Vaccine News – Vaccine-Autism Link Study is Allegedly Part of Trump Administration’s $54 Billion Budget Cut

Vaccine-Autism Link Study is Allegedly Part of Trump Administration’s $54 Billion Budget Cut
Regin OlimberioMar 13, 2017 12:50 AM EDT
President Donald Trump’s stance to study the alleged link between vaccine and autism stirs fear of hampered study and minimal funding among health sector. A previous study has already debunked the myth that vaccines can cause autism but Trump opened the doors to further research. Advocates of mass vaccination fear that they have to turn their energy defending vaccines instead of moving forward with a medical breakthrough.
To recall, the renewed vigor started in 2008 when the National Vaccine Advisory Committee pushed for a safety agenda about the issue. Parents were assured of transparent access to results of research about vaccine’s link to autism. The agenda resurged at the start of Trump administration.
Health experts argued that Trump’s policy might delay or hamper the administration of vaccines. By doing so, children will be more susceptible to natural infections. This heightened risk can occur even at small delay between vaccine shots.
Another implication could be the difficulty in availing health insurance being stipulated under Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. The said law assures health coverage for pre-existing condition. Health insurance companies can simply imply that autism is not part of coverage since it is debatably not pre-existing but aggravated by vaccines. Another law that will suffer a setback is Disabilities Education Act that ensures education for autistic children, Live Science reported.

Vaccines and Autism Revisited — The Hannah Poling Case
Paul A. Offit, M.D. N Engl J Med 2008
On April 11, 2008, the National Vaccine Advisory Committee took an unusual step: in the name of transparency, trust, and collaboration, it asked members of the public to help set its vaccine-safety research agenda for the next 5 years. Several parents, given this opportunity, expressed concern that vaccines might cause autism — a fear that had recently been fueled by extensive media coverage of a press conference involving a 9-year-old girl named Hannah Poling.
When she was 19 months old, Hannah, the daughter of Jon and Terry Poling, received five vaccines — diphtheria–tetanus–acellular pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), measles–mumps–rubella (MMR), varicella, and inactivated polio. At the time, Hannah was interactive, playful, and communicative. Two days later, she was lethargic, irritable, and febrile. Ten days after vaccination, she developed a rash consistent with vaccine-induced varicella.
Months later, with delays in neurologic and psychological development, Hannah was diagnosed with encephalopathy caused by a mitochondrial enzyme deficit. Hannah’s signs included problems with language, communication, and behavior — all features of autism spectrum disorder. Although it is not unusual for children with mitochondrial enzyme deficiencies to develop neurologic signs between their first and second years of life, Hannah’s parents believed that vaccines had triggered her encephalopathy. They sued the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for compensation under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) and won.
On March 6, 2008, the Polings took their case to the public. Standing before a bank of microphones from several major news organizations, Jon Poling said that “the results in this case may well signify a landmark decision with children developing autism following vaccinations.”1 For years, federal health agencies and professional organizations had reassured the public that vaccines didn’t cause autism. Now, with DHHS making this concession in a federal claims court, the government appeared to be saying exactly the opposite. Caught in the middle, clinicians were at a loss to explain the reasoning behind the VICP’s decision.
The Poling case is best understood in the context of the decision-making process of this unusual vaccine court. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, American lawyers successfully sued pharmaceutical companies claiming that vaccines caused a variety of illnesses, including unexplained coma, sudden infant death syndrome, Reye’s syndrome, transverse myelitis, mental retardation, and epilepsy. By 1986, all but one manufacturer of the diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis vaccine had left the market. The federal government stepped in, passing the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which included the creation of the VICP. Funded by a federal excise tax on each dose of vaccine, the VICP compiled a list of compensable injuries. If scientific studies supported the notion that vaccines caused an adverse event — such as thrombocytopenia after receipt of measles-containing vaccine or paralysis after receipt of oral polio vaccine — children and their families were compensated quickly, generously, and fairly. The number of lawsuits against vaccine makers decreased dramatically.

