Just News – Through The Black – Gary Wayne * Secret Societies * Atlantis * Gnosticism * Prophecy


Through The Black – Gary Wayne * Secret Societies * Atlantis * Gnosticism * Prophecy

I had the pleasure of hanging out with Gary Wayne and he answered lots of questions from my ADHD brain. This dude is an incredible researcher whom I have growing respect for. Please go purchase his book and dig in 🙂 http://genesis6conspiracy.com *Through The Black T-Shirts are now available. We want to make it easy for you to start the conversations with people you want to have. Now you have a tool and a show to help you !* https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=w_bl_sl_… Gregs Books: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_bylin…

In this 1916 book you have the whole big picture about the ultimate goal of all the secret societies.

Fundamental Laws – A report of the 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order – 1916
It is also explained in this show:
William (Bill) Cooper – The Hour of the Time – 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order

The same is explained in 1967 recording narrated by Myron Fagan
This 3x LP record set from 1967 documents the activities of a secret society known as The Illuminati, and their New World Order. Mr. Fagan describes with documentary evidence how the ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a “One World Government”. Mr. Fagan relentlessly uncovered plots for major historical events. Myron Fagan is considered to be the archetype for the PCT (Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist) This Recording is one of the most interesting and yet horrifying, factual stories of some of the most sensational plots in the history of the world. The findings by Mr. Fagan were split into 6 parts, between these 3 records and are presented to you here, in full. Each record has some descriptive notes on the back of each jacket such as… *Eliminate the Illuminati…see that this message is heard!!! * Play this for the unaware, uninformed and well meaning people who desire to hear the truth. Don’t waste your time on the hard core socialists who have already repudiated principle. * Buy Air-time with your club or organization! Get free time! No station is too small! * Use at coffees – Luncheons – meetings – everywhere and often. We must succeed – Our children’s liberty is at stake – Freedom has no substitute – America no equal!

The only way that we can pause this is through numbers. A large portion of us has to be awake, born again and active.
Otherwise the whole thing is just going to speed up until the climatic end described in the Revelations.
Everything is out in the open.

Just News – William (Bill) Cooper – The Hour of the Time – 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order

William (Bill) Cooper – The Hour of the Time – 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order

No. 20 of the best radio show ever. Milton William (Bill) Cooper gave his life so we, one day, could be free. Download this Book as a PDF right here: https://ia802705.us.archive.org/32/it…

My original title: “William (Bill) Cooper – The Hour of the Time – 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order”.

Spiritual News – AMTV – Will YOU Bear the Cross & Let Jesus Lead?

AMTV – Will YOU Bear the Cross & Let Jesus Lead?
Start your FREE trial! https://amtvmedia.vhx.tv/
Breaking News, Videos & Special Reports

