Vaccine News – Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles – Microparticles for Oral Delivery – US patent 20080044481 A1

Education and awareness is the first step towards INFORMED CONSENT and the avoidance of these tragedies that are not as rare as we’ve been told … Register here now for this groundbreaking series
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Dave Brenda McDowell visit the VaxXed bus while in Detroit, Michigan to the story of all three of their triplets vaccine injury stories following the pneumococcal vaccine. Interview by Polly Tommey with camera and editing by Joshua Coleman. #VaxXed #VaxWithUs #pneumococcal

A SHOCKING report on the researchers whose financial conflicts of interests are currently at war with trustworthy scientific study. Experts are declaring that HALF of all scientific literature may be untrue!
What else aren’t you being told, especially when it pertains to what is being injected into your child? Think vaccines are safe? Find out here, for free:
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Sweden outlaws coercive mandatory vaccines laws, citing violations of the Swedish Constitution

#VaXism NEWS #Flu

#VaXism NEWS #Vaxxed #Canberra

Polonia: nessun obbligo vaccinale! 8 giorni di protesta e il governo si è fermato. Tutto da verificare. #LibertàVaccinale #MedicalFreedom
Poland: no vaccine obligation! 8 days of protest and the government stopped. Everything to check out. #Libertàvaccinale #Medicalfreedom

Most people have been bullied by people who claim to speak in the name of science.” Watch more with Rupert Sheldrake:

Un interminabile corteo di famiglie per la libertà di vaccinazione ha affollato ieri sera le vie di Bolzano al grido : “Libertà” dopo il via libera alla Camera dei Deputati all’obbligo di vaccinazione per l’iscrizione dei figli nelle scuole
The long wave for freedom of choice on vaccines
An endless parade of families for the freedom of vaccination took place last night in the streets of bolzano to the cry: “freedom” after the free pass to the house of members of the of the of children in schools

O fetiţă de două luni din Olt a murit la câteva ore după un vaccin, în braţele mamei! ANTENA 1
Sunteţi de acord cu Legea Vaccinării Obligatorii! Legea care ar trebui să înfunde puşcăriile de părinţi care ar fi avut tupeul să ceară să fie pe deplin informaţi despre ce conţine vaccinul, unde a fost fabricat, dacă este compatibil cu românii şi ce riscuri comportă atât vaccinarea, cât şi nonvaccinarea celor mici.

CDC whistleblower tells Congress he destroyed evidence linking MMR to autism

Check out how an anti-vaxxing mom deals with Whooping Cough compared to the rest of the world. LIKE A BOSS- that’s she deals with it!
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Brief Report: What Happens When I Can No Longer Support My Autistic Relative? Worries About the Future for Family Members of Autistic Adults.
Very little is known about autism and adulthood. Family members are often the primary support for autistic adults and frequently express concerns about what the future will hold and what support will be available for their relative. 120 family members of autistic adults completed an online survey exploring concerns about the future for their relative. The most endorsed concerns were “their needs won’t be met” (77% worried weekly), “whether they will be happy” (72% worried weekly) and “who will care for them” (58% worried weekly). The results highlight the importance of implementing structured and timely support through collaboration with governmental policy, local commissioning and communication with charities to help prepare family members and their autistic relative for the future.

Merck Created Hit List to “Destroy,” “Neutralize” or “Discredit” Dissenting Doctors
Last Updated May 6, 2009 7:38 PM EDT
Merck made a “hit list” of doctors who criticized Vioxx, according to testimony in a Vioxx class action case in Australia. The list, emailed between Merck employees, contained doctors’ names with the labels “neutralise,” “neutralised” or “discredit” next to them.

New Merck Allegations: A Fake Journal; Ghostwritten Studies; Vioxx Pop Songs; PR Execs Harass Reporters
Last Updated Apr 23, 2009 4:05 PM EDT
Federal prosecutors in the U.S. will be reading with amusement the Australian press’s coverage of a class action trial down under for patients who took Merck’s now-withdrawn painkiller Vioxx.

Vaccini: la parola ai medici contro l’obbligo delle vaccinazioni.
Vaccines: the word to doctors against vaccination.

Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles
July 28, 2017
A disturbing patent discovered this week reveals plans to hide vaccines within food particles without the public knowing about it.
US Patent application ‘US20080044481 A1’ (“Microparticles for oral delivery”) was filed in 2005, and allows drugs and vaccines to be embedded into tiny invisible particles of food.
Are we to assume the technology hasn’t yet been applied?
Is it operating at a stealth level? I’ll try to answer these questions in a minute. But first:
Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles
The inventor and assignee is listed as Mordechai Harel, who was associated with Advanced BioNutrition Corporation of Columbia, Maryland. Here are a group of quotes from the patent application. The statements leave no doubt about the wide, wide application of the technology.

Microparticles for Oral Delivery – US patent 20080044481 A1
The invention provides microbeads containing oil-associated biologically active compounds and methods for their manufacture and use. The microbeads consist of a soluble complex of non-digestible polymer and emulsifier with oil-associated biologically active compounds embedded in a matrix of digestible polymer. The disclosed microbead complex protects the biologically active compounds, such as vitamins, fish oil and carotenoids, from oxidation, taste and odor degradation. The disclosed microbeads also provide protection from the stomach digestive distraction, and allows for the delivery of the biologically active compounds in the intestine.


La fiecare şapte ore şi jumătate, în România se naşte un copil cu autism

La fiecare şapte ore şi jumătate, în România se naşte un copil cu autism
30.000 de copii sunt diagnosticaţi în România cu autism. O afecţiune cu cauze necunoscute, mai des întâlnită însă decât cancerul, diabetul, SIDA ori Sindromul Down. Cifrele statisticilor internaţionale sunt îngrijorătoare: numărul persoanelor diagnosticate cu tulburări din spectrul autismului (TSA) este în creştere – 1 la 166 de copii, potrivit Congresului European de Neuropsihiatrie de la Barcelona, sau 1 la 150, potrivit Centers for Disease Control din Atlanta.
Tulburare severă de dezvoltare, de natură neurobiologică, şi nu boală psihică, cum suntem tentaţi s-o catalogăm, autismul nu ţine cont de nume, culoarea pielii, cont bancar când îşi alege victima. Vine în orice tip de familie şi este de 4 ori mai întâlnită la băieţi decât la fete. Afecţiunea apare fie la naştere, fie la vârsta de 2 – 3 ani a copilului, dar poate fi diagnosticată în unele cazuri chiar la 18 luni sau mai devreme. Copiii diagnosticaţi cu TSA manifestă deficienţe de socializare, de comunicare verbală sau nonverbală şi comportamente repetitive şi stereotipe.

Din prospectul vaccinului DTaP se poate vedea ca provoaca autism si SIDS – Sindromul Mortii Subite Infantile:
Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to establish a causal relationship to components of Tripedia vaccine

Grevă generală de 24 de ore, vineri, în Grecia. A doua manifestare de acest fel, în mai puţin de patru luni

Grevă generală de 24 de ore, vineri, în Grecia. A doua manifestare de acest fel, în mai puţin de patru luni

Sindicatul grec din domeniul public Adedy a făcut apel, joi, la organizarea unei greve de 24 de ore vineri, 6 noiembrie, pentru a cere renunţarea la “măsurile de austeritate”, aderând astfel la o acţiune anunţată cu o zi înainte pentru aceeaşi dată de sindicatul privat GSEE, informează AFP, potrivit Mediafax.  
Este vorba despre o a doua grevă generală în Grecia, în mai puţin de patru luni.  
“Comisia executivă a Adedy a hotărât organizarea unei mobilizări de 24 de ore pe 6 noiembrie pentru a lupta împotriva noilor concedieri şi disponibilizări în domeniul public consimţite de guvern troikăi” creditorilor (UE-FMI-BCE), anunţă un comunicat al Adedy.  
Nemulţumiţi de un plan de restructurare a domeniului public ce prevede 25.000 de mutări şi 4.000 de concedieri până la sfârşitul anului 2013, funcţionarii au organizat deja, în septembrie, numeroase acţiuni de grevă şi de întrerupere a lucrului.  
Guvernul grec negociază începând din septembrie cu creditorii săi asupra evaluării reformelor vizând asanarea economiei, o condiţie pentru acordarea unei noi tranşe de împrumut.