Spiritual News – Kenneth E Hagin – Confession Series





Kenneth E Hagin – Confession Series 01 – Judging Yourself







Kenneth E Hagin – Confession Series 02 – The Four Kinds of Confession


Kenneth E Hagin – Confession Series 03 – Confession of Faith






Kenneth E Hagin – Confession Series 04 – Hold fast your Confession of Faith



Kenneth E Hagin – Confession Series 05 – Our Two Fold Redemption




Kenneth E Hagin – Confession Series 06 – Possessing What Is Ours


Black Goo : The Worlds Most Mysterious Substance

A shocking presentation by the brilliant German scientist, Harald Kautz Vella, offering unparalleled descriptions of A.I., Black Goo, Archons, & NASA’s deepest dark secret plans to usurp the bodies, minds, & Souls of all mankind.

Session 2:

Session 3:

Session 4:

Sentient Fluid Black Goo Fast Blast
Now updated with the AMMACH Project and Bases 18 Sessions. We are getting feedback these long versions are being blocked and banned in some countries.
Crucial hard data must follow, to back up Alistairs central claims of this sentient fluid exists at all, and the amount of it in London’s sewers, and the new life forms there.
The AMMACH Project reveals information on a Biomorphic “Sentient Fluid” which is an intelligent and aware “Black Goo”, found over 30 years ago on Thule Island, and taken to the UK Defence company Marconi. As featured in AMMACH report Bases 17 with David Griffin. It exists as physical fluid but also as an intelliegent “etheric” morphogenic energy.
Exposed and changed by this fluid, Alistair Martin comes forward describing this Sentient Fluid in the London sewage system, after it was dumped as unprofitable and of no further use for Defence “SuperSoldier” development. Alistair mentions his many military contacts during hours of interviews for Bases 18 and The AMMACH.
This Fluid is evolving and changing the DNA of life wherever it reaches a host.
Found in the sewers of West London, near Gloucester Road,and in ocean locations. Alistair’s own DNA has been changed after AirBorn contamination from this fluid.
Alistair is telepathic and spoke for this highly intelligent and aware fluid for this YouTube Fast Blast. Two major reports have been recorded for researchers and broadcast on PSTV (SKY-Ch191/2). A two part AMMACH Witnesses Report and BASES 18 a long format version over 4Hours
Also known as “Black Goo”
This is a world changing issue for all life on the planet, with a short time line of decades.

Evil Black Goo Used in Mecca and Vatican
Black Goo, the demonic substance that is used in some of the most strangest places. Starting with Mecca and even with Vatican.
This interview contains information which does not represent the beliefs or values of the ministry of Israeli News Live and is provided for deep investigation of the occult practices

David Hudson | ORMUS Conference Enota 2011

Harald Kautz(-Vella): Black Programmable matter-Black Goo, NWO-Agenda

Black Goo : The Worlds Most Mysterious Substance
Black Goo is an abiotic mineral oil from the upper crust containing high amounts of m-state gold and iridium. It has been found on Thule Island on the South Falkland Islands and under the Gulf of Mexico. Furthermore there exists a black oil schist containing this type of oil from earlier tectonic events. These events apparently broke up the crust of the earth.
Black Goo shows a hitherto unknown type of magnetism, much longer in range than ferromagnetism, that seems to be interactive in a spontaneous way, that very likely is based on bi-directional, annihilated photon exchange as known from m-state-matter in life-forms. Due to this magnetism Black Goo shows the ability to mechanically self-organize in many different ways and has been reported to carry highly intelligent consciousness.

Game over man ! – REPENT NOW

Update from RT News:

Russia’s Defense Ministry has cautioned the US-led coalition of carrying out airstrikes on Syrian army positions, adding that Syria has numerous S-300 and S-400 air defense systems up and running.


A 90 year old woman from a Lutheran Church in Valdres, Norway received a vision from God in the 1960’s. Emanuel Minos, a Norwegian Pentecostal evangelist, held revival meetings where this womanlived in 1968. She came to one of his meetings and told him what she had seen and Minos wrote it down. The woman from Valdres was known for being alert, reliable and a credible Christian with a good reputation.