9 year old sees Jesus, and he tells her to warn everyone that he is coming back soon.
Letter from an Unsaved Friend………….My friend, I stand in judgment now, and feel that you’re to blame somehow. On earth I walked with you by day, and never did you show the way.You knew Jesus the Saviour in truth and glory, But never did you tell the story. My knowledge then was very dim. You could have led me safe to Him.Though we lived together, here on earth, you never told me of the second birth. And now I stand before eternal hell, because of heaven’s glory you did not tell! Dear friend, as a born again Christian and a believer in Jesus Christ I have a duty to share the good news of Jesus Christ with you . It is called the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ and it stands for God offering sinful people eternal life. there is a life after death. Heaven or Hell. The Bible says ” Whoever calls on the name of The Lord shall be saved !!! acts 2:21 And this is the promise that he has promised us ETERNAL LIFE 1 John 2:25 .While worshipping The Lord this afternoon my daughter had a vision of Jesus telling he that he is coming soon. God is even using children to declare his promises and what is to come. God bless uou, The King is coming . Please invite him into your heart as Lord and Saviour. Time is quickly running out, and the age of Grace is ending. Jesus is coming back, are you ready? Trumpet sounds are being heard and recorded all over the world, videos on youtube of strange trumpet sounds from heaven are being heard by me and thousands of others. Jesus could come back today, he said he will come like a thief, so it’s better to be ready than to be caught unawares. If you wish to be taken to heaven than you must repent and turn from sin, (Romans 10:9-10) Repent ,Confess, Believe – This is How You’re Saved! – PRAY OUT LOUD! “Dear Heavenly Father, I am a sinner, and I am Guilty of Sin against you. I REPENT and turn from all Sin. I’m Sorry for my Sins. Please Forgive Me Of My Sins. I forgive, everyone that has offended me, including my Family, My Friends, and My Enemies. So Lord I ask you to forgive me of ALL OF MY SINS. I believe that Jesus died for my sins on the Cross, was buried, and rose from the dead On the 3rd Day. Come into my Heart and be My Lord and Savior. Thank you for dying for my sins. Thank you for forgiving me. From this day forward I will Live for you, and follow you. Satan I renounce you. you are not my god. I will not serve you. I choose JESUS as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus name I Pray, Amen. time is seriously up. Is your name in the book of life? The bible says of your name is not found in there then you will be cast into the lake of fire. Choose Jesus, choose life. The rapture is about to happen and millions are about to be taken to heaven by Jesus. Maranatha.

11 yr Old Went to Heaven and Back, and Tells What He Saw!
When he was 3, Colton Burpo went to heaven during an operation on his ruptured appendix, and at now age 11, tells what he saw and heard!

Texas Teen Says He Saw Jesus Before Being Revived

8 Year old Sees a Vision of Jesus Coming Back in the Sky

8 year old boy has visions of the last days!!!!!
This was recorded 1/20/17 these visions happened within the first half of the 8:00 hour. He was wide awake and very serious about what he is describing. He has read Revelation and some of this can be what he has read, but a lot of what he described is not described in revelation. I am not entirely sure what this was but he is very sure of what he said he experienced.Any insight would be good and everyone give your life to Christ he is coming back soon!!!! God bless you all!!!!!

How to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour

1 Corinthians 15 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Hebrews 6 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
2 of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
3 And this will we do, if God permit.
4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5 and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6 if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
8 but that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.

Just News – Hiding In Plain Sight: The Global Pedophile Ring Exposed

The Sacred Science – Documentary Film
Discover The Healing Power Of Ancient Herbs In This Award-winning
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Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting Does To Your Brain & Why Big Pharma Won’t Study It
Arjun WaliaDecember 11, 2015
“Dietary changes have long been known to have an effect on the brain. Children who suffer from epileptic seizures have fewer of them when placed on caloric restriction or fasts. It is believed that fasting helps kick-start protective measures that help counteract the overexcited signals that epileptic brains often exhibit. (Some children with epilepsy have also benefited from a specific high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet.) Normal brains, when overfed, can experience another kind of uncontrolled excitation, impairing the brain’s function, Mattson and another researcher reported in January in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience.” (source)

Intermittent Fasting For Women, What You Need To Know To Avoid Hormonal Imbalance
Alanna KetlerMay 17, 2017
What Is Intermittent Fasting?
First off, you may have no idea what intermittent fasting even is, so let me explain. The process of intermittent fasting involves restricting the eating period to an 8-10 hour window, so that you are going between 12 and 16 hours or more with absolutely no food in your system. Water, herbal tea, and black coffee are fine, however.
While this may sound really difficult to achieve, especially if you are someone who likes to eat at night, consider this: If you normally have dinner at 7pm and don’t eat anything until 10am the next day, you are already doing it, because you are going 15 hours without food. Basically cutting out that late night snack might be all you need to make intermittent fasting a part of your routine.
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Medical studies have shown that intermittent fasting can:
Increase energy
Improve cognitive function, memory, and focus
Make us less insulin resistant
Increases the immune system, improves heart health, lowers diabetes risk
Increases the production of brain neurotropic growth factor, a protein that promotes neuron growth, helping to make us more resistant to neurological stress and thus making us less susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases.

