Vaccine News – Sacramento District Attorney’s Son Severely Vaccine Injured & GLUTARALDEHYDE IS JUST ONE OF THE TOXIC INGREDIENTS FOUND IN VACCINES

Greg Wyatt – I just met a retired nurse. It was interesting to say the least

Baby girl dies just 24 hours after contracting meningitis even though she had all the right jabs
Zoe O’Connor and her partner were forced to say their final goodbyes to baby Ava after awful rash came over her body in hospitals
An adorable baby girl has died 24 hours after contracting meningitis – despite having all her jabs to prevent the disease.
Zoe O’Connor, 29, from Swansea, and partner Jamie Jeremiah, 34, were forced to say their final goodbyes to their baby daughter Ava after she contracted meningitis and septicaemia.
The devastated mum-of-three and her partner had only just celebrated Ava’s first birthday and had taken all the precautions to prevent meningitis by having the newly introduced vaccinations.

The Truth About Vaccines Docu-Series – Episode 1
Welcome to the first episode of the eye-opening documentary series “The Truth About Vaccines”. This is the largest and most comprehensive series ever produced on the topic of vaccines. No matter whether you’re PRO or ANTI vaccines, this eye-opening docu-series will provide you with the tools you need to make informed and empowered decisions about the health of you and your family. WHAT TO EXPECT IN THIS EPISODE… – Dr. Rachel Ross MD (former Co-Host of “The Doctors”) – shares her personal experience of the birth of her daughter and her vaccine choice. – Dr. Jennifer Margulis thoroughly explains the fundamental concept of “informed consent” and shares some “insider secrets” of the CDC. – Robert F. Kennedy Jr at shares the real reasons why vaccine manufacturers have no liability and describes the “precautionary principle”. – Hear from an attorney who litigates vaccine cases in the “Vaccine Court”. – Get a “behind the scenes” look at a “vaccine legislation” meeting with a Congressman in the Rayburn House Building in Washington D.C. – Hear the personal story of Davida and Nico LaHood (District Attorney for Bexar County, TX) as they describe the differences in their four children – Mike Adams (“the Health Ranger”) articulates the “risk benefit” analysis that is required for vaccines and elaborates on the similarities and differences between “vaccinations” and “immunizations.” – Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. describes the smallpox epidemics in Victorian England and assesses the impact of the smallpox vaccine on these outbreaks. – Pathologist and HPV expert, Dr. Sin Hang Lee M.D., discuss editorial censorship of his articles about HPV DNA being found in the HPV vaccines. – Dr. Jack Wolfson, D.O. describes his appearance on NBC Television discussing the measles outbreak at Disneyland a couple of years ago. – Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O. describes how he regrets failing to do his homework prior to vaccinating his patients.

Some vaccines (including DTaP of all brands) contain glutaraldehyde. The United States Department of Labor classifies glutaraldehyde as “a toxic chemical that is used as a cold sterilant to disinfect and clean heat-sensitive medical, surgical and dental equipment.”
Health effects of glutaraldehyde exposure include:
Short term (acute) effects: Contact with glutaraldehyde liquid and vapor can severely irritate the eyes, and at higher concentrations burns the skin. Breathing glutaraldehyde can irritate the nose, throat, and respiratory tract, causing coughing and wheezing, nausea, headaches, drowsiness, nosebleeds, and dizziness.
Long-term (chronic) effects: Glutaraldehyde is a sensitizer. This means some workers will become very sensitive to glutaraldehyde and have strong reactions if they are exposed to even small amounts. Workers may get sudden asthma attacks with difficult breathing, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. Prolonged exposure can cause a skin allergy and chronic eczema, and afterwards, exposure to small amounts produces severe itching and skin rashes. It has been implicated as a possible cause of occupational asthma.

