EU is trying to ‘play God’ with COVID mandates, Romanian priest raised under Communism warns

A member of the European Parliament and priest of the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church is fighting what he views as a rising tide of “communism” in the European Union. Europe is “transitioning … from a democracy to a tyranny,” he told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview.

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Just News – Brad Pitt: ‘Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America’

Nicole Kidman: ‘Stanley Kubrick Said Pedophiles Run The World’
June 24, 2017 Baxter Dmitry
Stanley Kubrick claimed that “the world is run by pedophiles”, according to Nicole Kidman, who says the reclusive director taught her “how the world works and who is really in control behind the scenes” while filming Eyes Wide Shut.
“Stanley told me the world is run by pedophiles,” Nicole Kidman said while promoting HBO’s Big Little Lies, in Los Angeles. “He studied secret societies his whole life, he was fascinated by them, and he said the elite, the top secret societies, they are full of men with a certain predilection. They are tied together, sort of bonded, by pedophilia.
“They all know each other’s dark secrets. There is no way out for any of them. It’s a lifetime bond. Even if one of them wanted to go straight, repent, so to speak, he can’t. His peers will bring him down. They are in it until death, driving the world to ruin. That’s kind of how Stanley explained it but it was all very complex. I’m probably not doing it justice.”
The 1999 film, starring Kidman and her then husband Tom Cruise, was Stanley Kubrick’s last outing as director before his death the same year. Many people believe Kubrick gave away too many secrets in the film about secret societies and the global elite, and it may have cost him his life.
Asked if Kubrick’s knowledge of secret societies and their darkest secrets had anything to do with his death, Kidman raised an eyebrow and said “That’s not a question I can answer here.”
“Though maybe I could. None of you in the media would be allowed to print it, would you? The men who own your companies wouldn’t allow it to get out,” Kidman said.
A brave speaker of truth, Nicole Kidman had contracts cancelled by two Hollywood studios earlier this year after she dared go against the current Hollywood agenda by saying “we need to support whoever is the president”.

Brad Pitt: ‘Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America’
Movie star speaks out against pedophilia rings
By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 26th June 2017 @ 8.00pm
Mr. Pitt describes how the whole TV and film industry is run around a culture of grooming children for child trafficking networks that reach across the United States and beyond, into the upper echelons of the political spectrum and societal hierarchy: “You think Hollywood is about making movies? That’s just a byproduct: It’s about money, and more importantly, power and control.” “The people who run Hollywood, also run America, and most of the world, and they don’t care about movies.” “You’ve heard of the Illuminati right? The secret societies, the politicians, the bankers and the media – they’re the ones running these pedophile rings, and they’re the ones that run the world, and it all goes back to Hollywood.” “Kids wanna be in movies, or should I say; parents want their kids to be in movies, and they’ll do anything to get them famous”

Paedophile priest gets 3 months jail for raping 3 boys by NSW Supreme Court’s Justice Hoeben
I have seen some scandalous and corrupt judgements but I can’t remember any worse than paedophile catholic priest Father Robert Flaherty being sentenced in August 2016 to a non-parole period of 3 months jail for abusing and raping 3 boys. It is plainly obvious that the judges involved need to be investigated themselves.
I have collated a list of paedophile judges and suspected paedophile judges below and emailed the list to all the NSW Supreme Court judges giving them an opportunity to respond before I published their names. I am also in the process of sending a formal complaint to the relevant authorities regarding paedophiles in the judiciary and not all my evidence is in this article but I will focus on making a fair and reasonable case against the 4 judges in the Father Flaherty matter.
The rest of the evidence I will publish at the relevant time although I have published plenty before such as an article in 2014 titled: “Premier Mike Baird & Chief Justice Bathurst fail to act on paedophile supporter Judge Garry Neilson“.
Paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy – Jailed for 25 years in 2001
Most people find it hard to believe that there are paedophile judges but the first Australian judicial officer jailed was South Australian magistrate Peter Liddy who is still in jail today. It was reported in 2001:
“Former South Australian Magistrate, Peter Liddy, continues to make Australian legal history. In June he became the first Australian judicial officer convicted of child sex crimes. And today he was given a 25 year sentence – believed to be the longest sentence handed down to any paedophile.“

