SOVREN Media – Dr. Peter Doshi gives evidence at an expert panel on COVID vaccine mandates & injuries. Are the “vaccines” safe and effective?

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The Shutdown of Intellectual Curiosity

Dr. Peter Doshi gives evidence at an expert panel on COVID vaccine mandates & injuries. Are the “vaccines” safe and effective?

No More Silence – Senator Ron Johnson’s Expert Panel On Federal Vaccine Mandates


Federal vaccine mandates and the importance of health care freedom

Expert Panel On Medical Mandates & Vaccine Injuries – Full Video

Live in Washington DC on 2nd November 2021.

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson chairs an expert roundtable discussion panel in Washington DC including doctors, medical experts and scientists debating the Covid-19 Vaccine implementation, along with patients who have experienced adverse events linked to the vaccination.

No More Silence have followed the journeys of some that spoke out during this event, and our team were directly involved with the organisers of both the indoor and outdoor events.

You can see more of their personal stories, relayed during this full video, by following our links below:

Brianne Dressen

Maddie de Garay

Ernesto Ramirez Jr

Kellai Strodriguez

Kyle Warner

Doug Cameron

Vaccine News – Biopersistence in the Brain of Aluminum Nanoparticles from Vaccines

Dr. Brownstein on CDC Corruption: “I am Tired of Writing About This – I See Patients Damaged by Vaccines”
CDC Whistleblower Case Three Years Later: Nothing Happening
by Dr. Brownstein’s
Holistic Medicine
I honestly cannot believe I am still writing about this. It was three years ago that a senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, claimed whistleblower protection after he issued a statement that he and his fellow colleagues altered, hid, and threw out data that showed a direct association between the MMR vaccine and autism.

CDC Whistleblower Case Three Years Later: Nothing Happening
I honestly cannot believe I am still writing about this. It was three years ago that a senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, claimed whistleblower protection after he issued a statement that he and his fellow colleagues altered, hid, and threw out data that showed a direct association between the MMR vaccine and autism. In August, 2014, I wrote in a blog post, “Now, there may be proof that the CDC not only knew about the link between the MMR vaccine and autism but they changed the data in a landmark 2004 study to hide the damning data. What did the heads of the CDC do? They altered the data and reported in 2004 (1) that there was no association between autism and the MMR vaccine. Who wrote this article? William Thompson, PhD, the whistleblower, was one of the authors of that 2004 study. He is reported to be suffering with regret and remorse over the damage that has been done to our children over the last ten years.”
The data that was altered showed a whopping 240% increase in autism cases among African American males who received the MMR vaccine before 36 months of age. Furthermore, there was a 69% increase risk in any male injected with MMR before 36 months of age. Guess which racial group has the highest incidence of autism? If you guessed African American males, you win the prize. Guess who suffers with more autism, boys or girls? If you guessed boys, you win again.

‘I would rather be dead than like this’: Teenager’s agony as she is left wheelchair-bound and feeling like an ’80-year-old’ as her parents claim controversial HPV vaccine is to blame
Zara Beattie, from Wigton, Cumbria was once a promising football player
Now the teenager struggles to stand up on her own and is largely bed bound
Her parents believe her symptoms started after she had the HPV vaccine
Since the jab, Zara suffers heart palpitations and severe pain all over her body
Experts say there is no link between the HPV vaccine and chronic illness
By Daisy Dunne For Mailonline

Mia, left paralyzed from the neck down after suffering a reaction to the HPV vaccine, has no feeling in her arms or legs and is unable to lift her head. Her Mother, Gini Blesky, says the symptoms of her debilitating illness all began after being given Gardasil. Parents! Please BE INFORMED now and share this crucial information with everyone you love. View this newly available docu-series right now and protect your beloved children:
#Gardasil #Cervarix #RevolutionForChoice #HearThisWell #VaccineInjury #VAXXED #INFORMEDconsent

Johns Hopkins Researcher Releases Shocking Report On Flu Vaccines
In 2015, a whole new slew of flu vaccines found themselves getting approved by the Federal Drug Administration. This isn’t an uncommon practice; most flu vaccines pass inspection every year. It’s well known advice that has been passed down from doctor to patient that the flu vaccine is something that we all should get, but it has been quickly surfacing that what’s in the vaccines–especially those from 2015 and after–might actually be more damaging then simply rolling the dice on getting the flu.
The ingredient that is getting the most flack is called an adjuvant. The particular one involved is called Squalene, and it has been linked to auto-immune disease side effects. In fact, it may have been used during chemical attacks in the Gulf War. Symptoms include chronic fatigue, muscle aches, and neurologic damage.
While it may be a contested subject, it remains that we aren’t really sure what’s going into these vaccines we’re being convinced should be used. A scientist who has been working at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, released a report sharing his views on the subject. And they aren’t pretty.
Here is an excerpt from that summarizes aspects of Peter Doshi’s report. You can find the original report at the British Medical Journal’s site. Determine for yourself if the evidence he presents is credible or not…

WATCH NOW: – Watch this free 7-part miniseries featuring over 60 vaccine experts to hear both sides of the vaccine debate. Playing through August 23rd. WATCH NOW:

