Vaccine News – Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles – Microparticles for Oral Delivery – US patent 20080044481 A1

Education and awareness is the first step towards INFORMED CONSENT and the avoidance of these tragedies that are not as rare as we’ve been told … Register here now for this groundbreaking series
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Dave Brenda McDowell visit the VaxXed bus while in Detroit, Michigan to the story of all three of their triplets vaccine injury stories following the pneumococcal vaccine. Interview by Polly Tommey with camera and editing by Joshua Coleman. #VaxXed #VaxWithUs #pneumococcal

A SHOCKING report on the researchers whose financial conflicts of interests are currently at war with trustworthy scientific study. Experts are declaring that HALF of all scientific literature may be untrue!
What else aren’t you being told, especially when it pertains to what is being injected into your child? Think vaccines are safe? Find out here, for free:
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Sweden outlaws coercive mandatory vaccines laws, citing violations of the Swedish Constitution

#VaXism NEWS #Flu

#VaXism NEWS #Vaxxed #Canberra

Polonia: nessun obbligo vaccinale! 8 giorni di protesta e il governo si è fermato. Tutto da verificare. #LibertàVaccinale #MedicalFreedom
Poland: no vaccine obligation! 8 days of protest and the government stopped. Everything to check out. #Libertàvaccinale #Medicalfreedom

Most people have been bullied by people who claim to speak in the name of science.” Watch more with Rupert Sheldrake:

Un interminabile corteo di famiglie per la libertà di vaccinazione ha affollato ieri sera le vie di Bolzano al grido : “Libertà” dopo il via libera alla Camera dei Deputati all’obbligo di vaccinazione per l’iscrizione dei figli nelle scuole
The long wave for freedom of choice on vaccines
An endless parade of families for the freedom of vaccination took place last night in the streets of bolzano to the cry: “freedom” after the free pass to the house of members of the of the of children in schools

O fetiţă de două luni din Olt a murit la câteva ore după un vaccin, în braţele mamei! ANTENA 1
Sunteţi de acord cu Legea Vaccinării Obligatorii! Legea care ar trebui să înfunde puşcăriile de părinţi care ar fi avut tupeul să ceară să fie pe deplin informaţi despre ce conţine vaccinul, unde a fost fabricat, dacă este compatibil cu românii şi ce riscuri comportă atât vaccinarea, cât şi nonvaccinarea celor mici.

CDC whistleblower tells Congress he destroyed evidence linking MMR to autism

Check out how an anti-vaxxing mom deals with Whooping Cough compared to the rest of the world. LIKE A BOSS- that’s she deals with it!
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Brief Report: What Happens When I Can No Longer Support My Autistic Relative? Worries About the Future for Family Members of Autistic Adults.
Very little is known about autism and adulthood. Family members are often the primary support for autistic adults and frequently express concerns about what the future will hold and what support will be available for their relative. 120 family members of autistic adults completed an online survey exploring concerns about the future for their relative. The most endorsed concerns were “their needs won’t be met” (77% worried weekly), “whether they will be happy” (72% worried weekly) and “who will care for them” (58% worried weekly). The results highlight the importance of implementing structured and timely support through collaboration with governmental policy, local commissioning and communication with charities to help prepare family members and their autistic relative for the future.

Merck Created Hit List to “Destroy,” “Neutralize” or “Discredit” Dissenting Doctors
Last Updated May 6, 2009 7:38 PM EDT
Merck made a “hit list” of doctors who criticized Vioxx, according to testimony in a Vioxx class action case in Australia. The list, emailed between Merck employees, contained doctors’ names with the labels “neutralise,” “neutralised” or “discredit” next to them.

New Merck Allegations: A Fake Journal; Ghostwritten Studies; Vioxx Pop Songs; PR Execs Harass Reporters
Last Updated Apr 23, 2009 4:05 PM EDT
Federal prosecutors in the U.S. will be reading with amusement the Australian press’s coverage of a class action trial down under for patients who took Merck’s now-withdrawn painkiller Vioxx.

Vaccini: la parola ai medici contro l’obbligo delle vaccinazioni.
Vaccines: the word to doctors against vaccination.

Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles
July 28, 2017
A disturbing patent discovered this week reveals plans to hide vaccines within food particles without the public knowing about it.
US Patent application ‘US20080044481 A1’ (“Microparticles for oral delivery”) was filed in 2005, and allows drugs and vaccines to be embedded into tiny invisible particles of food.
Are we to assume the technology hasn’t yet been applied?
Is it operating at a stealth level? I’ll try to answer these questions in a minute. But first:
Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles
The inventor and assignee is listed as Mordechai Harel, who was associated with Advanced BioNutrition Corporation of Columbia, Maryland. Here are a group of quotes from the patent application. The statements leave no doubt about the wide, wide application of the technology.