Whooping cough increase related to current vaccine
Friday, 24 April 2015 Dani Cooper ABC
The move to an artificially created vaccine for whooping cough is behind an increase in cases of the deadly disease in the US, a new study suggests.
The findings highlight the need to do similar research in Australia where whooping cough cases have spiralled upward in the past decade, co-author Associate Professor Manoj Gambhir, from the University of Monash, says.
In 2012 the US saw the highest number of pertussis (whooping cough) cases since 1955.
At the same time there has been a shift in the age group reporting the largest number of cases from adolescents to 7 to 11 year olds.
In the paper, published today in PLOS Computational Biology, Gambhir and colleagues use mathematical modelling of 60 years of pertussis disease data to determine what best explains this increase.
Their research finds the level of protection of the currently used acellular vaccine is lower than that of the previously used whole-cell vaccine.
Gambhir says the original whole-cell vaccine developed in 1942 was very effective.
Following introduction of vaccination, the reported disease incidence in the US dropped from 150 cases per 100,000 each year before 1940, to the point of near elimination in the mid-1970s when there were just 0.5 reported cases per 100,000 population.
“Now in the past decade we have seen a rise from that low to about 10-20 cases per 100,000,” says Gambhir.
Gambhir, who led the study with Dr Thomas Clark at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in Atlanta, Georgia, and Professor Neil Ferguson, of the Imperial College London in the UK, says while the number of cases remains low the trend is upward.
“It’s the sort of five-year by five-year rise that is the concern because the worry is it could go back to those levels at which we would start seeing infant deaths,” he says.
New vaccine to blame
Gambhir says in 1991 researchers developed a new vaccine to address public concerns that the whooping cough vaccine caused a reaction in some children.

Study – A Change in Vaccine Efficacy and Duration of Protection Explains Recent Rises in Pertussis Incidence in the United States
Published: April 23, 2015
PDF version
Over the past ten years the incidence of pertussis in the United States (U.S.) has risen steadily, with 2012 seeing the highest case number since 1955. There has also been a shift over the same time period in the age group reporting the largest number of cases (aside from infants), from adolescents to 7–11 year olds. We use epidemiological modelling and a large case incidence dataset to explain the upsurge. We investigate several hypotheses for the upsurge in pertussis cases by fitting a suite of dynamic epidemiological models to incidence data from the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS) between 1990–2009, as well as incidence data from a variety of sources from 1950–1989. We find that: the best-fitting model is one in which vaccine efficacy and duration of protection of the acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine is lower than that of the whole-cell (wP) vaccine, (efficacy of the first three doses 80% [95% CI: 78%, 82%] versus 90% [95% CI: 87%, 94%]), increasing the rate at which disease is reported to NNDSS is not sufficient to explain the upsurge and 3) 2010–2012 disease incidence is predicted well. In this study, we use all available U.S. surveillance data to: 1) fit a set of mathematical models and determine which best explains these data and 2) determine the epidemiological and vaccine-related parameter values of this model. We find evidence of a difference in efficacy and duration of protection between the two vaccine types, wP and aP (aP efficacy and duration lower than wP). Future refinement of the model presented here will allow for an exploration of alternative vaccination strategies such as different age-spacings, further booster doses, and cocooning.