Quantities of Vaccine Excipients – updated September 2016

Cleveland Clinic Doctor Goes Full ANTI-VACCINE (must read)
By Paul Meizner
Dr. Daniel Neides says he spent years listening to the CDC and the government over vaccine efficacy. Now, however, he says he is done and many vaccine proponents are outraged.
Writing a lengthy piece for, Neides said it is impossible to call “vaccines preservative” free when they clearly have preservatives in them.
WHAT? How can you call it preservative-free, yet still put a preservative in it? And worse yet, formaldehyde is a known carcinogen. Yet, here we are, being lined up like cattle and injected with an unsafe product. Within 12 hours of receiving the vaccine, I was in bed feeling miserable and missed two days of work with a terrible cough and body aches.
My anger actually stems from a constant toxic burden that is contributing to the chronic disease epidemic. And yet the government continues to talk out of both sides of its mouth. We want our citizens to be healthy and take full advantage of the best healthcare system in the world (so we think), yet we don’t treat our bodies with the love and attention they deserve.
Our air, water, and food supplies are completely compromised and so it is time for us to take matters into our own hands. This year, I am committing to providing you with the educational resources to make you the best YOU. It may get confusing and frustrating at times, but stressing out over this won’t help. Take three deep belly breaths and let’s get started.
We live in a toxic soup. There are over 80,000 chemicals used in various industries country-wide. There are over 2,000 new chemicals being introduced annually. We breathe in these chemicals through exhaust, eat them in our processed foods ( just look at the labels that have 20 or 30 ingredients and good luck pronouncing their names), textiles (clothing, bedding, furniture), and personal care products, including make-up, deodorant, shampoos, and soaps.
Of course, the outraged reactions were quick to arrive in the comments section. However, there were some reasonable-minded people as well.

Doctors agree with censored study that concludes unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children
Sunday, January 08, 2017 by: David Gutierrez
(Natural News) The assertion that vaccines may cause systematic changes to children’s immune and nervous systems is accepted as a possibility by a large number of doctors, including many who consider themselves “pro-vaccine.”
“If you don’t ask the right questions, you can’t find the right answers,” said Tommy Redwood, MD, an emergency room doctor in Atlanta, Georgia, with 26 years of medical experience. “If you summarily dismiss the possibility that the increasing rates of childhood illnesses, including ADD, autism, asthma and other auto-immune disorders are connected to vaccines, you can’t figure out if our children’s health problems are vaccine-related injuries.”
Redwood says he suspects that over-vaccination plays a role in the worsening health outcomes seen among children in recent decades.

Sacramento District Attorney’s Son Severely Vaccine Injured
Schubert, 53, took her son to see the family doctor in 2016. Her day was hectic as we’d expect the day of a District Attorney’s to be. Her son, who she refuses to name out of privacy concerns, was having back pains. But when they arrived at the appointment, the doctor allegedly switched the focal point over to vaccines. The doctor noted that Schubert’s son was overdue for the HPV vaccine.
After receiving the vaccine, her son collapsed. He did not break his fall, so his head slammed to the ground.
According to the Sacramento Bee:
“His head slammed full force onto the floor, which was like concrete,” Schubert said. “For a moment, I thought he was dead.”
He wasn’t dead, but within an hour, Schubert and her family would learn that her son suffered a severe skull fracture from the fall. And within weeks, they would learn something even more horrifying: The boy now was deaf in his right ear because of the trauma he experienced when his head hit the ground.
The details of her son’s fall continue to haunt Schubert. “At that time, my son never called me Mommy,” she said. “But (when he came to) he was crying, ‘Mommy! Mommy! I want to go home.’”
“I don’t cry a lot, but I cried a lot over this one,” she said.
“We had gone up to the mountains to go hiking and he had tripped,” Schubert said. “He wanted to go to the doctor in the morning, even though he had school, because (he said) it hurt really, really bad. … I thought he had pulled a muscle.”
While at the doctor’s office at Kaiser Permanente in Elk Grove, Schubert was informed that her son was due for his vaccination for human papillomavirus, which is given to boys and girls at age 11 or 12.
So what does vaccine advocate Richard Pan have to say about this? Well, brace yourself.
“I’ve seen some patients faint while we are administering vaccinations,” Pan said. “I’ve seen some parents faint while we’re administering the vaccines to their children.”
Schubert now plans to go on the attack. She says that she was never informed of any side-effects involved with this vaccine. She says that Kaiser will force arbitration per their own legal terms, but Schubert undoubtedly knows the ropes quite well. Schubert said she intends to file a petition with a federal court in Washington D.C. allowing a special magistrate administers settlements from a federal vaccination fund created by Congress.

Police: Anti-Vaccine Holistic Doctor Ann Boroch was Murdered World famous holistic author, big pharma activist and researcher died suddenly
By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 10th August 2017
Famous anti-vaccination campaigner and natural healing researcher Dr. Ann Boroch was tragically found dead last week when her body was discovered hanging in her garage. According to a statement posted on her official Facebook page, Dr. Boroch passed away of natural causes, yet the 51-year-old doctor wasn’t suffering from any known health issues. The official coroner’s report from the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner has ruled her death as a suicide caused by hanging, which oddly conflicts with her family’s statement. Despite the official ruling that she took her own life, detectives within the LA Police Department believe that the young doctor was murdered in a “professional” hit. “We’re looking at this as a homicide”, said a police source. “The crime scene was too perfect. It looks more like she was ‘suicided’ that took her own life.” “At first glance, the way she was found, it looked like she killed herself, but you look at the whole picture, and this isn’t your typical suicide.” “Whoever did this, knew what they were doing. It was definitely ‘proffesional’.” According to the LAPD, attempts have been made to launch a murder investigation into Ann Boroch’s death, but the case was “shut down from above”.