[Beginning of the vision]


I saw the time just before the coming of Jesus and the outbreak of the Third World War. I saw the events with my natural eyes. I saw the world like a kind of a globe and saw Europe, nation by nation. I saw Scandinavia. I saw Norway. I saw certain things that would take place just before the return of Jesus, and just before the last calamity happens, a calamity the likes of which we have never before experienced.

She mentioned four waves:

1. First, before Jesus comes and before the Third World War breaks out, there will be a “détente” like we have never had before. There will be peace between the super powers in the east and the west, and there will be a long peace. {Note by Minos: Remember, that this was in 1968 when the cold war was at its highest.} In this period of peace, there will be disarmament in many countries, including in Norway and we will not be prepared when it (the war) comes. The Third World War will begin in such a way no one would have anticipated – and from an unexpected place.

2. A lukewarmness without parallel will take hold of Christians, causing a falling away from true, living Christianity. Christians will not be open to penetrating preaching. They will not, like in earlier times, want to hear of sin and grace, law and gospel, repentance and restoration. There will come a substitute instead: prosperity (happiness) Christianity.

The important thing will be to have success, to be someone; to have material things, things that God never promised us in this way. Churches and prayer houses will be emptier and emptier. Instead of the preaching we have been used to for generations (i.e. to take up your cross and follow Jesus), entertainment, art and culture will invade the churches where there instead should have been gatherings for repentance and revival. This will increase markedly just before the return of Jesus.

3. There will be a moral disintegration that old Norway has never experienced the likes of. People will live together like they were married without being married. {Note by Minos: I do not believe the concept of “co-habitation” existed in 1968} Much uncleanness before marriage, and much infidelity in marriage will become the natural or common and it will be justified from every angle. It will even enter Christian circles and be accepted – even sin against nature. Just before Jesus returns there will be TV programs like we have never experienced. {Note by Minos: TV had just arrived in Norway in 1968.}

TV will be filled with such horrible violence that it teaches people to murder and destroy each other, and it will be unsafe in our streets. People will copy what they see. There will not be only one “station” on TV, it will be filled with “stations.” {Note by Minos: She did not know the word “channel” which we use today. Therefore she called them stations.} TV will be just like the radio where we have many “stations,” and it will be filled with violence. People will use it for entertainment. We will see terrible scenes of murder and destruction one of the other and this will spread in society. Sex scenes will also be shown on the screen, the most intimate things that takes place in a marriage. {Note by Minos: I protested and said, “We have a law that forbids this kind of thing.”} Then the old woman said: “It will happen, and you will see it. All morals we have had before will be broken down and the most indecent things will pass before our eyes.

4. People from poor countries will stream to Europe. {Note by Minos: In 1968 there was no such thing as immigration.} They will also come to Scandinavia – and Norway. There will be so many of them that people will begin to dislike them and become hard with them. They will be treated like the Jews before the Second World War. Then the full measure of our sins will have been reached. {Note by Minos: I protested at the issue of immigration. I did not understand it at the time.}

The tears streamed from the old woman’s eyes and down her cheeks as she said: “I will not see it, but you will. This will happen shortly before Jesus is coming back and World War III begins.”


She then continued to share the vision and said that it will be a very short war. All that I have seen of war before is only child’s play compared to this one, and it will be ended with nuclear atomic bombs. The air will be so polluted that one cannot draw one’s breath. It will cover several continents; America, Japan, Australia and the wealthy nations. The water will be contaminated. The soil in these places can no longer be used for growing food. The result will be that only small areas will remain that can be used to grow food. The remnant who survived in the wealthy countries will try to flee to the poor countries, but they will be as hard on us as we were on them, and will refuse to accept the people seeking refuge.

I am so glad that I will not live to see it, but when the time draws near, you (Emanuel Minos) must take courage and travel all around and tell this vision that I have seen to people.

I have received it from God and nothing of it goes against what the Bible tells.

The one who has his sin forgiven and has Jesus as Savior and Lord, is safe.