Vaccine Detox: Do This IMMEDIATELY if Baby Regresses after Shots
by Sarah Updated: December 23, 2016
When it comes to childhood immunizations, the approach with the least long term risk to your child’s health is refusing the shots in the first place. It’s a better strategy to avoid the myriad of vaccine related health problems from the start rather than scrambling for an effective vaccine detox to unwind the immune system damage later.
You can always get vaccinated, but undoing vaccine damage is a challenging process. Procrastination is a virtue when it comes to shots!
Science is not on your side if you choose to vaccinate, contrary to the drone of government officials, the media, misinformed school officials, and even pediatricians, some of whom are fearful of reprisal if they speak out with a differing opinion on the subject.
Emergency Vaccine Detox if a Child Regresses after Vaccination
Loss of eye contact, unresponsiveness to sounds or other stimuli, and the sudden inability to walk are common observations by parents of young children after a round of vaccinations. They are so common, in fact, that more than 1 in 50 children is currently on the autistic spectrum. This is up from one in every 300 children when my first child was born in 1998. In the 1980s, about 1 in every 10,000 children was autistic. Scientific projections are that 1 in every 2 boys will be on the spectrum by 2030 at the current rate of growth.
What should you do if you decide to vaccinate and your child suddenly starts to regress?
Developmental pediatrician Dr. Mary Megson of the University of Virginia has answers for you based on her extensive clinical experience treating autistic children for over 25 years.
Dr. Megson has developed a framework for treating autism based on the piece of the puzzle she has discovered clinically – blocked Vitamin A pathways in the brain.

Six Reasons To Say NO to Vaccination
by Sarah Updated: February 25, 2017
Vaccination is an extremely controversial topic these days. Whatever side of the aisle you may fall with regard to your opinion about vaccination, one thing is for certain. The choice to vaccinate or not vaccinate is a decision that has the potential to greatly impact the health of you and most importantly, your children for the rest of their lives.
As a result, this decision should not be taken lightly and it should not be made in a vacuum.   In other words, don’t just take your pediatrician’s word that shots are safe.    It is possible for doctors to be wrong.    They are human, after all.   In reality, your doctor is simply parroting the standard line about vaccination from the American Medical Association (AMA) playbook.    If you think you are getting their honest assessment, think again.
You should neither assume shots are dangerous just because your friend down the street doesn’t vaccinate her kids.

#1:   Pharmaceutical Companies Can’t Be Trusted (Ever)
#2:   ALL Vaccines are Loaded with Chemicals and Heavy Metals
#3:   Vaccinated Children are the Unhealthiest, Most Chronically Sick Children
#4:   Other Countries Are Waking Up to the Dangers of Vaccination
#5:   Numerous Vaccines Have Already Had Problems/Been Removed from the Market
#6   You Can Always Get Vaccinated, But You Can Never Undo a Vaccination

Govt. Still Pushing HPV Vaccine on Kids a Decade after JW Exposed Deadly Side Effects
MARCH 09, 2017
A decade after Judicial Watch exposed the dangers of a government-backed cervical cancer vaccine, a federal lawsuit highlights its perilous side effects including paralysis, seizures, nausea and death. Litigation was initiated by disgruntled parents because the government is still pushing the hazardous vaccine, manufactured by pharmaceutical giant Merck, on children as young as nine years old to treat a sexually transmitted disease.
The vaccine is called Gardasil and in the last ten years Judicial Watch has uncovered troves of government records documenting its harmful side effects. The vaccine was scandalously fast-tracked by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and was ardently promoted by the Obama administration as a miracle shot that can prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Instead it’s been linked to thousands of debilitating side effects, according to the government’s own daunting statistics. This includes thousands of cases of paralysis, convulsions, blindness and dozens of deaths. Back in 2008, after receiving the first disturbing batch of records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Judicial Watch published a special report detailing Gardasil’s approval process, side effects, safety concerns and marketing practices. Undoubtedly, it illustrates a large-scale public health experiment.
Regardless, the government has continued promoting the vaccine while covering up its debilitating side effects, recommending it for girls—and more recently boys—starting at age 9. The Obama administration gave dozens of state and municipal health agencies tens of millions of dollars to boost the number of adolescents that get Gardasil. This includes targeting low-income and ethnic minority populations that receive “culturally sensitive” intervention in a variety of languages, including Spanish, Mandarin, Armenian and Korean. U.S. law forbids lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers, but Judicial Watch has obtained records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing that its National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has awarded nearly $6 million to dozens of victims in claims made against the very HPV vaccine it is pushing on children.
In 2014 a physician who worked at Merck denounced Gardasil as an ineffective vaccine with deadly side effects that serves no other purpose than to generate profit for its manufacturer. The former pharmaceutical industry doctor, Bernard Dalbergue, said Gardasil is useless, costs a fortune and that decision-makers at all levels are aware of it. “I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers,” Dr. Dalbergue said. He added that there is far too much financial interest for the vaccine to be withdrawn. Dr. Dalbergue’s statements were used by a member of the French Parliament as part of a broader campaign blasting Gardasil’s horrible safety record in Europe.