INFERTILITY – DISEASE – DEATH … Laura Hayes, Mother of vaccine-injured children, on a mission to end the vaccine holocaust! Share this LIFE-SAVING information with your loved ones and stay informed with this groundbreaking docu-series happening now:
“Would you allow something that could cause infertility, such as nonstick chemicals and solvents, to be injected into your child? Of course not. You know that you would never want to destroy your child’s future reproductive capabilities. However, millions of mothers across America are allowing doctors to inject their children with polysorbate 80, known to adversely affect fertility. And who knows what propylene glycol (antifreeze), Triton X100 (detergent), aluminum, mercury, foreign DNA fragments, and the myriad other vaccine ingredients do to one’s future reproductive ability, especially when injected in conjunction with polysorbate 80.
We know that the HPV vaccine has caused Primary Ovarian Failure (which is premature menopause) and amenorrhea (the prolonged cessation of a female’s menstrual cycle) in girls and young women, rendering them infertile, and possibly sterile for life. We know that tetanus vaccines given to girls and women in Kenya were laced with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), rendering them sterile. How? Administering HCG via vaccination stimulates the production of antibodies to HCG, and these antibodies then cause the woman’s body to reject embryos, effectively sterilizing her. Such an HCG-laced tetanus vaccine is in actuality a contraception vaccine.
Do you think any of these Kenyan women was told that prior to vaccination? To add to the evilness and deception, the Kenyan women were given a 5-dose tetanus program spread over a number of years, versus the 2-3 dose norm. Clearly, those vaccines were being used for induced sterility and birth control without the girls’ and women’s knowledge or consent.
Does any parent or vaccine recipient really know what is in the vaccines being injected into their child or themselves? It’s no wonder pharmaceutical companies don’t test to see whether or not their vaccine products cause infertility, they already know the answer. Instead, they simply write “not tested for impairment of fertility” on their package inserts, and our unethical government regulators let them get away with that. Interestingly, we are seeing record numbers of couples struggling with infertility issues. Coincidence?
Would you allow something that could kill your baby to be injected into your otherwise healthy child? Of course not! Mothers would lay down their lives for their children, they don’t purposefully put them in harm’s way. However, millions of mothers across America are allowing doctors to inject their children with more and more vaccines, not knowing that each and every one carries the risk of death, even more so when combined, as they most often are.
Interestingly, we are seeing record numbers of babies who are dying before their 1st birthday in the U.S., including many of “SIDS” and “SBS” (the labels that unethical doctors and unethical medical examiners use for vaccine-induced deaths instead of calling them what they are…i.e. vaccine-induced deaths). Coincidence?
Now that we have discussed what is actually in vaccines, let’s talk once more about how parental instincts have been demeaned, grossly manipulated, and obliterated, specifically, about how parents have been grievously lied to and misled, to the point where parents are now allowing things that simply do not make sense.
Imagine looking from the outside in, and seeing a tiny newborn, small infant, or trusting toddler, being held down, painfully stuck with a needle multiple times, screaming so that its face is beet red with tears, all while the child’s parents not only watch, but due to being lied to and coerced, they participate in this atrocity! What must this do to the psyche and stress hormones of a child to have this happen, time and again, while the person he trusts most is not only allowing it, but participating in it?
What would you say if you walked by the window to my house, peered in, and saw my husband and me holding down our tiny baby on the dining room table, then roughly jabbing and injecting it multiple times with toxic cocktails and true witches’ brews of ingredients…all while our baby, or child of any age, screamed bloody murder, trying to escape our grip and savagery? I imagine you would whip out your cell phone, call the police, then try to barge into our home to stop the abuse! How is what I just described any different than what goes on every minute of every day in doctors’ offices and hospitals in our country and across the world? To be very clear, it isn’t.
To state it very plainly, vaccination is child abuse in the form of medical assault and battery. With regard to adults, when vaccination is carried out against one’s will or wishes, say for school admittance, job requirements, elder care and housing, or military admission, or when carried out with one who is hesitant, or with one who is unsuccessful in resisting and refusing, it also meets the legal definition for assault and battery.
We must begin to label these vaccine atrocities for what they are: blatant and inexcusable child abuse; medical assault and battery; and when death is the result for the vaccine recipient, involuntary manslaughter. These vaccine-induced injuries, illnesses, and deaths are iatrogenic in nature, meaning they are caused by doctors and nurses. Vaccinations are crimes against humanity, and there is no time to mince words about this fact.”
This is a MUST SEE docu-series – totally free!
#RevolutionForChoice #VaccineInjury #TheTruthAboutVaccines #VAXXED #Infertility