Arizona Places 2 Year Old Child in Foster Pornographic Pedophile Ring – Foster Mom Burns 80% of Her Body
June 28, 2017
Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor
WARNING! Content in this article not suitable for younger audiences!
This is perhaps one of the most horrific examples of child abuse of a child who was taken into state custody by a “Child Protection” social service agency, and put into the foster care system, that we have ever reported.
That is not to state that these kinds of horrible stories are rare, but rather seldom do we have the legal rights to publish such stories.
This one is the result of a lawsuit in the State of Arizona, and therefore the 1st Amendment gives us, and anyone else in the media, the right to expose this, since charges have been filed against the alleged criminals in the foster care system.
As we have previously reported on our website, statistics clearly show that children taken away from their families, even “troubled” families where there are problems, do far worse overall in foster care after they are separated from their families, since the incidences of abuse while in foster care are far greater.

Aborted baby’s heart was beating as we harvested his brains: worker in new Planned Parenthood video
Wed Aug 19, 2015 – 8:39 am EST
By Ben Johnson

SAN JOSE, CA, August 19, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – A former procurement technician who helped harvest organs at Planned Parenthood said she saw a baby boy’s heart beating outside his body before the child’s body parts were extracted.
Holly O’Donnell, a former procurement technician at StemExpress, said at Mar Monte’s Alameda clinic in San Jose a co-worker named Jessica brought over the most fully developed baby she had ever seen and said, “I want you to see something kind of cool.”
There she saw the “closest thing to a [fully-developed] baby I’ve seen.”
“It had a face. It wasn’t completely torn up,” she said. “Its nose was very pronounced.”
“She has one of her instruments, and she taps the heart, and it starts beating.”
“I’m looking at this fetus, and it’s heart is beating,” O’Donnell said in astonishment.
“I don’t know if that constitutes it’s technically dead, or it’s alive,” she continued.
Dr. Ben Van Handel, the vice president of Novogenix Laboratories, says on the video “there are times when, after the [abortion] procedure is done, that the heart is still beating.”


Just News – I wish you enough…..

Pedophile Priest With HIV who Raped 30 Children Forgiven by Church Catholic Church absolved priest after who faces no criminal charges for raping young girls under 10
By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 2nd May 2017 @ 5.51pm
A Catholic Priest has been acquitted by the church after admitted to raping almost 30 young girls aged between 5 and 10-years-old. The priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was cleared of any wrong-doing and won’t face any criminal charges, despite the fact that he knew he was infected with HIV when he sexually abused all the children he admitted to raping. The mother of one of the priest’s victims wrote a letter to The Pope asking to meet with him in Rome to discuss the case, but was shunned by the Vatican who declared that “the matter is closed”.

Así no Francisco: Absuelven a sacerdote con HIV que abusó de 30 niñas indígenas
Desde que Jorge Omar Bergoglio asumió su pontificado como papa Francisco hizo uno de sus banderas la condena de la pedofilia que tanto ha manchado a la Iglesia Católica Apostólica Romana. Pero la condena no debe limitarse a las palabras sino que sería conveniente acompañarla con hechos. No ayuda al Obispo de Roma lo que está sucediendo en Oaxaca, México.

I wish you enough…..

Australian Prime Minister and Wife Tied to Pharma, Pushing Mandatory Vaccination
Mar 7, 2017
Australia’s politicians are deeply tied to pharmaceutical corporations, the British Monarchy, and other corporate and institutional powers which threaten the freedom and prosperity of Australian citizens.
One product of this hegemony is Australia’s “No Jab No Pay” law, which strips welfare from citizens who refuse vaccination for themselves or their children.
You could say people should just go without government welfare, and that’s a good idea for participants in the philosophy of independence from the system (Voluntaryism or Agorism), but the “system” in Australia has been constructed to make it difficult for anyone who is left out.
They can use this as leverage to cut off other necessities from citizens who refuse vaccination.
Without regard for the world of evidence for why people should not vaccinate, politicians and mainstream media speak of “improving vaccination rates.”
In its full perspective, No Jab No Pay is an eventuality when you see who holds power in the country. Let’s start with the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull.


