InfoWars – 90 Per Cent of Germans Who Haven’t Had the Vaccine Say They Won’t Get It

by Paul Joseph Watson

90 per cent of Germans who haven’t taken the COVID-19 vaccine say they won’t get it, with only the remaining 10 per cent saying they will “probably” get it or remaining undecided.

A recent survey carried out by Forsa on behalf of the Ministry for Health found that 65 per cent of Germans say there is “no way” they will get the COVID vaccine over the next two months.

A further 23 per cent said they would “probably not” get the COVID jab in the near future while 2 per cent said they would “definitely not” get the jab at any point.

Out of 3000 respondents, only 10 per cent were still undecided or said they will “probably” get vaccinated in the near future.

According to the Local, the poll results emphasize how, “people who have until now chosen to remain unvaccinated against Covid are unlikely to be convinced.”


Vaccine News – Gardasil injured my daughter #vaxxed #truth #science #praybig



















Dr. Katz










Did you know that before vaccines were invented, we didn’t even have the word allergy? Before we started injecting foreign material into our bodies, there wasn’t a word for anaphylaxis?
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A letter to Dr. Julie Gerberding, former CDC head turned president of Merck & Co.’s vaccine division.
Via –
#RevolutionForChoice #CDC #CDCFraud #Gardasil #Vaxxed












100% Proof! Human DNA in Vaccines
Presentation recorded on February 16, 2017 in Sonora, California with Marcella Piper-Terry.
#Vaxxed #PrayBig #RecombinantDNA #InsertionalMutagenesis #FetalCellLine #ProLife #Abortion #ChooseLife #RespectLife #MarchForLife #MRC5 #WI38 #RA273 #WALVAX2
Youtube Link:











Senator Pan attempts to deny the horrid reality of aborted fetal cells in vaccines when questioned by Senator Anderson. Dr. Tara Zandvliet speaks up to tell the truth. Why isn’t this information being shared with you by those asking you to inject these things into your babies? Start learning all you need to know right here:
#RevolutionForChoice #VAXXED #PanRan #InformedConsent #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VaccineIngredients

Hear The Silence – Drama based on the true story about the MMR vaccine and its links to autism.
Christine Shields is certain that the MMR jab he received has caused her son’s autism.
Meanwhile, Dr Andrew Wakefield carries out research into just that, bravely risking his career and reputation.
What else aren’t you being told about vaccines? Find out now by watching this groundbreaking, in-depth docu-series, replaying now >>>
#RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VAXXED

Some Say Vaccines are Essential. Some Say They’re Evil.
If you have children or grandchildren, you deserve the FACTS to make your own informed choices…
We brought together 60 of the world’s top health experts to bring you… “The Truth About Vaccines”
Register NOW and you’ll be first in line to see the entire 7-part series – for free – series begins August 17th




A Missouri Marine sued the government after being left with brain damage from military issued vaccines.
Vaccines have the potential to cause devastation to all of us. Learn exactly what gambles you are taking when allowing your family to receive these harmful injections:
#RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #VAXXED



This is why Big Pharma gave $246 million to politicians last year


Dr. Toni Bark discussing the unusual number of deaths and shoddy safety testing of #Gardasil — A vaccine that was never actually required to prove that it prevented cervical cancer.

75% of all deaths reported were within 25 days of receiving the vaccine.

Gardasil is not the only vaccine that causes serious harm! Listen to the brave and highly educated people who are willing to stand up against this corruption and share life-saving information with you, for FREE, right here:
#RevolutionForChoice #VAXXED #Cervarix #InformedConsent #ScientificFraud

Gardasil injured my daughter #vaxxed #truth #science #praybig

Vaccino esavalente, “nesso causale con autismo”. Indenizzo per bimbo di 9 anni
Il ministero della Salute dovrà versare un assegno bimestrale, per tutta la vita, a un bimbo affetto da autismo, a cui nel 2006 fu iniettato il vaccino esavalente prodotto dalla multinazionale GlaxoSmithKline
E ancora, citando la perizia del medico legale Alberto Tornatore nominato dal Tribunale: “È probabile che il disturbo autistico del piccolo sia stato concausato, sulla base di un polimorfismo che lo ha reso suscettibile alla tossicità di uno o più ingredienti (o inquinanti), dal vaccino Infanrix Hexa Sk”.
Nelle 18 pagine della relazione del medico legale, si fa riferimento a “un poderoso documento riservato della GlaxoSmithKline” sui “cosiddetti side effects del vaccino Infanrix Hexa Sk emersi nel corso della sperimentazione clinica pre-autorizzazione o successivamente, fra l’ottobre 2009 e lo stesso mese 2011”. In particolare – come scrive il perito – ci sarebbero “cinque casi di autismo segnalati durante i trial, ma rimasti unlisted, ossia omessi dall’elenco degli effetti avversi sottoposto alle autorità sanitarie per l’autorizzazione al commercio”.
Nella sentenza – sempre citando le conclusioni del medico legale – si riporta come nel vaccino vi sarebbe “una specifica idoneità lesiva per il disturbo autistico, la cui portata, teoricamente piccola se calcolata in base alla sperimentazione clinica pre-autorizzazione”, sarebbe in realtà “sottostimata, per l’esistenza, recentemente confermata dall’autorità sanitaria australiana, di lotti del vaccino contenente un disinfettante a base di mercurio, oggi ufficialmente bandito per via della comprovata neurotossicità”.