Vaccine News – Vaccine Revolt 1904 (Portuguese: Revolta da Vacina)

Did you know there are THREE different ways that mankind causes paralytic polio? They are very strange and interesting concepts, but most doctors reluctantly agree on them. This video, Part 3 of a series of videos explaining how Polio is man-made, talks about the first two man-made causes. Crazy!
Watch Part 1:
Watch Part 2:

Mainstream news reporting that #BigPharma is paying everyone off! Who would have guessed? ….and this is JUST the tip of the iceberg! BEGINNING TOMORROW – AUGUST 17th – The TRUTH About Vaccines goes LIVE! Sign up here right now and share this life-changing, 7-day event with those you LOVE – Launches this Thursday, August 17th >>>>><<<<<
#TheTruthAboutVaccines #TTAV #RevolutionForChoice #VAXXED #InformedConsent

Laura’s son developed Tourette’s Syndrome shortly after his MMR vaccination in the early 1990’s, but it would take 20 years of investigation before she would finally connect the dots that it was the vaccination that caused her son’s neurological problems.

#Vaxxed #VaxxedNurses #YouMakeMeBrave #MedicalProfessionals
Ruth StLeger Hoffman has 40 years of pediatric nursing experience. Her perspective provides a unique and powerful view from the other end of the needle. As a career pediatric nurse, Ruth bravely confronts the harm inflicted by vaccines through the lens of a healthcare provider having personally administered hundreds of vaccines.
#VaxxedNation #VaxxedNationTour #VaxWithMe #Nurses #40Years #PediatricNurse
Editor: Robin Aris

OpEd: Vaccines And Censorship Alive And Well In Australia
by Tom Petrie, C.D.N.
Yup, censorship and extremely narrow-minded thinking is alive and well in Australia! Those old enough will remember Dr. Archie Kalakeranis who, in the late 1960’s and throughout the 1970’s, linked SIDS to extreme vitamin C deficiency, also known as scurvy. The grief he took for over 15 years is not unlike the grief that has fallen upon Dr. Andrew Wakefield today in Britain! If one were to read his 1998 Lancet paper carefully, they would note that he only suggested “further investigation of the M.M.R. is necessary” (w/regard to GI troubles in children). In other words, he wasn’t an “anti-vaxxer,” but just someone who was doing what any good clinician would (and should) do: Investigate and report on what they see, not just what they’re “suppose to see.”
Yet, if someone wants an honest investigation of vaccines and their link to this or that health challenge, they, (like some ardent vaccine advocates in Australia claim), suddenly become “anti-vaxxer’s!” This is really ridiculous and it’s like me becoming “anti-running,” because I might sprain my ankle while running or being anti-Frisbee, because it might hurt if it hits me!
As explained in Anne Dachel’s book, “The BIG Autism Cover-up,” the media has been covering up the environmental causes of this epidemic for decades now in the United States. This censorship also clearly exists in Australia as illustrated by sad efforts to censor the filming of VAXXED in various towns there.
Censorship can be active or passive. It is active as is happening now in Australia in efforts to STOP the showing of VAXXED, which has had record screenings in a number of locations. In other cases, the censorship is more passive (as proven by Dr. K’s experiences four decades earlier): A clear indication that vaccines can precipitate SIDS was simply ignored entirely by the medical profession and this censorship and cover-up has continued to this day, year 2017.
So ask yourself if you knew that SIDS is primarily “infantile scurvy” often precipitated by a mere vaccine &/or a “mild cold”?! So if public health officials can ignore that a “mere vitamin deficiency” can precipitate a death of an infant, is it NOT much of a stretch to say they could routinely ignore that vaccines can cause various health challenges in children? Not at all!