New FDA Records Obtained by Judicial Watch Indicate 28 Deaths Related to Gardasil in 2008
JUNE 22, 2009
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained records from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) documenting 28 deaths in 2008 associated with Gardasil, the vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), up from 19 deaths in 2007. The total number of Gardasil-related deaths is 47 since the vaccine was approved in 2006. Overall, the FDA documented 6,723 “adverse events” related to Gardasil in 2008, of which 1,061 were considered “serious,” and 142 considered “life threatening.”
The following are several “adverse events” documented by the FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):
“15 months from the completion of the GARDASIL HPV vaccination, I had full blown cervical cancer. My oncologist would like to do a hysterectomy at this time, but [as I have] always wanted children, I have chosen to wait . . . I have two of the [strains] that the shot is suppose to prevent . . . I now have cervical cancer and I am left wondering what role the GARDASIL HPV vaccination played in the hasty onset.” (ID: 319836)
“After receiving her second dose of GARDASIL … she could crawl but … needed to use crutches or a wheel chair … She was experienced problems breathing and had ‘super migraines’ that never went away … She had swelling in her face, jaw and wrists. The patient was diagnosed with GUILLAIN-BARRE syndrome, myelin sheath degeneration and peripheral neuropathy. Patient was hospitalized twice … patient has not recovered from symptoms.” (ID: 318052)
A 19-year-old girl with no medical history immediately experienced side effects after receiving the Gardasil vaccine. Within eleven days her symptoms included “Aggression, Arthralgia, Complex partial seizures, Confusional state, Convulsion, Crying, Dizziness, Epilepsy, Fatigue, Feeling abnormal, Grand mal convulsion, Immediate post-injection reaction, Irritability, Myalgia, Nausea, Pain, Postictal state, Somnolence, Syncope, Tremor, and Unresponsive to stimuli.” (ID: 320598)
“Two weeks after the third dose, the patient developed a complication. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance but passed away during the transport from an unknown cause…Upon arrival in ER unresponsive, pupils fixed and dilated, no cardiac activity. Resuscitation unsuccessful and patient expired.” (ID: 314769)
The FDA VAERS reports show that since last June, 235 cases detailed permanent disability. There were also 29 new cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and 147 cases of “spontaneous abortions,” or miscarriages, when the vaccine was given to pregnant women.

Merck Dr. Exposes Gardasil Scandal: Ineffective, Deadly, Very Profitable
APRIL 21, 2014
A controversial government-backed cervical cancer vaccine is ineffective, has deadly side effects and serves no other purpose than to generate profit for its manufacturer, according to a physician who worked at the major pharmaceutical company that’s made huge profits selling it to girls and young women.
It marks the most disturbing inside information exposed about the vaccine, Gardasil, which is manufactured by pharmaceutical giant Merck. The vaccine was scandalously fast-tracked by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and has been ardently promoted by the Obama administration as a miracle shot that can prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV).
Instead it’s been linked to thousands of debilitating side effects, according to the government’s own daunting statistics. Since 2007 Judicial Watch has been investigating the Gardasil scandal and exposed droves of government records documenting thousands of adverse reactions associated with the vaccine, including paralysis, convulsions, blindness and dozens of deaths. Based on the records JW published a special report in 2008 detailing Gardasil’s approval process, side effects, safety concerns and marketing practices. Undoubtedly, it illustrates a large-scale public health experiment.
Now a one-time pharmaceutical industry physician, Dr. Bernard Dalbergue, who worked with Merck has come forth with shocking inside information that confirms what JW has exposed about Gardasil in its ongoing investigation. Dr. Dalbergue delivered the details in a French health magazine and a U.S. counterpart called Health Impact News Daily translated excerpts of the interview.
The physician confirms that Gardasil is useless, costs a fortune and that decision-makers at all levels are aware of it. “I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers,” Dr. Dalbergue says. He adds that there is far too much financial interest or the vaccine to be withdrawn.