(2014) Court of Milan: Autistic child because of the vaccine
Hexavalent vaccine, “causal link with autism”. compensation for 9-Year-olds
The Ministry of health will have to pay a bi-monthly check for the whole life to a child suffering from autism, which in 2006 was injected with the hexavalent vaccine produced by the multinational glaxosmithkline
And again, citing the expert’s report, Alberto Tornatore appointed by the court: ” it is likely that the child’s autistic disorder has been concausato, based on a polymorphism which made it susceptible to the toxicity of one or more ingredients (or pollutants), From vaccine infanrix hexa sk “.
In the 18 pages of the medical examiner’s report, reference is made to ” a powerful confidential document of glaxosmithkline ” on ” So-called side effects of vaccine infanrix hexa sk in the course of pre-authorisation clinical trials or later, between October 2009 And the same month 2011 “. in particular – as the expert writes – there would be ” five cases of autism reported during the trials, but remained unlisted, i.e. omitted from the list of adverse effects submitted to the health authorities for the marketing authorisation “.
In the judgment – always referring to the findings of the medical examiner – it is reported as in the vaccine there is “a specific suitability for autistic disorder, the extent of which is theoretically small if calculated on the basis of pre-authorisation clinical trials”, ‘underestimated, for the existence, recently confirmed by the Australian Health Authority, of batches of the vaccine containing a mercury-based disinfectant, which is now officially banned because of the proven neurotoxicity.’

VAXXED TV – VaxXed Stories: Dr. Suzanne Humphries Notices Vaccine Prescribed In Her Name
Dr. Suzanne Humphries discusses when she noticed a vaccine prescribed in her name without her permission.
Camera and editing by Joshua Coleman.


Vaccine News – Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles – Microparticles for Oral Delivery – US patent 20080044481 A1

Education and awareness is the first step towards INFORMED CONSENT and the avoidance of these tragedies that are not as rare as we’ve been told … Register here now for this groundbreaking series
➤Networking, exemption information and doctor resources:
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➤Read all vaccine inserts:
#RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VAXXED #Flu #VaccineInjury

Dave Brenda McDowell visit the VaxXed bus while in Detroit, Michigan to the story of all three of their triplets vaccine injury stories following the pneumococcal vaccine. Interview by Polly Tommey with camera and editing by Joshua Coleman. #VaxXed #VaxWithUs #pneumococcal

A SHOCKING report on the researchers whose financial conflicts of interests are currently at war with trustworthy scientific study. Experts are declaring that HALF of all scientific literature may be untrue!
What else aren’t you being told, especially when it pertains to what is being injected into your child? Think vaccines are safe? Find out here, for free:
✴️ Networking, exemption information and doctor resources:
✴️ Follow us:
✴️ Read all vaccine inserts:
#RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VAXXED #FakeScience #BigPharma #CDCWhistleblower

Sweden outlaws coercive mandatory vaccines laws, citing violations of the Swedish Constitution

#VaXism NEWS #Flu

#VaXism NEWS #Vaxxed #Canberra

Polonia: nessun obbligo vaccinale! 8 giorni di protesta e il governo si è fermato. Tutto da verificare. #LibertàVaccinale #MedicalFreedom
Poland: no vaccine obligation! 8 days of protest and the government stopped. Everything to check out. #Libertàvaccinale #Medicalfreedom

Most people have been bullied by people who claim to speak in the name of science.” Watch more with Rupert Sheldrake:

Un interminabile corteo di famiglie per la libertà di vaccinazione ha affollato ieri sera le vie di Bolzano al grido : “Libertà” dopo il via libera alla Camera dei Deputati all’obbligo di vaccinazione per l’iscrizione dei figli nelle scuole
The long wave for freedom of choice on vaccines
An endless parade of families for the freedom of vaccination took place last night in the streets of bolzano to the cry: “freedom” after the free pass to the house of members of the of the of children in schools

O fetiţă de două luni din Olt a murit la câteva ore după un vaccin, în braţele mamei! ANTENA 1
Sunteţi de acord cu Legea Vaccinării Obligatorii! Legea care ar trebui să înfunde puşcăriile de părinţi care ar fi avut tupeul să ceară să fie pe deplin informaţi despre ce conţine vaccinul, unde a fost fabricat, dacă este compatibil cu românii şi ce riscuri comportă atât vaccinarea, cât şi nonvaccinarea celor mici.

CDC whistleblower tells Congress he destroyed evidence linking MMR to autism

Check out how an anti-vaxxing mom deals with Whooping Cough compared to the rest of the world. LIKE A BOSS- that’s she deals with it!
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Brief Report: What Happens When I Can No Longer Support My Autistic Relative? Worries About the Future for Family Members of Autistic Adults.
Very little is known about autism and adulthood. Family members are often the primary support for autistic adults and frequently express concerns about what the future will hold and what support will be available for their relative. 120 family members of autistic adults completed an online survey exploring concerns about the future for their relative. The most endorsed concerns were “their needs won’t be met” (77% worried weekly), “whether they will be happy” (72% worried weekly) and “who will care for them” (58% worried weekly). The results highlight the importance of implementing structured and timely support through collaboration with governmental policy, local commissioning and communication with charities to help prepare family members and their autistic relative for the future.