STUDY: Reality Trumping Establishment Vaccine “Facts”
The past week has offered glimpses of hope for the growing number of people who know they are being lied to by the mainstream medical establishment about vaccine safety. More people are now aware that the kind of rigorous testing required for drugs to be put on the market does not apply to vaccines, or that vaccines like the HPV shot were not properly tested against a saline placebo before approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Yet, the medical establishment continues to omit these facts and instead focuses on why vaccine hesitancy is on the rise. Studies are being done in an attempt to understand vaccine hesitancy and come up with solutions to the “problem” of poor vaccine uptake. In 2014, the Boston Globe ran the headline Doctors Still Hesitant to Urge HPV Vaccine for Teenagers, highlighting a survey from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in which the agency stated that the inoculation rate is ‘unacceptably low.’ In 2015, NPR ran the story titled Doctors, Not Parents, Are the Biggest Obstacle to the HPV Vaccine in response to a study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, which found that more than a quarter of pediatricians and family doctors do not strongly endorse the HPV vaccine.
A new study in the journal PLOS One titled Misinformation Lingers in Memory: Failure of Three Pro-vaccination Strategies is an eye-opener at how clueless the medical establishment appears to be as to why its vaccine propaganda is being rejected. In this study, the researchers compared three strategies in vaccine promotion: a) contrasting myths vs. “facts,” b) employing “fact” and icon boxes, and c) showing images of non-vaccinated sick children. It should be noted that when the study’s authors refer to “facts,” they are using the term to mean vaccine propaganda. Beliefs in the autism-vaccine link and in vaccines side effects, along with intention to vaccinate a future child, were evaluated both immediately after the “correction intervention” and after a 7-day delay to reveal possible backfire effects. The study concluded the following:
“Results show that existing strategies to correct vaccine misinformation are ineffective and often backfire, resulting in the unintended opposite effect…”

Study – The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment
•When DTP and OPV were introduced in Guinea-Bissau in 1981, allocation by birthday resulted in a natural experiment of being vaccinated early or late.
•Between 3 and 5 months of age, children who received DTP and OPV early had 5-fold higher mortality than still unvaccinated children.
•In the only two studies of the introduction of DTP and OPV, co-administration of OPV with DTP may have reduced the negative effects of DTP.
Few studies have examined what happened to child survival when DTP and OPV were introduced in low-income countries. These vaccines were introduced in 1981 in an urban community in Guinea-Bissau from 3 months of age in connection with 3-monthly weighing sessions. Children were therefore allocated by birthday to receive vaccines early or late between 3 and 5 months of age. In this natural experiment vaccinated children had 5-fold higher mortality than not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children. DTP-only vaccinations were associated with higher mortality than DTP + OPV vaccinations. Hence, DTP may be associated with a negative effect on child survival.
Among 3–5-month-old children, having received DTP (±OPV) was associated with a mortality hazard ratio (HR) of 5.00 (95% CI 1.53–16.3) compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children. Differences in background factors did not explain the effect. The negative effect was particularly strong for children who had received DTP-only and no OPV (HR = 10.0 (2.61–38.6)). All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased after the introduction of these vaccines (HR = 2.12 (1.07–4.19)).
DTP was associated with increased mortality; OPV may modify the effect of DTP.

Dr. Buchwald testimony before the Quebec College of Physicians Medical Board:
Dr. Gerhard Buchwald takes the stand
A physician from Germany, Dr. Buchwald testifies through an interpreter. Dr. Lanctot tables his credentials as well as a copy of his book entitled “Vaccination: Business Based on Fear”. He is recognized as an expert on vaccination by the Committee.
Dr. Buchwald testifies that his experience includes being a medical counselor to an association of parents whose children have been injured or killed by vaccinations. He adds that he is aware of a thousand vaccination related injury cases and has had personal contact with 350 cases. In 150 of these cases, he wrote the medical opinion and acted as an advisor during the legal proceedings.
Dr Lanctot (L).: If you take this stand in your country, have you been reprimanded by the medical authorities?
B.: I wrote a paper entitled, “Vaccinations: A Crime Against our Children”. I received written reprimands from the College of Physicians… In Germany, we have a law called “Kronegesetz” in the Civil Code, which stipulates that everyone has the right to freely voice his or her opinion. When I was fed up with this nonsense with the College, I drew their attention to the fact that their responses were actually a breach of those sections of the law. German judges, who deal with these issues, are very touchy on this issue… It is impossible to suppress the free speech of a physician in a free country which is why the College knew that it would lose. They also knew that the press would really have a field day. Since then I’ve heard nothing more…
L.: You mentioned earlier that the first criterion in medicine is to do no harm… And you referred to these ethics in
He continues with a brief history of his experiences in general and describes how he got interested in the whole question of immunization. He recalls that after graduating from medical school, he was a supporter of vaccination policies, as was everyone else he knew. Then he relates to the Committee the story of the eldest of his three children, born in 1957, who at eighteen months received a smallpox vaccination and who, eight days later was no longer able to stand up in his crib. Until then, his son’s development had been absolutely normal:
“He fell sick with a post-vaccination encephalitis, and ever since, I have a completely destroyed human being at home.”
It was at that time that someone approached him to become a member of a protective association in Germany. It was through this group that he got to know other vaccination damage cases.