So, as you can see, this simple daily practice can absolutely be a great addition to your lifestyle.
Women and Intermittent Fasting
As mentioned above, intermittent fasting can have adverse effects on women and their hormones if not done correctly. Intermittent fasting is relatively new to the mainstream medical system and unfortunately, to date there haven’t been any conclusive studies conducted on the effects of intermittent fasting on women specifically. There have been several animal studies, however, and research has shown that after two weeks of intermittent fasting, female rats stopped having menstrual cycles and their ovaries shrunk. They also experienced more insomnia than the males who were also part of the study.

National paedophile ring exposed by WA arrest
EXCLUSIVE, Gabrielle Knowles
Monday, 15 May 2017 7:55PM
WA link to arrest of Channel 9 reporter Ben McCormack.
The arrest of a suspected child rapist in WA has helped expose a nationwide paedophile ring whose high-profile members allegedly include school teachers and a Sydney-based Channel 9 reporter.
A Current Affair journalist Ben McCormack was arrested last month after WA Police discovered the ring’s membership list as a result of an investigation that The West Australian can now reveal started in February with the arrest of the alleged offender in the State’s south.
That arrest gave police access to phone records, computer files and websites that the alleged child rapist had used to communicate with other members of the ring.
WA Police then shared that information with State and Federal counterparts who target apparent online predators, leading to inquiries around the country.
Investigators were not willing to discuss details of the operation yesterday, but it is understood the arrest of a WA Catholic primary school teacher in March was linked to the case.
It is understood a second teacher based in Queensland is also among those arrested.

The Video About Sharia Law Youtube Keeps Taking Down

The horrors presented in this video are things that most Muslims would rather not publicize. Yet it is the policy of many Muslim nations. How can the western world, who has moved on to maintain basic codes of human rights and freedom, as well as equality for human beings of all races, and genders, relate to these nations as equals and as partners in world policy. Why do these nations have representatives in the UN and in the UN’s human rights council?
We are living in a world where social justice is ignored, and where money is the answer to all human rights violations. We need to stand up against this evil and ask the real leaders of the world to treat the leaders of these countries as the criminals that they are.

Paedophile caught with 137,000 indecent images of children spared jail so he can start family
Telegraph Reporters
6 October 2016 • 9:09am
A paedophile who was found with more than 137,000 indecent images of children has been spared jail because he wants to start a family.
Richard Arrowsmith faced up to five years in prison but was handed a suspended sentence after telling a judge he wanted to become a father.
The 41-year-old was arrested after police received a tip-off in February that an IP address linked to his Sky account was used to download the pictures.
Officers executed a warrant at his home and seized a computer, external hard drive, laptop, mobile phone and USB sticks on April 19 this year.
A court heard a police computerised scanning system flagged up at least 10,000 indecent images and videos on the devices.

Hiding In Plain Sight: The Global Pedophile Ring Exposed
By Whitney Webb at trueactivist.com
Recent revelations regarding pedophile rings run by and for the rich and powerful show that these are not isolated incidents and part of a systemic, global problem targeting defenseless children.
Pedophilia scandals continue to emerge around the world year after year while the corporate media and law enforcement agencies alike fail to treat the sexual exploitation of minors as a global, systemic problem. As the number of child abuse scandals involving the rich and powerful continue to grow, it is becoming impossible to cover up that these instances of child sexual abuse and exploitation are globally organized and often run by the very same people who greatly influence society and politics. The entertainment industry, powerful political centers, and even organized religion have been shown to be major centers where this horrific abuse has been enabled and widely accepted among the “elites” and other powerful individuals that dominate these institutions. What follows are several examples of the widespread depravity practiced by some of the world’s most powerful people.
Earlier this year, world-famous actor Elijah Wood, who began his Hollywood career as a child star, made waves when he called out the “vipers” in the movie industry who “preyed upon” young children in an interview with the Sunday Times. Wood’s claims echoed those raised by numerous other former child stars, including Corey Feldman who famously told ABC news that “the number one problem in Hollywood was and always will be pedophilia.” Another former child actor, Allison Arngrim, who starred on the iconic TV series “Little House on the Prairie,” also seconded these claims, saying that “there are parents who will practically prostitute their kids in the hope they can make money and get ahead. It is a horrible trap that the kids are in.” Other parents of child actors remain silent out of fear even after finding out that their child was sexually abused. Fox News reported that a member of a well-known band, who chose to remain anonymous, found out his child was being victimized by another successful figure in the entertainment industry, who was 30 years her senior. The abuse was covered up with the parent’s complicity to prevent ruining the reputation of the perpetrator and his colleagues.