Examining the FDA’s HPV Vaccine Records: PDF source
Detailing the Approval Process, Side-Effects, Safety Concerns and Marketing Practices of a Large-Scale Public Health Experiment June 30, 2008

Push for nation-wide ‘no jab, no play’ at childcare centres
11:40pm March 12, 2017
Unvaccinated children could be banned from attending childcare centres and preschools across Australia as part of a renewed push by the federal government.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has written to state and territory leaders in a move towards introducing consistent laws to protect children across the country.
“If you don’t vaccinate your child you are not just putting their own life at risk, but you are putting everyone else’s children at risk,” Mr Turnbull wrote.

Settlement for Saba Button, severely disabled after flu vaccine
Updated 8 Jun 2014, 2:26am
The family of a West Australian child left severely disabled after receiving a flu jab has reached a settlement with the vaccine’s manufacturer and the State Government.
Saba Button suffered brain and organ damage after getting the Fluvax shot when she was 11 months old in 2010.
Her parents launched legal action in the Federal Court against the vaccine’s manufacturer, CSL Limited.
CSL cross-claimed against the State of WA and the Health Minister.
All parties have reached a confidential settlement which has today been accepted by Federal Court Justice Michael Barker.
Saba’s father, Mick Button, said it had been a long battle for compensation.
“Today is a bittersweet feeling for us,” he said.
“It’s a relief to have the legal case behind us.
“We now have the ability to be able to supply Saba with the care, the therapy, the equipment, all the things that she needs to give her the best quality of life.”
Her mother Kirsten Button said she was relieved the legal action had been finalised.
“It doesn’t matter how much you have because you can’t buy your health but it is a good outcome, and the fact that it’s settled, we’re quite a strong family and we have moved forward but I think having that hanging over your head as such can be stressful so now we can move forward knowing that it’s all over.”
Mr Button said the funds would help Saba continue ongoing therapy and explore new options both in Australia and overseas.
“This doesn’t just stop now, once all the cameras are gone, it’s back to business and we’ve got a lot to do with Saba,” he said.

VACCINE STUDY: Peer-reviewed study shows vaccinated children have a 700% higher chance of neurodevelopmental disorder
Tuesday, March 07, 2017 by: Vicki Batts
(Natural News) On Valentine’s Day, a 34-page study that illustrated some of the harmful effects of vaccination was made available for viewing online. Six hours later, the URL had vanished, and the study was seemingly erased from the depths of the internet — likely in the hopes that the “controversial” information it contained would be forgotten.
Vaccination and Health Outcomes: A Survey of 6- to 12-year-old Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children based on Mothers’ Reports, by Anthony R. Mawson, et al. seemed like any other standard report on vaccination at first glance, according to author James Grundvig. The paper had been linked to Grundvig, and he recently published an article about the study, how he authenticated it with the study’s author, and he even described how the publishing journal went about censoring the information.
Grundvig writes that after reading Mawson’s conclusions in the study, it appears that perhaps the CDC has purposefully avoided conducting such research themselves because “it would have run counter to CDC’s messaging that all ‘vaccines are safe.’”
Research: vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders
To conduct their research, Mawson and his team engaged in a cross-sectional survey of mothers of children who were educated at home. Homeschooling organizations from Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oregon were asked to forward an email to their members, requesting mothers to fill out an anonymous online survey. The questionnaire gathered information on vaccination status and health outcomes of their biological children who were between the ages of 6 and 12. In total, 415 mothers provided information about 666 children. Of those, just 261 (or 39 percent) had not been vaccinated. Information on pregnancy experiences, birth histories, acute and chronic conditions, and the usage of medication and health care services was also included in the data collection.
Overall, the results of the study showed that while vaccinated children were less likely to have had chicken pox or pertussis, they were significantly more likely to develop other types of infections, allergies, and were more likely to be diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder (referred to in the study as an NDD). NDDs were defined as autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a learning disability, or any combination of the three. Could it be that unvaccinated children are in many ways healthier? It certainly seems that way.
Data reveals shocking disparities

First Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated versus Unvaccinated Children (Censored by an International Scientific Journal) Now Public
Results: Vaccinated children were significantly less likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with chickenpox and pertussis, but significantly more likely to have been diagnosed with other infections, allergies and NDDs (defined as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and/or a learning disability).
Chronic Illness Detail:
Vaccinated children were significantly more likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with the following chronic illnesses:
7-fold higher odds of any neurodevelopmental disorder (i.e., learning disability, ADHD, or ASD)

        2-fold increase in Autism Spectrum Disorder (“ASD”)
2-fold increase in ADHD
2-fold increase in learning disabilities
1-fold increase in allergic rhinitis
9-fold increase in other allergies
9-fold increase in eczema/atopic dermatitis
4-fold increase in any chronic 

No significant differences were observed with regard to cancer, chronic fatigue, conduct disorder, Crohn’s disease, depression, Types 1 or 2 diabetes, encephalopathy, epilepsy, hearing loss, high blood pressure, inflammatory bowel disease, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, seizures, and Tourette’s syndrome. However, larger samples would be needed to detect group differences in these less common conditions.
Acute Illness Detail:
Vaccinated children were significantly less likely than unvaccinated children to have had chickenpox or whooping cough (p<0.001).
Vaccinated children had a 3.8-fold increased odds of middle ear infections and a 5.9-fold increased odds of being diagnosed with pneumonia compared to unvaccinated children.
No significant differences were seen between the two groups with regard to Hepatitis A or B, high fever in the past 6 months, measles, mumps, meningitis (viral or bacterial), influenza, or rotavirus.

US Immunization Schedule Recommends 26 Vaccinations For Children Under 1, Highest In World And Ranks 34th In Infant Mortality
Print Friendly MARCH 12, 2017
A new study published today in the Journal of Human and Experimental Toxology found that countries that administer a higher number of vaccines during the first year of life experience higher infant mortality rates.
The infant mortality rate (IMR) of a country is one of the most accepted and critical indicators of the socioeconomic well being of its citizens. It also reflects public health conditions and whether those conditions are improving or worsening over time.
The United States ranks 34th in infant mortality rate which means that 33 countries outrank the USA in this critical measure of public health. In addition, the United States’ immunization schedule for infants under 1 year of age recommends 26 vaccinations – the highest in the entire world.

Pediatrician Dr. Bob to Minnesota State Legislators – “I lose $700,000 a year because I don’t make every kid vaccinate.”

Pediatrician Dr. Bob to Minnesota State Legislators, “It’s absolutely true that you make a ton of money off of vaccines …. I lose $700,000 a year because I don’t make every kid vaccinate.”

In Memory Of Kalashnikov: 700 Round AK Burn

I found out about the passing of Mikhail Kalashnikov shortly before making this video. It seems appropriate to honor him in this way. No matter what Country you live in or what your political affiliations are, he was a Veteran of WW2 and deserves respect. He created one of the finest military rifles ever. In his later years, he regretted that his rifle was used by evil people. He lived a long and healthy life and passed at the same age as my grandfather at 94. Thanks for watching my video today and we should all remember him as a patriot.
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