Just News – The Alex Jones Channel – Evidence Mounts Syrian WMD Attack Was False Flag

Paul Joseph Watson – Pedophiles Rule the World
International sex trafficking rings are controlled by the elite.

Infants who survive abortions are entitled to life-saving medical care, but Planned Parenthood has defended killing babies after they are born. Watch this shocking video of a Planned Parenthood lobbyist supporting infanticide.

WiFi Experiment Done By A Group Of 9th Grade Students Got Serious International Attention. THIS Is Why
April 5, 2017
They took 400 cress seeds and placed them in 12 trays. Then, they placed 6 trays in 2 separate rooms at the same temperature. They gave the same amount of water and sun to all the trays for 12 days.
However, 6 of the trays were put next to two [Wi-Fi] routers. Such routers broadcast the same type of radiation as an ordinary mobile.
After 12 days what the result spoke was clear: cress seeds next to the router did not grow, and some of them were even mutated or dead.

WATCH: An 80-year-old Catholic Priest called Father Angel has opened a Restaurant in Madrid that takes money from the rich to feed the poor — Welcome to Robin Hood Restaurant.
If you care about helping the world— Like Soul Mama now!

Top 5 Popular Children’s Snacks Made with Cancer Causing Petroleum Products
 1. Pop tarts
These toaster pastries were first introduced in 1964. The Frosted Strawberry flavor has corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose and sugar within the first 6 ingredients! These are all forms of harmful sugar. The other alarming ingredients are TBHQ which comes from petroleum and is related to butane, partially hydrogenated soybean oil that causes cellular dysfunction, and cancer causing artificial colors.
2. Fruit snacks
These come in so many “fruit” flavors and characters they maybe hard to resist, until you realize they are made mostly is artificial additives and colors. Red 3 is a commonly used food coloring, also known as E127 or Erythrosine, a petroleum product.
3. M&M’s
They are fun colorful chocolate candies that melt in your mouth and not in your hands… These colors are artificial and are harmful when ingested. The colors utilized are, Blue #2: Is a petroleum based product that increases hyperactivity in children, increases brain tumors in lab rats and other abnormal cell development. Blue #1: Produces malignant tumors. Red #40: Damages DNA. Yellow #6: Can cause cancer and Yellow #5: All of these artificial colors are made from petroleum and can cause, in addition, allergic reactions, hyperactivity, and cancer.
4. Cheetos
Those orange, cheesy snacks. The artificial color that creates the “cheese” color is made from Yellow 6, which we know is derived from petroleum. As is the “cheese” flavoring, including, methyl benzoate and ethyl methylphenidate.
5. Teddy grahams
They have been around since 1988 and are available in 5 different flavors. These tiny bears are a great size for even small fingers but they are laced with the dreaded TBHQ. TBHQ can be toxic and also cause nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ear, delirium and collapse. It is shown to cause stomach cancer in lab rats, fragment DNA and cause damage to humane lung and umbilical cells. In children it can cause anxiety, restlessness, and intensify the symptoms of ADHD.
There are many quick and easy healthy snacks to grab and go – you don’t have to use the snacks above!

The Alex Jones Channel – Evidence Mounts Syrian WMD Attack Was False Flag
The news has done nothing but push the total war agenda after the Syrian chemical attack, but who really stands to gain from the overthrow of the Assad regime in Syria.


Daughter of Satanist High Priest Tells of Her Experiences!!

A little girl was actually used to “breed” babies for her father to SACRIFICE in his rituals as a satanist high priest!! See how she overcame this!
800-759-0700 – Toll Free Prayer Line

If you would like to read my detailed Born Again Information, here is the link to the introductory message. It is a .pdf file, so you will need to have the FREE Adobe Reader installed on your computer.

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Here is another link that will help you better understand how things fit together spiritually:…

Link to download booklet “Angels, Demons, and the End Times”…

This is a link to a website loaded with other people’s experiences of going to heaven and coming back to tell about it! Also some are about people going to hell and coming back!