If you’re being forced to take a vaccine against your will, here’s how you can protect yourself from vaccine toxins

l’intervento del giudice Ferdinando Imposimato! #liberascelta
The intervention of judge ferdinando imposimato! #Liberascelta

“De vaccinerede piger” (with English Subs) for international viewing

FLI Australia – Truth and Gardasil: Interview with Dr Deirdre Little

Gardasil Researcher say’s “Don’t Do It” by Dr. Pam Popper
Please don’t subject your kids to this deadly vaccination, it’s more deadly than the cancer it professes to protect your kids from. And this is all portrayed by MERCK without a single ounce of proof! Just more Hope and Change from another useless direction.

SEVERE GARDASIL INJURIES & COVER-UP! ~ Mothers Speak at NYC City Hall 1-20-16
Mothers SPEAK about their children’s reactions to Gardasil:
Letter from Dr. Sin Hang Lee to Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization and copied to: the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Japan (as well to as the Minster), Thomas Frieden, Director of the CDC and the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stuart McCutcheon, The University of Auckland.
Norma Erickson and Freda Birrell of report on Cover-up of Scientific Data. LISTEN:
YAHOO! Finance published Weston A. Price Foundation article, “OFFICIALS COVER UP DANGERS OF HPV VACCINE”

Judy Mikovits PhD – HPV, Gardasil risks, #Vaxxed
Judy Mikovits PhD and the HPV vaccine. Is the HPV vaccine really worth the risk over having HPV? What are the detrimental effects of the vaccine? Can you treat HPV vaccine injuries? What is the best way to prevent cervical cancer?

Whoops! Senator Dr. Richard Pan inadvertently revealed his true plan for medically independent families in California and showed why he needs to brush up on his history books.
Shares work better than likes!
Medical bracelets, T-Shirts, Books & Stickers for sale:
All video episodes on YouTube:
#sb277 #vaxxed #panran

Doctors told them fainting was “normal” after receiving the vaccine!!!
Stop allowing your children to be used in this large-scale human experiment … Learn all you can and protect your families >>>
AIKEN, S.C. (WJBF) – An Aiken family says they found out the hard way that trying to prevent one illness caused several more. NewsChannel 6 spoke exclusively with the Wall family about how their daughter went from cancer prevention to sickness.
“I used to scare my mom because I sank to the bottom and just stared at her, ” said 12-year-old Georgia, who could swim before she could walk.
“I’d kick myself back up and take a breath and went back down,” she proudly exclaimed.
Now that she can walk. Her parents say getting up to do so is a challenge.
Carolyn Wall, Georgia’s mother described what’s going on with Georgia.
“Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Basically, when she’s sitting down her heart rate is one thing and she doesn’t have enough blood volume or blood pressure to push the blood back up to the brain like it’s supposed to go,” she said.
POTS is a cardiovascular disorder that is a cluster of symptoms, a syndrome. Wall said her very active child never showed signs of before being vaccinated.
“I believe with all my heart that the Gardasil vaccination did this to her,” mom stated.
Gardasil, approved for use by the FDA in June of 2006, is a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine the pharmaceutical company Merck describes as helping protect girls and boys against HPV related cervical, vaginal, penile and anal cancers. It’s typically given at age 11 or 12 through age 26, but it can be given as young as age 9. But when Georgia received her first shot it was bad.
“Georgia didn’t just lose color, she looked green. I watched my baby go boom and hit the ground,” said Wall, who added she even hit the ground too in shock.
Doctors told them fainting was normal after receiving the vaccine. We even found that it is listed as a symptom on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website, along with dizziness and many other symptoms Georgia has. But her mother said this vaccine robbed her daughter’s life, even at church.
“In front of 200 kids, the band is on stage, the kids are in front of the stage, she has a seizure,” she recalled along with the horror she felt.
Georgia’s mom even recorded a few cell phone videos of the bad days.
“Where does it feel frustrated at?” She asked.
“I don’t know!” Georgia responded.
Georgia takes medications to control the symptoms. Florinef is one of them and she said it makes her hallucinate.
“I feel nauseous and weak,” she explained after one dose during a cell phone taped moment.
Carolyn has pages of physician notes that point to Georgia’s POTS and the “frequent flares of fatigue” as one document describes. And there’s this one study published in a scholarly journal called Vaccine linking the HPV vaccine to POTS. >>>>
“Sylvia, my daughter who is 20 now, is also her [Georgia’s] cousin. When she was 12 I took her to get the Gardasil vaccination and immediately as soon as she received the vaccination she had a seizure,” Vickie Daman said.
Hearing stories from a community of HPV vaccination mothers near and far keeps the Walls fighting. But then there’s faith.
“Hold her and pray and thank the good Lord she did wake up. But some mothers don’t have that privilege. Some of these little girls don’t wake up,” she cried.
Georgia is seeing a holistic doctor and they said she’s feeling a little better. But it’s the prayers they are depending on the most.
The Wall family is also depending on donations from the community as well as the decline of Georgia’s health forced Carolyn out of work temporarily and caused Georgia’s father to switch jobs. The family also had to change health care providers, which caused them to pay a deductible all over again. A Go Fund Me account has been set up to assist them with their financial needs.
Pub Med Study:
Only through knowledge and AWARENESS will this end…
Protect your families >>>
#Gardasil #Cervarix #RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VAXXED

In diretta da Montecitorio per la libera scelta
Live from montecitorio for free choice

GLI ITALIANI SI RIBELLANO , non solo per la libera scelta vaccini,
ecco la fiaccolata “STOP PESTICIDI ” a Conegliano il 20 luglio 2017
Italians rebel, not only for free choice vaccines,
“stop pesticides” in conegliano on July 20, 2017
Partenza della fiaccolata #stopPesticidi a Conegliano !
Departure of the torchlight torchlight in conegliano!

Tout savoir sur les vaccins en 10 minutes! Michel Georget, spécialiste de la vaccination répond au Vrai Faux sur les vaccins. Son livre “Vaccinations, les vérités indésirables”
Everything about vaccines in 10 minutes! Michel Georget, a specialist in vaccination, responds to the true false on vaccines. His book “Vaccinations, undesirable truths”

Libertà di scelta – Siamo in Marcia, No obbligo vaccino.
Freedom of choice – we are on the road, no vaccine requirement.
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They Knew
Full Interview on YouTube:
#PrayBig #Vaxxed #VaxxedMMR