If you have children, you may want to read this
The health and safety of our children are of utmost importance →
We should all be informed about both the benefits and the risks associated with vaccines — without pressure, propaganda, or agenda.
That’s why we have brought together more than 60 of the world’s foremost health experts to investigate both sides of this contentious debate to give you the science, the history, and the untold story… the REAL information you need to make an informed decision on how to best protect your child.
The Truth About Vaccines is a 7-episode documentary series that you can watch for FREE. Click here to watch the trailer →

15 Things You Don’t Know About Polio
1. A pesticide common in the 1800’s was called Paris Green. A green liquid because it was a combination of copper and arsenic or lead and arsenic. Some of the most toxic substances known to humankind. This super toxin was also used as a dye, in many items, including wall paper and paint. It was the sole focus of murder mystery novels at the time, as arsenic was known to be a very efficient way to stage a murder “for unknown reasons”, as arsenic kills but is hard to detect after the victim succumbs to the poison. and
2. This pesticide worked by causing neurological damage in the bugs, causing organ failure.
3. Polio consists of symptoms synonymous with neurological damage, causing organ failure.
4. Heavy metal poisoning from lead, mercury and other similar heavy metals manifest lesions on neurological tissues, meaning the toxin destroys the nerve/communication pathways connecting the brain to the organs in the body.
5. Polio victims present lesions on neurological tissue, that cause the organs to malfunction all around the body. (lungs, heart, nerves that control walking etc)
6. Polio outbreaks hit throughout the summer, only during pesticide spraying times. (not the sunless and damp winter/spring seasons regarding other disease outbreaks)

Vaccine damage is not rare…These catastrophic injuries and tragic deaths are not “anecdotal”…The science is not settled…and we’re not going away. Join us – Help us spread this crucial awareness – Share this life-changing, 7-day event with those you LOVE – Launches this Thursday, August 17th:
>>>>> <<<<<
#TheTRUTHaboutVaccines #RevolutionForChoice #Vaxxed #HearThisWell #NotGoingAway
(News-clip from 2011)

Toddler who was given an adult flu shot is left severely brain damaged and unable to walk or talk
JANE HANSEN, The Sunday Telegraph
A TODDLER taken to the doctor for a child’s flu shot was left unable to walk or talk after being given a version of the drug banned for under fives.
Lachlan Neylan suffered severe brain damage, including seizures and swelling of the brain, known as encephalopathy, after a GP accidentally administered the CSL Fluvax shot in March last year.
His parents Stacey and Adrian Neylan said Lachlan’s temperature soared and he began having fits within seven hours of ­receiving the injection.
“He just collapsed and started to have seizures,” Mr Neylan said. “Doctors said they thought our son wouldn’t make it through the weekend. It was terrifying.”
Mr Neylan said before the injection their son had been a “walking, talking toddler”, but after the injection “he was back to being a three month old; he couldn’t sit, walk, or use his arms”.
While other flu vaccines are approved for children, Lachlan, was given the ­contraindicated Fluvax, which was banned for children under five in 2010 ­after mass injections triggered febrile ­convulsions in one in every 100 children; 10 times the expected rate.
The family said they were concerned doctors were still using Fluvax on children, despite the ban. A spokesperson for the Department of Health said there had been “43 confirmed notifications of CSL Fluvax being administered to children ­under five years of age in Australia” this year. The GP in question has admitted ­error and the government’s adverse events report also admits the error.
“This was a mistake, and the doctor has admitted it, but it is still happening and we don’t want anyone else to go through what we have been through,” Mr Neylan said.

Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things…
Here I would like to tell you about myself. In order to do this I give some official documents (I call them “Credentials”) and my autobiographic chronicle where I describe some events of my life and offer my interpretation of my views on life in general and some phenomena in particular.

11 year-old Bolivian girl in a coma with a diagnosis of Guillian Barre Symdrome. Mother says the symptoms began the same day as her injection of HPV vaccine. Doctors state that it’s a coincidence.
Menor con Guillain Barre está en coma; malestar inició por dosis contra VPH dice la madre
Menor con Guillain Barre está en coma
Afirman que malestar inició por dosis contra VPH
Una escolar de 11 años está internada en terapia intensiva en el hospital de niños Mario Ortiz. Según la madre, los médicos afirmaron que se trata de Guillain Barre, una enfermedad que afecta al sistema nervioso y que provoca parálisis. Aunque la mamá de la menor aseguró que los síntomas iniciaron el mismo día en que su hija fue vacunada contra el Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH), que tiene como objetivo prevenir cáncer cérvico.
Desarrollo del caso. La madre de la menor, Rosy Mary García, explicó que sospecha que el estado de su hija es producto de la vacuna contra el VPH pues un día después de que se le aplicó la dosis, el 26 de abril, presentó malestares, primero náuseas y fiebre y luego de algunos días dolor en la garganta. Aseguró que la llevó a internar al hospital Francés, donde sospechaban de rabia, después de varios estudios no se confirmó. Agregó que este lunes la tuvieron que trasladar al hospital de niños, directamente a terapia intensiva. “Todo comenzó con la vacuna”, insistió la mamá a tiempo de indicar que tiene otra hija, pero como tiene solo 9 años, no le aplicaron la dosis.
Aseguró que las compañeras de su hija mayor, que estudian en la unidad educativa Amsterdam en la zona de Los Lotes, igual presentaron malestares, el mismo 26, aunque solo fue mareos y vómitos.