[End of the vision]

Brother Dale, www.RevivalFire.org

I am repeating this vision to you because of what the Lord showed me in 2002 – not as detailed, but just as harrowing. Many of you may remember the vision I had of the Stampede. In it I saw a stampede, like cattle, of Modern Christianity heading straight for a cliff, and although some of us were yelling at them and waving our arms, I could not get their attention. Then the Lord spoke to me and told me, “Even if they could hear you, which they can’t, they will not listen”. I knew that the only things that can end a stampede is either to let them run themselves out – which there was time for that – or something explosive would have to happen to break the hypnotic sway that they were mesmerized with. Immediately, I thought of 9/11 – but that had already happened. And then I realized that something else was coming, much greater than 9/11 or Katrina. And then the vision broke, and I saw as it were, a scene as it would be after a terrible explosion with dust and debris floating down in the air. Only a few people were left walking around in shell-shock. One of them approached me and asked, “How can we trust God?”

I mention this because I have heard others who have seen similar things. The Bibles says that God will not do anything but He will tell His prophets first. We have been warned repeatedly, but just like in the Old Testament, we hear, we repent briefly and seek God superficially, but then human nature is such that we end up going back to seeking our own ways. And then judgment falls.

I believe we have a small window of opportunity to go back to seeking for the fear of God so that we may return to that old-fashioned Gospel that we have left way behind us. The Church today would be unrecognizable to our forefathers, but we only give it a passing notice. We no longer care because we are so comfortable with the way we have fashioned our Christianity. We have created God in our own image.

Today’s news that show we are heading towards dangerous waters:

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley warned last night that the United States was ready to “destroy” its enemies in comments that were clearly directed at Russia.