Study – Human papillomavirus vaccination and risk of autoimmune diseases: A large cohort study of over 2million young girls in France.
Among 2,252,716 girls, 37% received HPV vaccine and 4,096 AID occurred during a mean follow-up time of 33months. The incidence of AID was not increased after exposure to HPV vaccination, except for Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) (incidence rate of 1.4 among exposed [20 cases] versus 0.4 per 100,000 PY among unexposed [23 cases]; adjusted HR: 3.78 [1.79-7.98]). This association persisted across numerous sensitivity analyses and was particularly marked in the first months following vaccination. Under the hypothesis of a causal relationship, this would result in 1-2 GBS cases attributable to HPV vaccine per 100,000 girls vaccinated.
Our study provides reassuring results regarding the risk of AID after HPV vaccination, but an apparently increased risk of GBS was detected. Further studies are warranted to confirm this finding.

Study – Detection of contaminants in cell cultures, sera and trypsin.
The aim of this study was standardization and application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of contaminants in cell cultures, sera and trypsin. Five PCR protocols were standardized to assess the presence of genetic material from mycoplasma, porcine circovirus 1 (PCV1), bovine leukemia virus (BLV) or bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in cell culture samples. PCR reactions for the genes GAPDH and beta-actin were used to evaluate the efficiency of nucleic acid extraction. The PCR protocols were applied to 88 cell culture samples from eight laboratories. The tests were also used to assess potential contamination in 10 trypsin samples and 13 fetal calf serum samples from different lots from five of the laboratories. The results showed the occurrence of the following as DNA cell culture contaminants: 34.1% for mycoplasma, 35.2% for PCV1, 23.9% for BVDV RNA and 2.3% for BLV. In fetal calf sera and trypsin samples BVDV RNA and PCV1 DNA was detected. The results demonstrated that cell culture, sera and trypsin used by different laboratories show a high rate of contaminants. The results highlight the need for monitoring cell cultures and controlling for biological contaminants in laboratories and cell banks working with these materials.

C-Span – April 6, 2000
Autism and Childhood Vaccines Witnesses testified about a theory that routine vaccinations may cause autism in a growing number of children. Parents spoke about their experiences with their own autistic children. Medical experts and researchers then testified about the scientific evidence of a link between vaccines and autism, often disagreeing on whether a causal link existed.

Alfred Lambremont Webre – EXPERT PANEL Forced Adult vaccinations are component of extermination program Refuse all vaccines

Vaccines-The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction
Dr.Rebecca Carley.
ADVERSE REACTIONS to immunizations are more common than many people realize.
Please visit her website:

Biopersistence in the Brain of Aluminum Nanoparticles from Vaccines
Posted by Merinda Teller, Ph.D, MPH on Aug 14, 2017
In the 1990s, French clinicians and researchers began noticing and reporting on a mysterious inflammatory muscle disorder with a distinctive pathological pattern that later earned the name “macrophagic myofasciitis” or MMF.1 Myofasciitis refers to inflammation of muscles and their connective tissue (fascia).
Initially, the cause and features of MMF were unknown. Subsequent research by French investigators elucidated that the deltoid muscle lesions characteristic of MMF were secondary to intramuscular injection with vaccines containing aluminum hydroxide adjuvants.2 The lesions revealed both an ongoing local immune reaction along with long-term persistence of aluminum hydroxide at the injection site.2
An ongoing series of admirably methodical studies also have confirmed a number of other post-vaccination clinical symptoms associated with MMF.3 These disabling health problems include not just muscle pain but joint pain, chronic fatigue, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, autoimmunity, and cognitive dysfunction.4 The cognitive deficiencies experienced by MMF patients mirror the cognitive impairments that have been observed to result from chronic exposure to aluminum particles.5 Together, all of these dysfunctions are “paradigmatic” of an emerging aluminum-adjuvant-related syndrome that has come to be known as ASIA (autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants).

Finally! I’ve teased around the real reason polio began to paralyze people in the late 1800s and in this video, I explain it completely. It’s a crazy simple answer that’s so obvious, most people have looked right past it.
Watch Part 1:
Watch Part 2:
Watch Part 3:
Watch Part 4:
Watch Part 5:
Watch Part 6:

#VaxXed #Tennessee #flu #medical
chiropractor fed up with vaccine harm!
Dr Humphries outs flu shot fail:

#VaxXed #NorthCarolina #Nebraska


Vaccine News – Former Salesman For Vaccine Maker Merck Would Never Vaccinate His Kids












Do the unvaccinated spread disease? #vaxxed #PrayBig

Ty Dr Humphries
This information is unnerving
Medical freedom must be the ONLY mandate





















Disturbing tape-recording of an immunologist having a laugh over the numerous and useless vaccines they inject for a child’s first year of life,
in order to keep parents compliant and unquestioning of what is being done to their baby.
Research is KEY and education is empowerment – Find out what you need to know right here:
Networking, exemption information and doctor resources:
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Read all vaccine inserts:
#RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VAXXED #WellVisits #CDCVaccineSchedule #WellBaby