Merck Created Hit List to “Destroy,” “Neutralize” or “Discredit” Dissenting Doctors
Last Updated May 6, 2009 7:38 PM EDT
Merck made a “hit list” of doctors who criticized Vioxx, according to testimony in a Vioxx class action case in Australia. The list, emailed between Merck employees, contained doctors’ names with the labels “neutralise,” “neutralised” or “discredit” next to them.

New Merck Allegations: A Fake Journal; Ghostwritten Studies; Vioxx Pop Songs; PR Execs Harass Reporters
Last Updated Apr 23, 2009 4:05 PM EDT
Federal prosecutors in the U.S. will be reading with amusement the Australian press’s coverage of a class action trial down under for patients who took Merck’s now-withdrawn painkiller Vioxx.

Vaccini: la parola ai medici contro l’obbligo delle vaccinazioni.
Vaccines: the word to doctors against vaccination.

Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles
July 28, 2017
A disturbing patent discovered this week reveals plans to hide vaccines within food particles without the public knowing about it.
US Patent application ‘US20080044481 A1’ (“Microparticles for oral delivery”) was filed in 2005, and allows drugs and vaccines to be embedded into tiny invisible particles of food.
Are we to assume the technology hasn’t yet been applied?
Is it operating at a stealth level? I’ll try to answer these questions in a minute. But first:
Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles
The inventor and assignee is listed as Mordechai Harel, who was associated with Advanced BioNutrition Corporation of Columbia, Maryland. Here are a group of quotes from the patent application. The statements leave no doubt about the wide, wide application of the technology.

Microparticles for Oral Delivery – US patent 20080044481 A1
The invention provides microbeads containing oil-associated biologically active compounds and methods for their manufacture and use. The microbeads consist of a soluble complex of non-digestible polymer and emulsifier with oil-associated biologically active compounds embedded in a matrix of digestible polymer. The disclosed microbead complex protects the biologically active compounds, such as vitamins, fish oil and carotenoids, from oxidation, taste and odor degradation. The disclosed microbeads also provide protection from the stomach digestive distraction, and allows for the delivery of the biologically active compounds in the intestine.


Vaccine News – How a vaccine idea can win you $25,000

Brittney Kara encourages parents to do their research before allowing toxic vaccines to be injected into their children. Start your research by watching Vaccines Revealed featuring 24 vaccine experts by clicking here and go to to read Brittney’s vaccine free overview.

..a quick rant with some articles to read about the scam of vaccinationgetting you to THINK outside the box…THE ADULT VACCINE MANDATES ARE RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER…get ready to poison yourself and your children now…like big pharma wants you healthy…just look at the health in the US!!!…it’s beyond deplorable!!
Sherri TenpennyHighWire with Del Bigtree Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines and Current Events Del Bigtree Suzanne Humphries NVIC Advocacy NVIC Barbara Loe Fisher We Are Vaxxed Vaxxed – A Revolution For Choice Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe Robert F. Kennedy Patrick Gentempo VaccinesRevealed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr World Mercury Project David Wolfe Norman Colby Dr. Michael B. Dibley Jack Wolfson Jodi Hauver Dr Wakefield’s work must continue

WATCH THIS NOW!! Former pharmaceutical rep & Founder of Brandy Vaughan explains why YOU should be scared about what’s coming down in terms of mandatory vaccines. Even if you think vaccines are great, you might not want the 271 coming next.
Think that mandatory vaccines aren’t your problem? Think because your kids are grown you are safe? Think because you don’t have kids, they won’t come for you? THINK AGAIN!!
Do your research here:
Join the movement by liking us on FB, joining our group (, volunteering in your local area and supporting the education campaign:

Per tutti i dipendenti pubblici che hanno votato si all’obbligo proponiamo che siano essi stessi per primi a riceverle, per dare il buon esempio
For all public employees who have voted, we propose that they be themselves first to receive them, to set a good example

#VaXism NEWS
Medical professionals often show a distinct lack of humility. Is this really a bad thing?
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This dog was recently vaccinated. Be aware pet owners and parents. This outcome is not rare. 😥
“Since last Wednesday we have been heartbroken and struggling with trying to heal our puppy with still no resolution. We had taken our perfectly healthy German Shepherd puppy for his 2nd set puppy vaccines at (10 weeks) . Shortly after receiving the vaccine I noticed heaving breathing,foam on his face, over the next few days progressed into “chewing gum seizures.” We have taken him to 3 different vets and spent over $1,000.00 all test results have came back negative. We are sent home after paying all this money with no closure and have to watch our puppy still suffer. Leading me to believe that this is a vaccinne inflicted injury. Vets are trying to avoid stating that this is a reaction from the vaccine they adminstered to my puppy. We are reaching out to our family, friends, and community to support us with prayers. Any information you can share would be appreciated.”