FORT HOOD, Texas ― The United States Army, citing threats from North Korea, Iran, Russia and the Islamic State, has put its most powerful combat units on a war footing, ready to slug it out, if necessary, in high-intensity battle.
Even as GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump claims the military is “in a really bad state” and “totally unprepared,” the Army’s data show it is more ready for major combat than it has been at any time since 2003.
Here at the home of the 1st Cavalry Division, one of the Army’s premier heavy combat units, preparations for the possibility of war are forcing a relentless pace, as busy as at the peak of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan a decade ago. Troops are constantly in the field training.
But they’re not practicing the counterinsurgency skills that were needed in Iraq and Afghanistan ― foot patrols, small-arms firefights, tribal leader engagement and humanitarian projects.
Instead, battalions of Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles are practicing maneuvers and firing their weapons in the dusty plains of central Texas. Commanders are honing their ability to coordinate those fast-moving tanks with long-range shelling by heavy artillery, strikes by helicopter gunships and Air Force jets, and the movements of infantry. Combat engineers are plowing up walls of earth and digging deep ditches to thwart enemy tank attacks and blowing through enemy defenses of coiled razor wire and (simulated) landmines.
This is what the Army calls “decisive action” ― massive and sustained heavy combat that requires the complex synchronization of multiple military forces on a fluid and unpredictable battlefield. Think epic World War II clashes or “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.” Among the U.S. military’s range of missions, decisive action is the most difficult and the most demanding.
The US Navy is seemingly ready to conduct operations in areas regarded as no-go missile areas, said the US Chief of Naval Operations. Such defense missile zones can be found at Russia’s and China’s coastlines.
This was announced by Admiral John Richardson during remarks made at the US Naval Institute – CSIS Maritime Security Dialogue.
He said that from now on the US Navy is “scaling down” the term ‘A2/AD’ (anti-access/area denial) from its communications.
We are now watching World War Three being put into operation
Oh, My Dear Holy God!  I cannot believe I am watching this take place.  We are literally watching World War Three be put into motion and the clock is ticking:  18 days max.
The Public WARNINGS Begin
Syria and Russia both read between the lines and saw the writing on the wall:  If foreign ground troops come in, it will not be to fight ISIS, it will be to support the rebels and overthrow Assad.  So Syria’s Foreign Minister went public and said, No one should think they can challenge Syria’s territorial sovereignty and anyone who tries will be sent home in a wooden coffin.”  Then a member of the Russian State Duma (Parliament) publicly stated that “If any foreign troops enter Syria without permission from the Syrian government, Russia will consider that a declaration of war.”
The world took a “pregnant pause.” These are heavy duty words from Russia which is – like it or not – a super power.
Wednesday, I got word from my colleagues in the Intelligence Community that Saudi Arabia and 25 of its “allies” had begun massing troops in northern Saudi Arabia.  This time, it wasn’t the 150,000 that were mentioned earlier.  This time it is 350,000 ground troops.
Then the shit hit the fan when it was confirmed that the Saudis and their allies are already transporting TWENTY THOUSAND TANKS.  (20,000).   Worse, 2,450 warplanes are enroute to northern Saudi Arabia and the Saudis have declared the airspace in the northern section of the country to be “closed.”  Lastly, in addition to the 2,450 warplanes, four-hundred-sixty (460) military helicopters are enroute as well.
Saudi Arabia had the balls to claim this was all part of an “exercise.”  Bullshit.  There has never, in the history of human existence, been an “exercise” with 350,000 troops, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 warplanes and 460 military helicopters.  There is just no way to have an exercise of that magnitude, it is too damn large. What’s really taking place is the massing of an invasion force
When this info came out, Russia repeated its warning that any foreign troops entering Syria without permission would be a declaration of war.
This time, there was no “pregnant pause.”  This time, the Saudis had one of their Brig. Generals come out on TV and state “The decision to send ground troops into Syria is final.”  That statement came out earlier today.
Late this afternoon, Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced he was “asking NATO allies to join a US coalition to send ground troops into Syria.”  This is directly threatening the Russians that they will be facing NATO!
The Russian response was swift:  This evening Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned that “the demands of some Arab countries to send ground forces into Syria risks starting a new world war.” Mr. Medvedev said sending troops to Syria risks drawing “everyone taking part in it into a war” and drastically escalating the conflict. “All ground operations, as a rule, lead to permanent wars,” he said. “The Americans must consider – both the U.S. president and our Arab partners – whether or not they want a permanent war.”  Russia again repeated its warning that any foreign ground troops entering Syria without permission would be a declaration of war.
Late this evening, The Irish Times broke news that the intent of Saudi Arabia sending ground forces is “to counter Russia.”   Whoa!  When did the mission change from fighting ISIS to “countering Russia?”  Who decided that?
Peace Talks Ended! Putin Warns The World of American Agression. Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimimir Putin gives a press statement condemning American agression, blaming America for tearing apart the post-cold war stability.
‘A conventional conflict in the near future will be extremely lethal and fast, and we will not own the stopwatch,’ said Maj. Gen. William Hix on a future-of-the-Army panel at the annual meeting of the Association of the U.S. Army in Washington, according to Defence One.
‘The speed of events are likely to strain our human abilities,’ Hix said.
‘The speed at which machines can make decisions in the far future is likely to challenge our ability to cope, demanding a new relationship between man and machine.’
Russia increased its deployed nuclear warheads over the past six months under a strategic arms reduction treaty as U.S. nuclear warhead stocks declined sharply, according to the State Department.
During the same period, the United States cut its deployed nuclear warheads by 114, increasing the disparity between the two nuclear powers.
Russia’s warhead increases since 2011 suggest Moscow does not intend to cut its nuclear forces and will abandon the New START arms accord as part of a major nuclear buildup.
But the last couple of days have been REALLY interesting and not in a good way. It all revolves around Russia pretty much and their moves towards World War III. We have been in the beginning phases of the war for a number of years. The opening salvos have taken the form of intrusive cyber attacks. But a hot war is coming… I no longer have any doubt of that whatsoever.
Earlier today the UN warned Russia on their bombing of Aleppo. That doesn’t matter at all to Russia… in fact, they are stepping up their bombing with bunker busters. They want to kill everyone and wipe them off the proverbial map. If we send troops into Syria, Putin is sure to do the same and it will be game on. We are now considering airstrikes on Syria as I write this. Top military leaders say this could very well lead to war with Russia… we are already there boys.
But wait… there’s more. Moscow announced yesterday that it was ending cooperation with the US on a 16 year-old program for the disposal of weapons-grade plutonium to curb the production of more nuclear bombs. Kerry’s ceasefire in Syria was a monstrous joke. In fact, he played right into Russia’s hands. What a tool. A 10 year-old would be better at military strategy than these fools.
Next, Russia has deployed an anti-missile system in Syria for the first time, potentially as a means for the Assad government to counter US and allied cruise missile attacks. That should end well. Yeah baby. Components of the SA-23 Gladiator anti-missile and anti-aircraft system, which has a range of roughly 150 miles, arrived over the weekend “on the docks” of a Russian naval base along Syria’s Mediterranean coastal city of Tartus.
Russia currently has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons with 8,400 and a section of its nuclear doctrine which allows for use of the weapons if there is a vague suggestion of a threat. America has 7,500 warheads, considerably less and those are pretty much outdated. In the past, Dmitry Kiselyov, head of Russia’s main news agency, has said only Russia would be able to turn the US into “radioactive ash.” And you know who is egging all of this on? Alexander Dugin of course. This fits his apocalyptic view of warfare rather nicely.
Putin has invested heavily in decking out top secret facilities around Moscow in the event of war. He has even ordered the building of a 400-square mile facility in the remote wasteland of the Ural mountains from where any future conflict could be directed. Satellite images reveal the location of the huge center near Mount Yamantau.
Russia, China and Iran are actively preparing for war with the United States and soon. You have to wonder why they are prepping their people and we aren’t ours. Russia must be overjoyed at that. Time is running out to stop the Russians and they know it. I fear we have already fallen off the precipice of World War III.