Before and After Toxic Vaccinations – 630,000+ views, 12,200+ shares, 1,500+ comment! . . . What aren’t you being told? Sign up for this free, 9 part docu-series replaying NOW and learn everything you need to know to protect your children: ➤➤➤
“This is like watching my son all over again.
He is 3 years old 4 in August and still not talking the words he could say just vanished after the 1 year shots”
“my grandson was the same, started pre-school and speech therapy and has been in speech for 3 years now. He was talking before his DTap and MMR, after he just hummed, never spoke again, but with speech he has blossomed, he can have a conversation if it’s something he is interested in, like cars.
But at this point I’ll take what I can get.”
“Yeah my son has been getting speech therapy for 2 years and started early preschool in August. He humms almost non stop. And has moments when he’ll just take off running screaming and hitting himself for no reason. It just hurts so bad not knowing whats going on or what he wants. He’s eating habit went from eating everything that was put infront of him to literally only eating 1 kind of yogurt (trix) cotton candy flavor only, bacon , hotdogs 1 (certain kind), bologna (certain kind) pizza ( crust only) and m&ms and only drinks milk. No matter how much we try to do different foods and drinks he wont try new things and its terrible and unhealthy and doctors isn’t worried. He is a happy lil guy most of the time but he has his outbursts for no reason”
“Sooooo many people have this same story Heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing. God Bless him and the parents.”
“This is the same like my son in the same age, he is complete different from 15 months and now still nonverbal”
“My grandson during pre-school started speech therapy. It has made a huge improvement in him. After his DTap and MMR he only hummed. Now he is verbal, not full back to himself but much better. He has had ST for 3 years now.”
“Exactly how my first daughter reacted after vaccines . She lost all acquired speech, stopped making eye contact and just appear to have checked out! Everyone tried to tell me it was totally normal. It’s NOT normal. My daughter has pulled through somehow, she still has some social skill obstacles and some obvious speech difficulty, but I’m so so thankful I have her back as much as I do. Heartbreaking how vaccines are damaging and killing our babies”
“Just like our dhuha Abdullah Hashim”
“His eyes. My son was just like this. I’m so sorry!!”
“So similar to my son”
“This is exactly what happened to my son….the before and after look..flapping of arms, non engaging. He was so engaging before MMR shot, then I lost him. He is 13 yrs old now and doing much better but still struggles in certain areas. He still tends to be in his own world and things don’t click like they should for 13 yrs old.”
“My child suffered much the same at 5 years old – after the second MMR. More noticeable when language is damaged long after it was established!”
“Looks exactly like our son after MMR, Hep B and DPT series at 12 months!!!!”
“He was on the usual vaccine schedule and appeared to be developing fine. He went for a series at 12 months and again at 15 months and that was it!!! His life has never been the same. We have done biomedical and chelation and he has recovered some but still needs some recovery. He will be 16 this year so he didn’t have all the vaccines kids did today. Our youngest son was 4 months old when we discovered our oldest had Autism and attended Autism One conference. We stopped vaccinating him and never vaccinated our daughter and both of my other children are fine and very healthy. I feel the MMR was the trigger for our son. A doctor drew blood titres on him two years after his vaccines and he had no immunity to mumps but his measles level was elevated and his rubella level was very elevated. Lab report even indicated he had active rubella. Very sad, these kids are blindly given tons of vaccines and so young. I pray this epidemic stops soon!”
“Vaccinating my children is the biggest mistake of my life and I will never be okay with it!! My 3 1/2 year old son lost all balance and speech, had head tremors and could barely crawl or sit up without falling after his 1 year vaccs. He didn’t start walking until 2 1/2 and is still very unstable, he falls a lot and doesn’t communicate well. He does receive speech, physical and occupational therapy which have helped a bit. I don’t know if he will ever recover fully and it breaks my heart!”
“My son was the same way I am sorry”
“This is so sad. This is exactly what happened to my daughter. Today she is 31 years old. She cannot speak. I had a healthy baby she had many words then all was lost! The last word she lost was flower, hand flapping began, eye contact lost, smiles lost, and all she has today is hay and oooo, after vaccines took my baby girl away from me, she is diagnosed with Autism!”
“our family KNOWS this same story”
“Same thing happened to us”
“Listen to your gut instinct. All it takes is one vaccine to cause catastrophic damage. It is an illusion that spacing them out shields you from the damage vaccines cause”
“delayed scedule didn’t prevent our child from getting vaccine damaged!
Once done, there is no going back!”
“Delayed vaccination schedule is a delayed poisoning. My son only received 1 shot per month and he developed autism”
“We stopped at 6 months due to vax injury and I can’t help but think how similar my son is to your son after the shots. He definitely has better eye contact NOW, but he’s still not talking at almost 3. He’s in speech and he’s in occupational therapy so we hope some breakthroughs happen soon.”
“This is like my son 17 yrs ago, from a healthy, active baby to a baby that is constantly flapping, head banging, screaming, crying, picky eater, not looking when called. He had fever, lbm and projectile vomiting after mmr before the autism nightmare starts”
“This make me so sad. I have a son who Has autism and it happened like this. I have three children and the youngest havent have Any vaccination and he is so Healthy and happy.”
“My oldest never had them but youngest did! The youngest has autism”
“I’ve seen it with my own eyes! This is what happened with my daughter with her 18month.”
“This is almost EXACTLY what happened to my son. It was the MMR vaccine when he was a little over 1 years old. That’s the last shot he got. And he’s never been the same since.”