Mike Rowe – The Way I Heard It
#VaXism NEWS
#TrueStory Dr Ignaz Semmelweis
via Lindey Hughes Magee
What is it like to be absolutely certain that you’re correct about something important, but utterly, completely, totally, irreverently not believed? Who can identify?
The truth, though difficult to believe and a very dark place for some to go, is STILL the truth and that is:
Vaccines cause harm and death.
I so love Mike’s retelling of this story. This same complicit activity is playing out in pediatric clinics across the nation.
Many medical professionals choose to ignore rather than face the terrible truth. I get it…I know it can’t be easy to go there, but the cost of their self-importance and comfort (although illusionary) is far too great. It requires they dismiss and disrespect those who know the truth (the mothers they condemn, coerce and bully).
But the greatest crime of their willful ignorance and silence? It is costing children their very health and lives.

Honeysuckle: Nature’s Safe and Effective Flu Remedy, According To The Research

Dott. Mozzi: vaccini, morbillo, Charlie Gard, indebolimento collettivo, illusione del progresso
Dr… Hubs: vaccines, measles, Charlie Gard, collective weakening, illusion of progress
“I met with a pediatrician today and she said she watched Vaccines Revealed and she was shocked. She said she looked up the research and it was all there. She said she doesn’t know how to continue her practice as is. She said, should she read the parents the vaccine inserts and let them choose or just cold turkey quit. I hugged her neck and thanked God for opening her eyes.” The free replay is right here . . .
#RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VAXXED

Study – A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States
In phase I, it was observed that there was a significantly increased risk ratio for the incidence of ASD reported following the Thimerosal-containing DTaP vaccine in comparison to the Thimerosal-free DTaP vaccine. In phase II, it was observed that cases diagnosed with an ASD were significantly more likely than controls to receive increased organic-Hg from Thimerosal-containing hepatitis B vaccine administered within the first, second, and sixth month of life.

Routine childhood vaccination is an important public health tool to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with infectious diseases, but the present study provides new epidemiological evidence supporting an association between increasing organic-Hg exposure from Thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines and the subsequent risk of an ASD diagnosis.

Did Vaccines Eradicate Diseases in the 20th Century?
Vaccines and Infectious Diseases
If you ask most doctors about infectious diseases in the 20th century they will tell you that vaccines eradicated them, end of story! This is a particularly touchy subject within the vaccine debate and when we look at the facts supporting this theory, it is actually more akin to a religious belief than scientific fact. Our health officials continue to tell the same scripted story, but the whole body of evidence suggests otherwise. One of the ways this part of the debate has been stifled is that we are not even allowed to suggest that there may be other reasons diseases were eradicated, without being labeled a quack or kook. This is quite astonishing when you realize that the data for such an assertion is so weak and really tells a different story. In part 8 we will drill down deeper into all the information surrounding infectious diseases in the 20th century and find out what really eradicated them.

Top Industries 1998 – 2017

Industry                                               Total
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $3,655,608,875
Insurance                                            $2,537,159,781

A staggering number of children are diagnosed with allergies, asthma, autism, and other autoimmune disorders.
Parents need answers and we need to talk.
We made this video to explain how vaccines can trigger or exacerbate autoimmune conditions. Please pass it on to anyone who might be looking to learn more.

Aluminum Dangers Uncovered in Documentary on “Mysterious Illness” Linked to Aluminum-Containing Vaccines
Estimated 10,000 Victims and Industry Corruption Among Startling Revelations in “Injecting Aluminum”
In mid-July, France celebrated Bastille Day, the national holiday that commemorates the core values of the French Revolution, including liberty. Ironically, in the same month, the “on the move” administration of newly elected French president Emmanuel Macron passed a law that nearly quadruples the number of vaccines forced on French children, from three compulsory vaccines currently to eleven next year. According to a report in Newsweek, French Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn regrets the need for “coercion” but believes that “there are times when [it] is a good thing.”
Interestingly, a global survey conducted in late 2015 that investigated public attitudes toward vaccines found that France had the lowest level of confidence in vaccine safety across the 67 countries surveyed. Two-fifths (41%) of French respondents (versus a global average of 13%) disagreed that vaccines are safe. The incurious authors of the study, concerned only about the potential for “vaccine confidence crises,” failed to ask a crucial question: Why do so many French citizens have concerns about vaccine safety?

The State of Vaccine Confidence 2016: Global Insights Through a 67-Country Survey

•Overall vaccine confidence is positive, though responses differ between countries.
•The European region has the lowest confidence in vaccine safety with France the least confident globally.
•Bangladesh, Ecuador, and Iran reported highest agreement that vaccines are important.
•Azerbaijan, Russia, and Italy reported most skepticism around vaccine importance.
•Education increases confidence in vaccine importance and effectiveness but not safety.

How the Government is Hiding Vaccine-Related Deaths
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Vaccine scientists and the public health community cautiously and occasionally will admit that vaccines can cause adverse reactions just like “any other medication or biological product.” Although experts are less willing to openly disclose the fact that adverse reactions can and do include death, one has only to look at reports to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to see that mortality is a possible outcome. From 1990 through 2010, for example, VAERS received 1,881 reports of infant deaths following vaccination, representing 4.8% of the adverse events reported for infants over the 20-year period. Moreover, analysts acknowledge that VAERS, as a passive surveillance system, is subject to substantial underreporting. A federal government report from 2010 affirms that VAERS captures only about 1% of vaccine adverse reports.
On the international frontier, the public health community—with the World Health Organization (WHO) in the vanguard—previously used a six-category framework to investigate and categorize serious adverse events following immunization (AEFI), including death. Guided by this tool, public health teams examined temporal criteria and possible alternative explanations to determine whether the relationship of an AEFI to vaccine administration was “very likely/certain,” “probable,” “possible,” “unlikely,” “unrelated,” or “unclassifiable.”