Sounding just like the Islamic state who are diligently working towards the Apocalypse, why would Obama call war ‘a spectacular experience’? Certainly we agree that we shouldn’t have to live through such an experience to want to avoid it – can you imagine what your life would be like if a World War is fought upon American soil? Such a war could certainly account for Deagel.com’s prediction that there will only be 61 million Americans living here in 2025, down from the 321 million living here in 2015

As we see in the ‘nuclear targets map’ above from the Modern Survival Blog, America would be a complete and total mess if our leaders decide to go to war with Russia and Russia responds with a series of nuclear attacks upon America of their own.
Two Russian Blackjack bombers were intercepted flying back and forth to Northern Spain from the direction of Norway, it has emerged.
Four nations – Norway, the UK, France and Spain – all deployed their own jets as the TU-160 planes skirted the airspace of each country, flying around the UK.
Spanish media have said it is the furthest south an operation like this has had to take place.
Russia on Wednesday said two of its warships were heading back to join its forces in the Mediterranean as President Vladimir Putin opened the new parliament session by calling for a boost of Russia’s defences to keep the nation “strong”.
“We need to strengthen the security and defence capability of our country to assert its position on the international stage,” Putin told deputies.
The decision to send more warships comes a day after Moscow said it had dispatched its S-300 air defence missile system to its naval facility at Tartus in Syria, amid an upsurge in tensions with Washington.
The two Buyan-class corvettes – the smallest class of warship – returned to the Mediterranean after an earlier deployment off the coast of Syria that saw them carry out missile strikes on targets in the war-ravaged country on 19 August.
A spokesman for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet told Russian news agencies that the ships left their home port in Crimea on Tuesday as part of a “planned rotation” of Moscow’s naval forces in the region.

The toxic takeaway containers: Fast food lovers are exposed to 40% higher levels of chemicals that are known to disrupt hormones and have been linked to autism

Experts at the Milken Institute School of Public Health tested urine samples
– They found people who ate lots of fast food had higher level of phthalates
– Phthalates known to disrupt hormones and linked to asthma and autism

Read more at:


When You See What’s In These Popular Fast Food Buns, You’ll Run!

Food has to rot! If it doesn’t, we’ve got a huge problem!

Real food naturally goes bad – that’s what it is supposed to do. So when I see bread that lasts over 10 days, I start to squirm thinking about all the additives it must contain to keep it looking “fresh.” Bread only has a few basic ingredients: flour, yeast, water, salt – and then maybe some fat (oil or butter) and sugar. However, the buns at popular fast food restaurants are designed to last much longer than fresh baked buns, sometimes longer than 2 weeks. In order to achieve this long shelf life that improves profitability they have to pump those buns up with artificial, man-made, chemical ingredients.

The real question is, what are these chemicals doing to our bodies? How does our health react when we load them up day after day with diets full of GMO soybean oil, azodicarbonamide, calcium peroxide, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color made from ammonia, and other artificial ingredients? Could this be the real reason that so many people feel better after they stop eating bread?

Read more at:
