Documentary – ZEG TV HIDDEN FROM THE PUBLIC – Remarkable Giza Pyramid Discoveries Reveal an Ancient Secret, Hidden for 1000’s of years

ZEG TV HIDDEN FROM THE PUBLIC – Remarkable Giza Pyramid Discoveries Reveal an Ancient Secret, Hidden for 1000’s of years
What purpose did these massive ancient pyramid structures, one of the largest construction projects ever undertaken, serve? Why were they scattered across the desert in a seemingly random pattern? The pyramid mystery deepened when, a researcher discovered a secret door within the Great Pyramid – a door unopened for 4,500 years. This video will lead us step-by-step through these remarkable discoveries. It is still hailed as a historic achievement by all who are intrigued by the world’s ancient mysteries. A revolutionary theory that explains the most enigmatic and fascinating wonder of the ancient world: the Pyramids of Egypt. An absorbing and fascinating work of archaeological detection…clearly and rivetingly told by Robert Bauval…the video is highly and compulsively viewable.

Just News – Rob Skiba – TFR – Revolutionary Radio w/ Brian Godawa: Heretics Discuss the Last Days – Part 3

Rob Skiba – TFR – Revolutionary Radio w/ Brian Godawa: Heretics Discuss the Last Days – Part 3

This is Part 3 in a series I’ve been doing with Brian Godawa, wherein we discuss the so-called End Times from two totally different perspectives: Brian arguing in favor of a Preterist view and I argued from a Futurist view. In this broadcast we began to do a breakdown of the book of Revelation.

Just News – RT – Orthodox Patriarch warns of approaching end times, asks not to push for revolutionary change & The Alex Jones Channel – Tech Giants Call For Worshipping AI GOD As Leftist Protesters Attack Reporters

RT – Orthodox Patriarch warns of approaching end times, asks not to push for revolutionary change
In a public speech in the main Moscow cathedral, Patriarch Kirill said the signs from the Book of Revelation are now apparent. He also called on politicians and ordinary citizens to unite and stop the movement towards the abyss.

“All people who love the Motherland must be together because we are entering a critical period in the course of human civilization. This can already be seen with the naked eye. You have to be blind not to notice the approaching awe-inspiring moments in history that the apostle and evangelist John was talking about in the Book of Revelation,” the patriarch was quoted as saying by Interfax.

The Alex Jones Channel – Tech Giants Call For Worshipping AI GOD As Leftist Protesters Attack Reporters: 11/19/17 Full Show

Sunday, Nov. 19th, 2017: Banks Predict Boom In Trump’s 2018 – Goldman Sachs has predicted a promising economic year for America in 2018, as President Trump is set to rally Congress to move on tax reform this week. On today’s show, we’ll discuss the continued downfall of the Clinton dynasty and how Hillary is scrambling to save face as Uranium One revelations mount. Also, Zimbabwe’s longtime dictator Robert Mugabe is being ousted from power after ruling for nearly 40 years. We’ll talk about what that means for Africa and the rest of the world. We’ll also take your calls on this worldwide transmission. Many people in Silicon Valley believe in the Singularity—the day in our near future when computers will surpass humans in intelligence and kick off a feedback loop of unfathomable change. When that day comes, Anthony Levandowski will be firmly on the side of the machines. In September 2015, the multi-millionaire engineer at the heart of the trade secrets lawsuit between Uber and Waymo, Google’s self-driving car company, founded a religious organization called Way of the Future. Its purpose, according to previously unreported state filings, is nothing less than to “develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence.”…… Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: Follow Alex on TWITTER – Like Alex on FACEBOOK –… Infowars on G+ – :Web: :Subscribe and share your login with 20 friends: Funding the Infowar is more important than ever! Visit to get the latest books, documentaries, Infowars swag, survival & preparedness gear & nutritional products Alex Jones and his family trust, while supporting the growth of our expanding media operation. Sign up for the Infowars daily newsletter to become an ‘Underground Insider’ & bypass censorship bots of social media plus get exclusive content + coupon codes for our shop! INFOWARS HEALTH – START GETTING HEALTHY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE – The Alex Jones Show ©copyright, Free Speech Systems.LLC 1995 – 2017 All Rights Reserved. May use for fair use and educational purposes #AlexJones #Infowars

Sheila Zilinsky – WAKE UP CHURCH! Which JESUS Do You Serve?

Dr. Daniel Morano gives a powerful teaching of how people are worshiping another Jesus. November 1, 2017 SHEILA’s WEBSITE SUPPORT SHEILA: Patreon FOLLOW SHEILA ON SOCIAL MEDIA: FACEBOOK:… TWITTER: INSTAGRAM… WEBSITE BIO: Sheila Zilinsky aka The Weekend Vigilante® is an independent conservative Christian media analyst who for 10 years has been boldly waging war on the new world order. Her show examines the Shadow Government aka Deep-State, Agenda 21, Big Brother, RFID Technologies, Transhumanism and the coming One-World Antichrist System. She examines news and world events under the lens of a Biblical World View. Her books have earned her international recognition. She was awarded the Conspiria People’s Choice Award for Top Female in the independent media. The Vancouver Sun touted her as, ‘the only woman in talk radio with a titanium spine and a heart of gold.’ READ SHEILA’S BOOKS: Power Prayers: Warfare That Works Green Gospel: The New World Religion Copyright © 2017 by Sheila Zilinsky. All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce, download or re-upload this video in whole or in part to any channel or other platform, or it will be removed for copyright violations and your account may be terminated.