Study – Assessment of causality of individual adverse events following immunization (AEFI): a WHO tool for global use.
Serious illnesses or even deaths may rarely occur after childhood vaccinations. Public health programs are faced with great challenges to establish if the events presenting after the administration of a vaccine are due to other conditions, and hence a coincidental presentation, rather than caused by the administered vaccines. Given its priority, the Global Advisory Committee for Vaccine Safety (GACVS) commissioned a group of experts to review the previously published World Health Organization (WHO) Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) causality assessment methodology and aide-memoire, and to develop a standardized and user friendly tool to assist health care personnel in the processing and interpretation of data on individual events, and to assess the causality after AEFIs. We describe a tool developed for causality assessment of individual AEFIs that includes: (a) an eligibility component for the assessment that reviews the diagnosis associated with the event and identifies the administered vaccines; (b) a checklist that systematically guides users to gather available information to feed a decision algorithm; and (c) a decision support algorithm that assists the assessors to come to a classification of the individual AEFI. Final classification generated by the process includes four categories in which the event is either: (1) consistent; (2) inconsistent; or (3) indeterminate with respect of causal association; or (4) unclassifiable. Subcategories are identified to assist assessors in resulting public health decisions that can be used for action. This proposed tool should support the classification of AEFI cases in a standardized, transparent manner and to collect essential information during AEFI investigation. The algorithm should provide countries and health officials at the global level with an instrument to respond to vaccine safety alerts, and support the education, research and policy decisions on immunization safety.

Study – Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)1990-2010
In this study, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, 1990–2010, was investigated; cases that specified either hospitalization or death were identified among 38,801 reports of infants. Based on the types of vaccines reported, the actual number of vaccine doses administered, from 1 to 8, was summed for each case. Linear regression analysis of hospitalization rates as a function of (a) the number of reported vaccine doses and (b) patient age yielded a linear relationship with r 2 ¼ 0.91 and r 2 ¼ 0.95, respectively. The hospitalization rate increased linearly from 11.0% (107 of 969) for 2 doses to 23.5% (661 of 2817) for 8 doses and decreased linearly from 20.1% (154 of 765) for children aged <0.1 year to 10.7% (86 of 801) for children aged 0.9 year. The rate ratio (RR) of the mortality rate for 5–8 vaccine doses to 1–4 vaccine doses is 1.5 (95% confidence interval (CI), 1.4–1.7), indicating a statistically significant increase from 3.6% (95% CI, 3.2–3.9%) deaths associated with 1–4 vaccine doses to 5.5% (95% CI, 5.2–5.7%) associated with 5–8 vaccine doses. The male-to-female mortality RR was 1.4 (95% CI, 1.3–1.5). Our findings show a positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses administered and the percentage of hospitalizations and deaths. Since vaccines are given to millions of infants annually, it is imperative that health authorities have scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines that infants might receive. Finding ways to increase vaccine safety should be the highest priority.

Safety monitoring in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conduct post-licensure vaccine safety monitoring using the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a spontaneous (or passive) reporting system. This means that after a vaccine is approved, CDC and FDA continue to monitor safety while it is distributed in the marketplace for use by collecting and analyzing spontaneous reports of adverse events that occur in persons following vaccination. Various methods and statistical techniques are used to analyze VAERS data, which CDC and FDA use to guide further safety evaluations and inform decisions around vaccine recommendations and regulatory action. VAERS data must be interpreted with caution due to the inherent limitations of passive surveillance. VAERS is primarily a safety signal detection and hypothesis generating system. Generally, VAERS data cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused an adverse event. VAERS data interpreted alone or out of context can lead to erroneous conclusions about cause and effect as well as the risk of adverse events occurring following vaccination. CDC makes VAERS data available to the public and readily accessible online.
We describe fundamental vaccine safety concepts, provide an overview of VAERS for healthcare professionals who provide vaccinations and might want to report or better understand a vaccine adverse event, and explain how CDC and FDA analyze VAERS data. We also describe strengths and limitations, and address common misconceptions about VAERS. Information in this review will be helpful for healthcare professionals counseling patients, parents, and others on vaccine safety and benefit-risk balance of vaccination.

Study – Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)
Electronic medical records available from all ambulatory care encounters in a large multi-specialty practice were used. Every patient receiving a vaccine was automatically identified, and for the next 30 days, their health care diagnostic codes, laboratory tests, and medication prescriptions were evaluated for values suggestive of an adverse event.
Restructuring at CDC and consequent delays in terms of decision making have made it challenging despite best efforts to move forward with discussions regarding the evaluation of ESP:VAERS performance in a randomized trial and comparison of ESP:VAERS performance to existing VAERS and Vaccine Safety Datalink data. However, Preliminary data were collected and analyzed and this initiative has been presented at a number of national symposia.