Smithsonian Admits to Destruction of Thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in Early 1900s
A ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court has forced the Smithsonian Institution to release classified documents dating from the early 1900’s.
Proving the organization had been involved in a historical cover-up of evidence showing giant human remains in the tens of thousands that were uncovered across America that were ordered to be destroyed by upper-level administrators to ensure protection of the mainstream chronology of human evolution in that time.
Allegations were made by the American institution of Alternative Archaeology (AIAA) that the Smithsonian Institution had destroyed thousand so giant human remains during the early 1900’s wasn’t taken so well by the Smithsonian who reacted by suing the organization for defamation and the damage of the 168-year old institution.
During the court case, new evidence was brought in as several Smithsonian whistle blowers admitted to the existence of documents that allegedly proved the destruction of tens of thousands of human skeletons reaching between 6 feet and 12 feet in height, a reality mainstream archeology can not admit to for different reasons, claims AIAA spokesman, James Churward.
“There has been a major cover up by western archaeological institutions since the early 1900′s to make us believe that America was first colonized by Asian peoples migrating through the Bering Strait 15,000 years ago, when in fact, there are hundreds of thousands of burial mounds all over America which the Natives claim were there a long time before them, and that show traces of a highly developed civilization, complex use of metal alloys and where giant human skeleton remains are frequently found but still go unreported in the media and news outlets” he explains.
A turning point of the case was when a 1.3 meter long human femur bone was shown as evidence in court of the existence of such giant human bones. The evidence came as a blow to the Smithsonian’s lawyers as the bone had been stolen from the Smithsonian by one of their high level curators in the mid 1930′s who had kept the bone all his life and admitted on his deathbed in writing of the undercover operations in the Smithsonian.

Red Cross Built Exactly 6 Homes For Haiti With Nearly Half A Billion Dollars In Donations
Justin Elliott and Laura Sullivan ProPublica
This story originally appeared on ProPublica.
The neighborhood of Campeche sprawls up a steep hillside in Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince. Goats rustle in trash that goes forever uncollected. Children kick a deflated volleyball in a dusty lot below a wall with a hand-painted the logo of the American Red Cross.
In late 2011, the Red Cross launched a multimillion-dollar project to transform the desperately poor area, which was hit hard by the earthquake that struck Haiti the year before. The main focus of the project — called LAMIKA, an acronym in Creole for “A Better Life in My Neighborhood” — was building hundreds of permanent homes.
Today, not one home has been built in Campeche. Many residents live in shacks made of rusty sheet metal, without access to drinkable water, electricity or basic sanitation. When it rains, their homes flood and residents bail out mud and water.
The Red Cross received an outpouring of donations after the quake, nearly half a billion dollars.
The group has publicly celebrated its work. But in fact, the Red Cross has repeatedly failed on the ground in Haiti. Confidential memos, emails from worried top officers, and accounts of a dozen frustrated and disappointed insiders show the charity has broken promises, squandered donations, and made dubious claims of success.
The Red Cross says it has provided homes to more than 130,000 people. But the actual number of permanent homes the group has built in all of Haiti: six.