“I’ve gone through this and continue to go through this with my boys. Heartbreaking but you can fix it by having a clean diet, no vaccines and juicing to detoxify the body from all those toxins. That’s what we did with my oldest boy who was diagnosed at 2 and now his 6 and his diagnosis has been removed. I have a 3 year old that has GDD and has a lot of sensory issues so it’s harder for us to get him take all the juicing and really good food because he doesn’t eat much. But we are getting there.”
“My daughter is allergic to an ingredient in one of the 5 vaccines she got at her 12 month checkup. Her throat almost swelled completely closed and a rash that left scarring. That was the last time she had vaccines she is perfectly fine now but after that experience I haven’t allowed her anymore vaccines. For pre school we got her a medical and personal exemption”
“This happened to my nephew. A vibrant child and now lives in a State home wearing diapers. A 6’4″, 200+lbs man (30) carrying a doll. He is so doped up because of his size and strength …. Without any hopes of getting better.”
“Now that I look back, my daughter lost her few words she had and wasn’t as engaging after her MMR vaccine…”
“my son also changed extremly and started stuttering”
“I not only think is the MMR vaccine alone but all vaccines. I started noticing my son was not engaging, blabbing at 8 months. Also he was doing a lot of hand flapping, walking on tippie toes and would be banging his head. So heartbreaking to see my husband and I had to work so hard with ABA therapist, OT, Speech therapist, diets, prayers and more to get him where he’s at. Thank God his diagnosis has been removed but now I have a 3 year old with GDD and is going through the same thing.”
“This breaks my heart so gut wrenching to see.
When i look back and see how vaccines damaged my son I’m filled with guilt and sorrow if only i knew before”
“A friend of mine had her daughter inoculated, and she went from what I saw before the shot….busy, engaging, babbling…a normal little girl. After the shot, she went into seizures and eventually became totally mentally and physically debilitated. This is not a hoax.”
“Can the parents please message me? This story is exactly what happened to my son”
“this is how Adonis was before vs now”
“As a parent this must be heartbreaking. I have seen this happen to a family member and the results are sad. The child has grown up to be physically capable but mentally unable to engage on a level where he can be independent. Is this what we want for our children?”
“This was exactly our boy after his 6 month immunisations.
I was always a big believer in them until I no longer had my happy, inquisitive, affectionate boy. You don’t understand how heartbreaking it is and the years of therapy he now has to endure because of it. This problem is real!”
“My son’s story is nearly identical he only had polio vaccine at 12 months, I wasn’t comfortable with MMR, and Dr said to wait a month if I felt better…that polio was his last shot he ever received. He had 30+ words at 12 months, happy, engaging, eye contact, using as fork and spoon correctly and neatly…he lost it all, literally after that shot. Took a year for most motor skills to mostly return, and still working on speech 2.5 years later. We will be starting the chelation protocol soon.”
“That used to drive me crazy…I would say his name…over and over…he would not look up, couldn’t seem to break his gaze away from whatever he was staring at. It’s inexplicably frustrating and sad”
“My then two and half year old son became non verbal following vaccination also. He was developing normally and then didnt speak until age 5. Hes about to be 8 and still struggles with speech, he cant even learn how to read”
“This is all too familiar for our family. I lost my daughter and found her again at 4 years old. I’ll always wonder what might have been had I not allowed poison semi-lethal injections into her body.”
“Same. Lost her at 12 months and got her back at 3/4.”
“Ditto . Mine was completely potty trained and knew her alphabet. After Dtap it was ALL LOST.”
“Both my ex-husband and I have been genetically tested. We have no “autism” links or genes. My son changed after his MMR.”
“My son was healthy, normal, playful, babbling as his age would require, and hit all his marks as a 15 month old. When he got his MMR, it was literally like someone turning off the light switch to his life and personality.
He stopped everything. Stopped talking, stopped making eye contact, stopped playing with his sisters, and stopped being interested and involved with his environment.”
“I have similar videos of my son before and after the mmr jabs. He was eventually diagnosed ASD and ADHD at three. If i was to have any more children i wouldnt be giving it them.”
“Bless his heart… Very similar thing happened to my son.”
“Similar happened to us too…”
“And my child received a vaccine at a year old that left her with debilitating seizures and cognitive delays. Her pediatrician reported it as a reaction from vaccines. I’d have much rather she had gotten measles….. There would have been medical treatment for them.”
“the same happen to our son, we live in Puerto Rico. I’ve cry long nights thinking why. But now I focus in give him all he help and therary he needs…”
“I have friend who had the same experience”
“So sad, that happened to my stepson he got his shots in westerly RI”
“my child died just two weeks after first vaccinations was health baby before hand knocks me sick and they say it’s SIDS sad thing is I was to young and was not aware now I am and my child has had no vaccinations and doing very well”
“Breaks my heart, same thing happened to my daughter, watching before and after videos of her kills me – knowing i took my daughter for that vaccination and changed her whole life i’ll never stop telling people the TRUTH whether they are receptive to it or not.”
“Omg this is exactly how my son ended up at the same age too and he was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3 he’s nearly 5 years old and still has no speech”
“exactly what happened to Ashaz”
“That’s exactly what happened to my son.”
“This is so heartbreaking to watch, I saw the same exact thing happen to my baby boy”
“Exactly what happened to my son. He said Mama and Dada. After the vax? He didn’t speak for 3 years.. Still has problems speaking and he is 40.”
“My sister went through this her daughter was talking and was fully communicating with her and everyone else. She got a vaccine and now they say she is autistic, and now she is nonverbal has to wear diapers and before the vaccine she was using the potty. She is now 4 years old.”