Publication title
WHO – Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI): Causality Assessment
Publisher: World Health Organization

Vaccine Manufacturer Offering Doctors in Australia $25.000 To Boost Vaccination Rates
GPs are being offered $100,000 for the most innovative idea to improve vaccination rates in Australian communities where uptake is low.
Sanofi Pasteur is calling for submissions for immunisation providers to share their unique and replicable ideas to receive one of four $25,000 grants as part of the Vaxigrants program.

How a vaccine idea can win you $25,000
Sanofi Pasteur | 19 July, 2016
GPs are being offered $100,000 for the most innovative idea to improve vaccination rates in Australian communities where uptake is low. Sanofi Pasteur is calling for…

God Does Not Support Vaccines
Megan Heimer July 7, 2014
Christians, we need to talk. If you are not a Christian, this post is not for you. I still love you. I still accept you. I don’t know what you believe and I’m not trying to convince you to believe otherwise. People who practice other religions…sorry, I am not well versed in the art of your faith so you’ll find little help in this post. Nominal (“in name only”) Christians, this post isn’t for you either.
No judgment here, but I need to speak to my Jesus peeps. You see, there’s this little thing called a religious exemption, and it’s being threatened. A religious exemption is offered in 48 states and gives you the right to opt out of vaccinations if it is objectionable to your faith. And in case you’re wondering, God does not support vaccines, and it is objectionable to our faith.
If you’re a Christian you should care.
I’m not a fortune-teller (usually), but let me tell you what’s happening right under your nose. First, they’ll go after the philosophical exemption. It’s the easiest exemption to get and the easiest exemption to get rid of. Next, they’ll start infringing upon the religious exemption claiming things like, “religious objectors are not constitutionally exempt from vaccinations.” They’ll tell you (like in New York) that you can get a religious exemption but you’ll have to use the magic words and hope that the person who probably doesn’t believe in God and knows nothing about your faith is having a good day. In some states, health departments are making up lies that they are no longer allowed to pass out the exemption cards required to be on file with schools, banking on the hopes that they won’t be questioned.
Eventually, they’ll do away with the religious exemption all together like West Virginia and Mississippi already have. Your only recourse will be to homeschool. Finally, when enough people start homeschooling…they’ll come after you and your kids too. Most states already regulate homeschooling. Do you think they’re above adding a little vaccination requirement? Vaccine enthusiasts are already coming door to door in some areas. Thankfully, you can still shut the door in their face.
Yes, I know a recent ruling just went through in New York that enforced an already existing policy (one that actually exists in most states) that says a school can tell your kid to stay home when there’s an outbreak, even if they have a religious exemption. And I know, pro-vaccine advocates are getting “physician” guest bloggers who claim to be Christian to paraphrase a few Bible verses and tell you to get vaccines in the name of “loving your neighbor” and all that.
Then there’s the propaganda by religious leaders geared towards people like us. If your pastor says it’s okay … then it must be okay right? No … because your pastor isn’t Jesus and probably hasn’t read the vaccine inserts or additives list. And, he was probably told that God loves children who get measles more than vaccine-injured children. Chances are though, like many Christians, he hasn’t even thought about it.
Oh, but it gets worse. There’s also the “extreme crazy Christian” angle, which is how people (even some Christians) who vaccinate like to portray Christians who don’t. You know, the “God gave me an immune system so I’m just going to “faith-heal myself well” and He will protect me while I roll around in polio.” This is certainly within God’s power; but guys, we can do so much better.

DO NO HARM FILM – Exposing the Hippocratic Hoax – FINAL DAYS
Doctors who take an oath to save lives are taking their own at an alarming rate, trapped in a toxic system that threatens ALL patients.
A significant truth exposed by this film is that poor treatment of our doctors puts us ALL at risk. Marathon work hours lead to sleep deprivation which in turn increases the incidence of medical mistakes.
DO NO HARM examines the root causes of the epidemic and casts a spotlight on a broken system which has been harming our healers and through extension, harming us all. It examines intimate stories of suicidal doctors and grieving families who’ve suffered the ultimate loss. Their words are stark, honest, and compelling, and serve as a heartfelt backdrop to commentary and analysis by best-selling authors and educators who reveal the flawed culture underlying this epidemic. The film meets with leaders of the ACGME, AAMC, and AMA and engages them about the complicated issues underlying the overall system, and what their organizations can better do to protect our doctors and by doing that, protect our patients, and our society – all of us. Thanks for reading.
DO NO HARM won the prestigious 2016 Roy W. Dean Grant for feature film documentary. It was cited for its importance of concept and its vision. The decision was unanimous.

