Vaccine News – Warning: Sharing this video will provoke cognitive dissonance amongst some of your friends, they may lash out in anger!

Flu shots contain mercury CDC confirms it causes tics

CDC Whistle Blower Full Audio
Brian Hooker legally recorded these phone conversations with CDC scientist and whistle blower, Dr. William Thompson on the following dates:
May 8, 2014
May 24, 2014
June 12, 2014
July 28, 2014
Why is Thimerosal Still in Vaccines?

the In honor of International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day tomorrow, June 3, here is an exclusive new clip from “Injecting Aluminum” with Dr. Chris Exley who discusses how there are no safe levels of aluminum, and how the leading health organizations worldwide have not done accurate safety studies on aluminum before using it as a vaccine adjuvant.
To learn more about the risks of aluminum in vaccines, watch the full length version of “Injecting Aluminum” here:
Our hearts and prayers are with all who have been injured or killed by vaccines. Vaccine injury is NOT rare.

Tens of thousands marching in the streets in Warsaw, #Poland
“The state does NOT own our children!!!” This is what UPRISING looks like!
LIKE their page >>>
“Vaccines REVEALED” … 9 part docu-series playing now for FREE:
More info:…
“3 czerwca 2017 r. zdeterminowani rodzice z dziećmi zalali ulice Warszawy protestując przeciw przymusowi szczepień. Liczba uczestników przekroczyła najśmielsze marzenia! STOP NOP apeluje do lekarzy: CHODŹCIE Z NAMI!”
“June 3, 2017, determined parents with their children flooded the streets of Warsaw protesting against compulsory vaccination. The number of participants exceeded our wildest dreams! STOP NOP urges doctors: Come join us!”
Education is empowerment – Happening now:
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#RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VAXXED #StopNop

Not Just Autism, Major Yale Study Shows Vaccines Tied To Multiple Brain Disorders
Scientist found a strong correlation between vaccines and developing a brain disorder such as OCD, anorexia, ADHD, and major depressive disorders.
It is no question that the subject of vaccines is profoundly controversial. On both sides of the argument exist truths and lies that can hinder the ability of some to make rational decisions.
For the last 50 years, the world has taken a front row seat to the phenomenological occurrences of the rise of brain disorders such as Autism, ADHD, and major depressive disorders. Anecdotally speaking, parents all over the globe have reported that one day their children were normal and growing healthily, and the next, after having gotten their vaccinations, they get Autism, or ADHD, for example.
While science and the government continue to maintain there’s no causal relation between the vaccines and the disorders, parents, multiple studies, and other countries have reported otherwise. Now, it seems, some very brave and unabashed scientists have been able to show a correlation of what many have known for quite some time.
It has also been proven that CDC scientists destroyed data that showed a correlation between vaccines and autism in children.
Researchers at Pennsylvania State and Yale University sought to examine, “whether antecedent vaccinations are associated with increased incidence of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), anorexia nervosa (AN), anxiety disorder, chronic tic disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, major depressive disorder, and bipolar disorder in a national sample of privately insured children.”

Temporal Association of Certain Neuropsychiatric Disorders Following Vaccination of Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Case–Control Study
Results: Subjects with newly diagnosed AN were more likely than controls to have had any vaccination in the previous 3 months [hazard ratio (HR) 1.80, 95% confidence interval 1.21–2.68]. Influenza vaccinations during the prior 3, 6, and 12 months were also associated with incident diagnoses of AN, OCD, and an anxiety disorder. Several other associations were also significant with HRs greater than 1.40 (hepatitis A with OCD and AN; hepatitis B with AN; and meningitis with AN and chronic tic disorder).
Conclusion: This pilot epidemiologic analysis implies that the onset of some neuropsychiatric disorders may be temporally related to prior vaccinations in a subset of individuals. These findings warrant further investigation, but do not prove a causal role of antecedent infections or vaccinations in the pathoetiology of these conditions. Given the modest magnitude of these findings in contrast to the clear public health benefits of the timely administration of vaccines in preventing mortality and morbidity in childhood infectious diseases, we encourage families to maintain vaccination schedules according to CDC guidelines.