“My son is now 26 and the same thing happened to him when he was that age. Was way off the developmental chart and then everything stopped. The flapping, the humming, no eye contact, the communication stopped. No more mama or dada. All the other kids his age that he was more advanced than surpassed him.”
“My friend’s grandson received his vaccinations at 2 months old. He passed away later that night at the hospital. He was fine before that…not sick or anything.”
“Heartbreaking !!! This is exactly what happened to my beloved son over 21 years ago….why is this still being allowed to happen???? This is criminal and the pharma MUST be stopped…”
“Right after my daughter got MMR shot she starting do hand flapping and walking on top toes talk late very aggressive and won’t get long with other kids etc”
“I’m so sorry to see this and hear about your baby. I think I would lose my mind if this happened to my child. My nephew is autistic and I swear it was a result of the measles vaccine. We keep seeing this happening all around, but people are not waking up. Why are we allowing big pharma to continue doing this to our kids? Heartbreaking.”
“They messed up my little girl.”
“How many of us have exactly the same story after vaccine and will we ever be heard?”
“I have very similar footage.”
“I got teary listening to the mama trying so hard to get his attn after the fact… Brings back such painful memories. Exactly what we went through w our twins… Breaks my heart. Thank you for sharing so that others may know better than we did”
“My daughter is a victim of the vaccines. In August before 8th grade, she got the gardasil shot. Went home tired and slept. Woke the next day and she was barely there. She spent the next 6 months sleeping-she would wake and go to school, come home around 3pm, go to sleep, wake about an hour for dinner, then go back to sleep till 6am to wake for school-where she would struggle to stay awake.”
“When she got the vaccine at 2 weeks, she became very sick with a high fever and vomiting. When i called the docs office, the nurse laughed and said this was the 2nd call she received that night with the same situation, with a boy on the other side of the city, but she reassured me that the hepatitis vaccine was perfectly safe with no side effects for my 2 WEEK old.
And looking back, every time she got a vaccine she would be very sleepy like for a good month after. I just thought it was because she was fighting the virus from the vaccine. I have videos of her being very friendly and helpful and talkative. Then she slowly slipped away. But nothing was more obvious than that 8th grade year. I know for a fact that her disability is caused by the vaccines because it became severally worse that year.
Her getting that vaccine when she was 2 WEEKS old, she never had a chance to be normal.”
“Please listen and help! Enough children have been affected; my son included!!”
“This happened to my baby too. He is about to turn 6, still not talking. They are stealing out children from us.”
“My baby boy did the exact same thing! No one ever believes me”
“…reminded me of what Caleb used to do.”
“one vaccine almost killed my daughter.”
“My son had an adverse reaction at 1 month…it almost killed him too.”
“This made me cry because it was like watching my son all over again… except he was speaking in sentences when he lost everything.”
“This is hard to watch, beings the EXACT same thing happened with Lynae… it makes me sick”
“My son also said the ‘eeeeeeeee’…”
“This was my son too. He had a seizure. Lost all motor and verbal skills. Was diagnosed PDDNOS. After countless amounts of therapy, I have a healthy and intelligent 14 year old. So thankful for his progress. Social issues, yes. But overall, amazing.”
“The same happened my girl… but now she’s come back, has a few little quirks but nothing compared to the rocking, screaming and all the other things she used to do”
“This could be an exact video of our son.”
“Same thing happend to me…he had a few words…after 2…nothingg…he’s 33 months still nothing just mama…sometimes…I’m struggling to not have any more vaccines but its required here in california in order to place them in school”
“My son went through the same thing. My heart broke watching this just brought back memories of when I lost my healthy son.”
“My son Liam was the life of everything! Then he got his vaccinations and everything changed he is now 11 years old with severe autism he has only been out of diapers for over a year now and I know for a fact it’s because of the vaccinations!”
“Breaks my heart watching this because it’s looking at my son as he was amd is exactly the same now. What I wouldn’t do to have my baby as he was before that day”
“This made me cry because it’s like watching my son 10 years ago.”
“This is exactly what my poor son went thru. I know the the pain and heartaches seeing them like this after immunisation…took my son 5 years to get eye contact back but speech is still missing…slow process is better than no progress I guess…but still our kids should of never ended up like this with the bs they’re bringing out …
“Same thing identical happened to my little one, same age, yep, hand flapping, eeeeee and fussy. No eye contact unhappy and no more speech.
I broke the hand flapping when he was around three, teach him to put his hands in his pockets, this took about three months but he stopped flapping unless he was in the tub or pool, and his speech came back, it took three years but he began to speak. Still to this day he is fussy, and has lots of tantrums. He is now 16”
“My son is two and a half and he regressed at 14 mths old. He had his mmr jab and was never the same. My son goes eeeee, flaps, don’t make eye contact and tip toe walker. He’s also fussy with new foods, he lacks social interaction. It’s awful. I’m just at a loss with him”
“Went through the same with our son after the swine flu vaccine”
“That’s exactly to the T of what happened to my son”
“This is one of the most powerful awareness videos I have ever seen.
God Bless you and your family and from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for taking the time and having the courage to make and share this. I watched my brother, who is now 22 go through the exact same thing.”
#RevolutionForChoice #VAXXED #MMR #NotACoincidence #VaccinesRevealed #HearThisWell #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VaccineInjury #Autism