Macquarie peeps #vaxxed #truth #science #praybig #Australia

When Dogma Destroys Deduction: Retinal Bleeding, Shaken Baby Syndrome and Vaccines
Posted on July 12, 2017
By Jim Meehan, Natural Blaze
My name is Jim Meehan, MD. I am an ophthalmologist and former associate editor of the Journal of Ocular Immunology and Inflammation. During my work with the journal I reviewed two papers seeking publication of research reporting an association between the MMR vaccine and retinal vasculitis in children. The research framed a compelling case for the association of recent vaccination with Merck’s MMR vaccine and a type of bleeding in the back of children’s eyes that to this day is considered a cardinal sign for traumatic child abuse.
Despite my support for the publication of the research, I was not surprised when the papers were rejected.
Retinal hemorrhaging can be caused by a vasculitic reaction, an inflammatory reaction in the blood vessels of the retina. The inflammation can be so pronounced that it results in leaking and bleeding of the blood vessels of the retina. This bleeding can be seen on funduscopic examination of the retina (the back of the eye). The pattern of bleeding can appear as “dot-blot hemorrhages,” which, when it’s seen in a child, is taught to be pathognomonic, or a cardinal sign, of child abuse, called Shaken-Baby-Syndrome (SBS). Interestingly, I don’t recall ever being taught to consider adult abuse when I see it in a patient with similar retinal findings. No, in an adult the most common causes are diabetes mellitus, hypertension, vascular occlusive disease, or autoimmune disease.
Nevertheless, there is a large body of compelling ophthalmologic research that supports retinal hemorrhages in a child as a cardinal sign of abuse. Believe me, I’ve read and considered all of it. There’s just this gnawing doubt that we’ve missed something and made up a great story that seems to neatly explain everything. Accept for me and my experience it doesn’t. And like any good scientist I won’t consider the “science settled.”
I was in my ophthalmology residency training at the time I edited for the journal. At that time, I was still well indoctrinated in the medical orthodoxy of vaccines and vaccine safety. Nevertheless, personal experiences as a first year ophthalmology resident physician had made me skeptical of child abuse as the only possible cause of the retinal bleeding in the babies brought to the ER by their parents.
When Dogma Destroys Deduction: Retinal Bleeding, Shaken Baby Syndrome and #Vaccines – #Vaccination #vaccineswork

Torino prosecutor opens investigation over “suspect substances” from the Hexa vaccine
Torino, vaccini: procura apre un’inchiesta dopo l’esposto del Codacons
L’associazione dei consumatori chiede che si faccia chiarezza sulle combinazioni sulle vaccinazioni esavalenti
La Procura di Torino ha aperto un’inchiesta sui vaccini messi in commercio in Italia in seguito a un esposto inviato dal Codacons. L’associazione dei consumatori chiede di fare chiarezza sul vaccino esavalente e sugli effetti della combinazione di 6 vaccinazioni per la salute umana.
Al centro dell’esposto del Codacons “c’è uno studio scientifico pubblicato a gennaio dall’International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination e condotto da due specialisti in nanotecnologie, Antonietta Gatti e Stefano Montanari – spiega l’associazione – che hanno analizzato i vaccini esavalenti della Glaxo rilevando una contaminazione da micro e nanoparticelle”.

Procuratura din Torino anchetează „substanțe suspecte” din vaccinul hexavalent

Vaccine News – Libertà di scelta – Siamo in Marcia, No obbligo vaccino

Typical of mainstream broadcast radio. Invite an opposing view on and not even allow for a response to statements made.
#vaxxed #Praybig #fakenews
Is this really the type of treatment a PhD researcher like Dr Brian Hooker receives from Australian media? He was ASKED to call back to discuss the issue of vaccine-induced autism, he was kept on hold for 30 minutes and never allowed to speak while a doctor with multiple vested interests who knew nothing about the composition of vaccines or even which vaccines are on the schedule spouted a bunch of lies about vaccines

For those that don’t know who Paul Offit is…he is the poster child for vaccines, supposedly all knowing and many Drs and professionals turn to him for vaccine knowledge.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr discusses his very revealing, recorded talk with Paul Offit.
There is MUCH more to be revealed concerning vaccines and if you’re a parent, you have the RIGHT to know! See this groundbreaking docu-series, replaying now >>>
#RevolutionForChoice #VAXXED #InformedConsent #OffitForProfit #CDC #CDCWhistleblower

Non c’è che dire, 5000 persone in piazza a Vicenza dopo Roma e prima di Milano solo i veneti sono in grado di farlo.
Grazie a tutti!
There is nothing to say, 5000 people in piazza in vicenza after Rome and before Milan only the veneti are able to do so.
Thank you all!

Mike Adams – If you’re being forced to take a vaccine against your will, here’s how you can protect yourself from vaccine toxins

l’intervento del giudice Ferdinando Imposimato! #liberascelta
The intervention of judge ferdinando imposimato! #Liberascelta

“De vaccinerede piger” (with English Subs) for international viewing

FLI Australia – Truth and Gardasil: Interview with Dr Deirdre Little

Gardasil Researcher say’s “Don’t Do It” by Dr. Pam Popper
Please don’t subject your kids to this deadly vaccination, it’s more deadly than the cancer it professes to protect your kids from. And this is all portrayed by MERCK without a single ounce of proof! Just more Hope and Change from another useless direction.

SEVERE GARDASIL INJURIES & COVER-UP! ~ Mothers Speak at NYC City Hall 1-20-16
Mothers SPEAK about their children’s reactions to Gardasil:
Letter from Dr. Sin Hang Lee to Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization and copied to: the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Japan (as well to as the Minster), Thomas Frieden, Director of the CDC and the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stuart McCutcheon, The University of Auckland.
Norma Erickson and Freda Birrell of report on Cover-up of Scientific Data. LISTEN:
YAHOO! Finance published Weston A. Price Foundation article, “OFFICIALS COVER UP DANGERS OF HPV VACCINE”

Judy Mikovits PhD – HPV, Gardasil risks, #Vaxxed
Judy Mikovits PhD and the HPV vaccine. Is the HPV vaccine really worth the risk over having HPV? What are the detrimental effects of the vaccine? Can you treat HPV vaccine injuries? What is the best way to prevent cervical cancer?