Heavy Metals Increase Autism Risk: Scientists study babies teeth to measure exposure to metals

Hi folks. Successful rally today at Town Hall in Sydney. A short video preview until we put together a full length one.

Forbidden History: Did You Know that Raggedy Ann is an Iconic symbol for Vaccine Induced Injury and Death?
Johnny Gruelle created the Quintessential Raggedy Ann doll in 1915 (US patent D47789). Gruelle was a successful American writer, cartoonist, storyteller and illustrator who worked for a popular magazine at the time called Physical Culture.
Many are unaware that Gruelle’s famous Raggedy Ann storybooks and illustrations were based in large part on Marcella’s childhood adventures.
Marcella’s Vaccine Tragedy
Not long after the creation of the much beloved Raggedy Ann, Gruelle’s only child and 13 year old daughter Marcella died a painful death after receiving a routine small pox vaccination at school, which was given without parental consent.
Reports indicate that after the initial inoculation Marcella had, “… lost her appetite, and became feverish and fatigued.” Amazingly, more inoculations were given despite her negative reaction from the first jab.  Predictably Marcella’s health continued to decline to the point where she lost all muscle control, “becoming listless and lifeless like a rag doll.”
While all this was going on at school, her parents knew nothing about it and had never ever given their consent for any vaccinations.
Sadly, Marcella died a slow and agonizing death. The Gruelle’s were convinced beyond any doubt that the vaccination was the culprit behind the death of their only child, even though school authorities and vaccination proponents insisted Marcella had died from a preexisting heart defect.
Ultimately, “Seven leading physicians are called upon to opine about the cause of her death. Six consented it is the result of vaccine induced poisoning and call it malpractice. The seventh, being the head of the school board and a supporter of vaccination, declines to comment.”

#vaxxed #PrayBig #science #truth

vaccines talk from 2 Mississippi girls #vaxxed #praybig

Warning: Sharing this video will provoke cognitive dissonance amongst some of your friends, they may lash out in anger! Why? Because the narrative that vaccines saved humanity is challenged, and it’s challenged with the CDC’s own data. Sorry, I’m not going to stop talking about these things. Vaxtremists just LIE, and they lie when the data is hiding in plain sight. Don’t believe me? The data Dr. Palevsky cites is available in the first links, read the CDC’s own data for yourself.
“Thus vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality seen in the first half of the century…nearly 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among US children occurred before 1940, when few antibiotics or vaccine were available.”


Forbidden History: Did You Know that Raggedy Ann is an Iconic symbol for Vaccine Induced Injury and Death?

Forbidden History: Did You Know that Raggedy Ann is an Iconic symbol for Vaccine Induced Injury and Death?
Johnny Gruelle created the Quintessential Raggedy Ann doll in 1915 (US patent D47789). Gruelle was a successful American writer, cartoonist, storyteller and illustrator who worked for a popular magazine at the time called Physical Culture.
Many are unaware that Gruelle’s famous Raggedy Ann storybooks and illustrations were based in large part on Marcella’s childhood adventures.
Marcella’s Vaccine Tragedy
Not long after the creation of the much beloved Raggedy Ann, Gruelle’s only child and 13 year old daughter Marcella died a painful death after receiving a routine small pox vaccination at school, which was given without parental consent.
Reports indicate that after the initial inoculation Marcella had, “… lost her appetite, and became feverish and fatigued.” Amazingly, more inoculations were given despite her negative reaction from the first jab.  Predictably Marcella’s health continued to decline to the point where she lost all muscle control, “becoming listless and lifeless like a rag doll.”
While all this was going on at school, her parents knew nothing about it and had never ever given their consent for any vaccinations.
Sadly, Marcella died a slow and agonizing death. The Gruelle’s were convinced beyond any doubt that the vaccination was the culprit behind the death of their only child, even though school authorities and vaccination proponents insisted Marcella had died from a preexisting heart defect.