Thinking about the HPV Vaccine? Watch this video first. Then go to &




Shanna Cartmell Speech: Children’s March For Humanity – Santa Monica, CA June 17, 2017. Learn more at See the entire Santa Monica rally at



Vaccine injury is sweeping the globe. . What is the real cause behind it?

Pfizer kicks off human testing with maternal GBS vaccine
by Angus Liu | Jun 20, 2017 10:44am
Though blockbuster Prevnar 13 is still the backbone of Pfizer’s vaccine portfolio, its slowing sales have increased pressure on the drug giant to explore other opportunities, and a vaccine against Group B streptococcus (GBS) is among those efforts.
Pfizer announced on Monday it started a phase 1/2 trial of its GBS conjugate vaccine dubbed PF-06760805, which incorporates at least five serotypes of GBS and could prevent approximately 95% of GBS disease in infants via maternal immunization, according to a company spokesperson.
“We are looking to determine whether our investigational vaccine could generate levels of protective antibodies in the mother that, when passed to her unborn baby, will protect the baby against deadly GBS infection during a time when the infant is most vulnerable to infection,” a company spokesperson told FiercePharma.
Researchers will enroll 363 healthy U.S. women aged 18 to 49 who have no history of GBS infection. The participants will be divided into seven groups, six of which will get the vaccine in either of two formulations in one of the three doses; the rest will receive placebo, according to The plan is to evaluate safety, tolerability and immunogenicity by May 2018.

CDC panel again advises against FluMist
By Susan Scutti, CNN
Updated 2037 GMT (0437 HKT) June 21, 2017
(CNN)Shots will continue to be the main option for the upcoming flu season. A US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory committee recommended Wednesday that FluMist, the nasal spray influenza vaccine, not be used during the 2017-18 season.
Though it’s popular among those who hate needles — including most children — last year’s recommendation to exclude FluMist did not affect vaccine coverage numbers for the 2016-17 season compared with the 2015-16 season according to preliminary data presented to the committee. Overall, 58.2% of US children between the ages of 6 months and 17 years were vaccinated, compared with 59% the previous year.
ACIP Meeting Information

DTP Vaccine Increases Mortality in Young Infants 5 to 10-Fold Compared to Unvaccinated Infants
April 24, 2017
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
For many years, public health advocates have vainly urged the CDC and WHO to conduct studies comparing vaccinated vs. unvaccinated populations to measure overall health outcomes. Now a team of Scandinavian scientists has conducted such a study and the results are alarming. That study, funded in part by the Danish government and lead by Dr. Soren Wengel Mogensen, was published in January in EBioMedicine. Mogensen and his team of scientists found that African children inoculated with the DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine, during the early 1980s had a 5-10 times greater mortality than their unvaccinated peers.
The data suggest that, while the vaccine protects against infection from those three bacteria, it makes children more susceptible to dying from other causes.

Study – The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment
We examined the introduction of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) and oral polio vaccine (OPV) in an urban community in Guinea-Bissau in the early 1980s.

The child population had been followed with 3-monthly nutritional weighing sessions since 1978. From June 1981 DTP and OPV were offered from 3 months of age at these sessions. Due to the 3-monthly intervals between sessions, the children were allocated by birthday in a ‘natural experiment’ to receive vaccinations early or late between 3 and 5 months of age. We included children who were <6 months of age when vaccinations started and children born until the end of December 1983. We compared mortality between 3 and 5 months of age of DTP-vaccinated and not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children in Cox proportional hazard models.

Among 3–5-month-old children, having received DTP (±OPV) was associated with a mortality hazard ratio (HR) of 5.00 (95% CI 1.53–16.3) compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children. Differences in background factors did not explain the effect. The negative effect was particularly strong for children who had received DTP-only and no OPV (HR = 10.0 (2.61–38.6)). All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased after the introduction of these vaccines (HR = 2.12 (1.07–4.19)).

DTP was associated with increased mortality; OPV may modify the effect of DTP.

Former Salesman For Vaccine Maker Merck Would Never Vaccinate His Kids
By Paul Webber – June 20, 2017


“If you believe what you are told by the AMA and the CDC and your doctor, you’re not doing enough research.” Those are Scott Cooper’s own words. The former Merck salesman says that vaccines are NOT safe and are NOT effective and pleads with the public to do more research.
So then why, when people who have inside knowledge and nothing to gain, tell us these things do we not listen? Creating friction and yourself between Pharmaceutical companies is not a comforting experience, nor is it the path to making more money in life. Pharma has all the money, all the opportunity and it would be a much easier path to just stay quiet. But that’s not what’s happening anymore. People do have a conscience. People are speaking out even when it isn’t beneficial to them personally.