Whoops! Senator Dr. Richard Pan inadvertently revealed his true plan for medically independent families in California and showed why he needs to brush up on his history books.
Shares work better than likes!
Medical bracelets, T-Shirts, Books & Stickers for sale:
All video episodes on YouTube:
#sb277 #vaxxed #panran

Doctors told them fainting was “normal” after receiving the vaccine!!!
Stop allowing your children to be used in this large-scale human experiment … Learn all you can and protect your families >>>
AIKEN, S.C. (WJBF) – An Aiken family says they found out the hard way that trying to prevent one illness caused several more. NewsChannel 6 spoke exclusively with the Wall family about how their daughter went from cancer prevention to sickness.
“I used to scare my mom because I sank to the bottom and just stared at her, ” said 12-year-old Georgia, who could swim before she could walk.
“I’d kick myself back up and take a breath and went back down,” she proudly exclaimed.
Now that she can walk. Her parents say getting up to do so is a challenge.
Carolyn Wall, Georgia’s mother described what’s going on with Georgia.
“Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Basically, when she’s sitting down her heart rate is one thing and she doesn’t have enough blood volume or blood pressure to push the blood back up to the brain like it’s supposed to go,” she said.
POTS is a cardiovascular disorder that is a cluster of symptoms, a syndrome. Wall said her very active child never showed signs of before being vaccinated.
“I believe with all my heart that the Gardasil vaccination did this to her,” mom stated.
Gardasil, approved for use by the FDA in June of 2006, is a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine the pharmaceutical company Merck describes as helping protect girls and boys against HPV related cervical, vaginal, penile and anal cancers. It’s typically given at age 11 or 12 through age 26, but it can be given as young as age 9. But when Georgia received her first shot it was bad.
“Georgia didn’t just lose color, she looked green. I watched my baby go boom and hit the ground,” said Wall, who added she even hit the ground too in shock.
Doctors told them fainting was normal after receiving the vaccine. We even found that it is listed as a symptom on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website, along with dizziness and many other symptoms Georgia has. But her mother said this vaccine robbed her daughter’s life, even at church.
“In front of 200 kids, the band is on stage, the kids are in front of the stage, she has a seizure,” she recalled along with the horror she felt.
Georgia’s mom even recorded a few cell phone videos of the bad days.
“Where does it feel frustrated at?” She asked.
“I don’t know!” Georgia responded.
Georgia takes medications to control the symptoms. Florinef is one of them and she said it makes her hallucinate.
“I feel nauseous and weak,” she explained after one dose during a cell phone taped moment.
Carolyn has pages of physician notes that point to Georgia’s POTS and the “frequent flares of fatigue” as one document describes. And there’s this one study published in a scholarly journal called Vaccine linking the HPV vaccine to POTS. >>>>
“Sylvia, my daughter who is 20 now, is also her [Georgia’s] cousin. When she was 12 I took her to get the Gardasil vaccination and immediately as soon as she received the vaccination she had a seizure,” Vickie Daman said.
Hearing stories from a community of HPV vaccination mothers near and far keeps the Walls fighting. But then there’s faith.
“Hold her and pray and thank the good Lord she did wake up. But some mothers don’t have that privilege. Some of these little girls don’t wake up,” she cried.
Georgia is seeing a holistic doctor and they said she’s feeling a little better. But it’s the prayers they are depending on the most.
The Wall family is also depending on donations from the community as well as the decline of Georgia’s health forced Carolyn out of work temporarily and caused Georgia’s father to switch jobs. The family also had to change health care providers, which caused them to pay a deductible all over again. A Go Fund Me account has been set up to assist them with their financial needs.
Pub Med Study:
Only through knowledge and AWARENESS will this end…
Protect your families >>>
#Gardasil #Cervarix #RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VAXXED

In diretta da Montecitorio per la libera scelta
Live from montecitorio for free choice

GLI ITALIANI SI RIBELLANO , non solo per la libera scelta vaccini,
ecco la fiaccolata “STOP PESTICIDI ” a Conegliano il 20 luglio 2017
Italians rebel, not only for free choice vaccines,
“stop pesticides” in conegliano on July 20, 2017
Partenza della fiaccolata #stopPesticidi a Conegliano !
Departure of the torchlight torchlight in conegliano!

Tout savoir sur les vaccins en 10 minutes! Michel Georget, spécialiste de la vaccination répond au Vrai Faux sur les vaccins. Son livre “Vaccinations, les vérités indésirables”
Everything about vaccines in 10 minutes! Michel Georget, a specialist in vaccination, responds to the true false on vaccines. His book “Vaccinations, undesirable truths”

Libertà di scelta – Siamo in Marcia, No obbligo vaccino.
Freedom of choice – we are on the road, no vaccine requirement.
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They Knew
Full Interview on YouTube:
#PrayBig #Vaxxed #VaxxedMMR