#VaXism NEWS #2many2soon #RFKcommission

#VaXism NEWS
We love you Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Please love one another 💜
Pray for the oppressors, unite the lovers

Congratulations Chelsea Clinton! Del crowned you the #Vaxhole of the week! Tune in every Thursday at 11 am pst for a new vaxhole. @HighWireTalk @DelBigtree #Vaccineswork?

Dr. Brennan. Theresa Deisher, molecular biologist – human dna in vaccines and autism.
#VaXism NEWS

Snoop Dogg Exposes Vaccines

If You Vaccinate, Ask 8 Questions
Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that come with risks that can be greater for some people. No vaccine is safe for everyone.
If you choose to vaccinate, ask 8 questions before you do:
Number One: Am I sick right now? Getting vaccinated while sick could increase risks for a vaccine reaction or lower vaccine effectiveness.
Number Two: Have I had a bad reaction to a vaccination before? Getting re-vaccinated after a previous vaccine reaction could cause a more serious reaction, injury or death.
Number Three: Do I have a personal or family history of vaccine reactions, neurological disorders, severe allergies or immune system problems? Always review your personal and family medical history when evaluating vaccine benefits and risks.
Number Four: Do I know the disease and vaccine risks? Learn about disease and vaccine risks that could be greater for you or your child.
Number Five: Do I have full information about the vaccine’s side effects? Before you take a risk, find out what it is for each vaccine you or your child will receive.
Number Six: Do I know how to identify and report a vaccine reaction? Learn how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms and where and how to report them.
Number Seven: Do I know I need to keep a written record, including the vaccine manufacturer’s name and lot number, for vaccinations? The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 requires all vaccine providers to record information about vaccines given to you or your child.
Number Eight: Do I know I have the right to make an informed choice? Informed consent to medical risk taking, including vaccine risk taking, is a human right.
Explore NVIC’s Ask 8 Information Kiosk for referenced information and a variety of materials designed to educate you about vaccines, diseases and how to make educated vaccine decisions. You can download posters and brochures to share with others or send an ecard to family and friends. You can also post or read personal vaccination experiences on this website. Click here to learn more and start your journey!

Friends please watch and SHARE this short clip entitled “The Fateful Decision Of Vaccinations“, and then join us for 7-part “The Truth About Vaccines” docuseries starting August 17!
To make sure you secure your spot to watch for FREE, register here right now:

Joshua Coleman interviews Dr. Andrew Wakefield and asks what would happen if they withdrew the MMR vaccine now that the vaccine has made babies immunocompromised from measles. #WeAreJoshuaColeman #Vaxxed

Vaccination Policy and the U.K. Government: The Untold Truth
What do Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, Gulf War Syndrome and shady vaccination policies have to do with the UK government? By using a wide selection of studies, papers and documents released under the Freedom of Information Act, we uncover how, by prioritizing vaccination policy over vaccine safety, the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI), the Department of Health (DH), the Committee on Safety of Medicines (CSM) and the Ministry of Defence may have damaged the health of millions of people worldwide.

The Vaccine Riots and the Difficulty of Modernization in Rio de Janeiro

Vaccine Revolt 1904 (Portuguese: Revolta da Vacina)
To eradicate smallpox, Cruz convinced the Congress to approve the Mandatory Vaccination Law (October 31, 1904), which permitted sanitary brigade workers, accompanied by police, to enter homes to apply the vaccine by force.
The population was confused and discontented. The city seemed in ruins, many people had lost their homes, while others had had their homes invaded by the health workers and police. Articles in the press criticized the action of the government and spoke of possible risks of the vaccine. Moreover, it was rumored that the vaccine would have to be applied to the “intimate parts” of the body (or at least that women would have to undress in order to be vaccinated), aggravating the anger of the population, and resulting in a popular rebellion.
The approval of the Vaccination Law was the proximate cause of the revolt: on November 5, the opposition created the Liga Contra a Vacina Obrigatória (League Against Mandatory Vaccination).
From November 10 through 16, the city became a battlefield. The excited population looted shops, overturned and burned trams, made barricades, pulled out tracks, broke poles, and attacked government forces with rocks, sticks, and debris. On November 14, the cadets of the Escola Militar da Praia Vermelha (military college) also mutinied against the government’s actions. In reaction, the government suspended mandatory vaccination and declared a state of siege. The rebellion was contained, leaving 30 dead and 110 wounded. Hundreds of imprisoned people were deported to the then frontier region of Acre.