Fukushima Dosed Everyone on Earth With Radiation According to Experts Researched scientists claim entire planet has been affected Posted
by: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 14th May 2017 @ 10.22pm
Japan’s 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster had an impact on every single person on Earth, according to scientists. The meltdown hit everyone on the planet with a dose of radiation, but fortunately, not enough to have a real impact. The disaster dosed everyone on Earth with radiation equivalent to that of a single x-ray, according to the first global survey of the radiation’s effect. In other words, a negligible amount. “We don’t need to worry,” said Nikolas Evangeliou, according to New Scientist. He is part of the team at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research that conducted the survey. The average person was dosed with 0.5 millisieverts of radiation from the accident. For those in the immediate vicinity of Fukushima, the amount was much higher, at about one to five millisieverts. It takes about 1000 millisieverts to cause radiation sickness. The World Nuclear Association holds that no deaths or cases of radiation sickness were caused by the accident. “More than 80 percent of the radiation was deposited in the ocean and poles, so I think the global population got the least exposure,” he said. “What I found was that we got one extra x-ray each.”


Just News – The Alex Jones Channel – Muslim War On Cross Cancels Easter In Egypt

The Alex Jones Channel – Muslim War On Cross Cancels Easter In Egypt
Due to fears of backlash by radical muslims Easter has been cancelled in Egypt.

Politically correct officials institutionally biased against Christian refugees, says ex-archbishop
Published time: 13 Apr, 2017 12:18
Christian refugees fleeing persecution in the Middle East face “discrimination” by the British government as only a small number are accepted under the UK’s flagship resettlement scheme, a member of the House of Lords says.
Lord Carey of Clifton, a former Archbishop of Canterbury, said that although Christians accounted for 10 percent of Syria’s population before the civil war erupted in 2011, they made up less than 1 percent of Syrian refugees who moved to the UK under the Vulnerable Persons Scheme in the third quarter of last year.

US and Uk Forces Crossing Into Syria from Jordan
US Generals have staged forces to surround Damascus. In February US Generals meet with Lebanese leaders to discuss military aid. Well that was a good cover to place US troops on Syria’s border to the West of Damascus. The independent news source, Already Happened, had uncovered on April 2,2017 two Ark ships that had loaded US military equipment in Romania that was bound for Beirut Lebanon. This shipment of military arms under the cover of Military aid to Lebanon no doubt will be staged for an assault on Damascus from the West. Israel has troops in the Golan currently involved in exercises making the for a tense situation after having already several confrontations with Syria over the past few months. If the US conducts a strike on Damascus it puts Israel in a prime position to either assist or protect their own interest from the Golan. The US and their allies have obviously planned for months to surround Damascus in a very clandestine way.

Attorney Suing Elite Pedophile Ring Shot Dead
April 7, 2017 Baxter Dmitry
An attorney who was working on multiple legal cases against members of the elite pedophile ring was shot dead in Atlanta on Monday.
Trinh Huynh, 40, was working pro bono with abuse victims on several legal cases involving high-profile elite pedophiles outside of her regular work at a law firm, and was said to have a “take no prisoners” attitude towards pedophiles, regardless of their status in society.
The brave attorney was executed in the street by multiple gunshots at 7:40am in midtown Atlanta on Monday in what police have described as a “targeted killing“.
The killer was captured on CCTV released by police and can be seen “acting calm” before identifying and approaching Huynh, shooting her in cold blood, and then casually jogging away after the killing.
Police have now arrested the alleged assassin, 39-year-old Raylon Browning, over the shooting, but admit they have yet to connect the dots between him and his victim.
Officers arrested him in nearby Cobb County after he was pulled over for running a red light by traffic police. A police spokesman said Browning was “unfazed” by the allegations.
Those who knew Huynh said she was an amazing woman with a kind heart who “always had a smile on face” despite the harrowing nature of her job.
But according to police, the brave attorney, fighting the elite pedophile ring, may have made herself a target.
“We definitely believe that she was a target,” Lt. Ricardo Vazquez said. “Why she was a target, we do not know that yet.”