Microparticles for Oral Delivery – US patent 20080044481 A1
The invention provides microbeads containing oil-associated biologically active compounds and methods for their manufacture and use. The microbeads consist of a soluble complex of non-digestible polymer and emulsifier with oil-associated biologically active compounds embedded in a matrix of digestible polymer. The disclosed microbead complex protects the biologically active compounds, such as vitamins, fish oil and carotenoids, from oxidation, taste and odor degradation. The disclosed microbeads also provide protection from the stomach digestive distraction, and allows for the delivery of the biologically active compounds in the intestine.


Vaccine News – Mike Adams – Natural News – DON’T INJECT ME!

Boston Herald Sets Dangerous & Disgusting Trend of Dehumanizing Parents
by Jeffrey Jaxen
On May 8, The Boston Herald ran an editorial calling for the following:
“These are the facts: Vaccines don’t cause autism. Measles can kill. And lying to vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a hanging offense.”
The piece was in response to a recent event in which Somali American families, who have the highest rate of autism in the United States, voiced their concerns about the vaccine injury they were experiencing. The Minnesota Somali community is being aggressively targeted for rounds of MMR vaccines.

Editorial: Preying on parents’ fear
Boston Herald editorial staff Monday, May 08, 2017

Del Bigtree – Vaccine question for your Doctor
Del Matthew Bigtree is a producer and director, known for The Doctors (2008), and Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (2016). Here he poses the ultimate to ask your Doctor … before he jabs poisons known as ‘vaccines’ into your baby … while its immune system is still developing.

Hepatitis B Vaccine Kills 10 Month Old

Toxic vaccine ingredients and their adverse effects:
• Bovine cow serum: Extracted from cow skin. When injected causes connective tissue disorders, arthritis and lupus; also shortness of breath, low blood pressure, chest pain and skin reactions.
• Sorbitol: Synthetic sweetener which metabolizes very slowly and aggravates IBS and gastrointestinal issues.
• Gelatin: Derived from the collagen inside animals’ skin and bones. Injecting gelatin poses the risk of infection from synthetic growth hormones and BSE infectivity (mad cow disease).
• Sodium chloride: Raises blood pressure and inhibits muscle contraction and growth.
• Egg protein: Vaccines are prepared in eggs (certainly not organic). May contain growth hormones, antibiotics, and salmonella bacteria.
• Thimerosal: A neurotoxic mercury which causes autism: There are 25 mcg in one average flu vaccine, and the EPA safety limit is 5 micrograms, so children who are vaccinated simultaneously with multiple* vaccines receive over 10 times the safety limit of mercury in one day.
• Human albumin: The protein portion of blood from pooled human venous plasma; when injected causes fever, chills, hives, rash, headache, nausea, breathing difficulty, and rapid heart rate. Injecting “pooled blood” can result in a loss of body cell mass and cause immunodeficiency virus infection, or contain SV40, AIDS, cancer or Hepatitis B from drug addicts.
• Formaldehyde: Highly carcinogenic fluid used to embalm corpses. Ranked one of the most hazardous compounds to human health; can cause liver damage, gastrointestinal issues, reproductive deformation, respiratory distress and cancer. Plus, formaldehyde has been known to fail to deactivate the virus the vaccine is intended to cure, thus enabling a live virus to enter your blood and infect your system.
• Phenoxyethanol: A glycol ether/chemical; highly toxic to the nervous system, kidneys, and liver. The FDA warns “can cause shut down of the central nervous system (CNS), vomiting and contact dermatitis” in cosmetics; imagine when injected into your blood.
• Aluminum phosphate: Greatly increases toxicity of mercury, so caution about minimum mercury tolerance is therefore severely underestimated. CDC scientists and all doctors are well aware of this.
• MSG (monosodium glutamate): When injected becomes a neurotoxin, causing CNS disorders and brain damage in children.

Jeff Rense – New Frankenstein Synthetic DNA Vaccines Forever Change YOU
The next gen of vaccine horror is here. You better pay EXTREMELY close attention to this conversation.
‘Science’ has announced that vaccines are moving away from traditional formats and will now be composed
of viruses that will carry entirely new forms of DNA right into your cells where they will REPLACE or join your body’s
existing, God-given NATURAL DNA with this new SYNTHETIC DNA. This new DNA will allegedly confirm protection
on you from various viruses that each new DNA type is created to kill. However, this new virus-delivered
SYNTHETIC DNA can be created to do almost ANYTHING to you…permanently and forever. This fake
DNA can CHANGE ANY PART OF YOUR BEING…from intellectual and emotional processes to all physical traits that
are created and regulated by our natural DNA. We are entirely governed by our birth DNA but soon, according to
one scientist, ‘EVERYONE WILL HAVE SYNTHETIC DNA.’ We are talking about ABSOLUTE CONTROL of the
human species through synthetic, DNA. This is a monumentally important video.

“I’m being led by the hand by my child, not the other way around.” – Jaco has autism. His dad, Richard worries about how he’ll fit into the adult world. via BBC Stories

Family doctor, Dr. Patricia Ryan, talks about vaccines.
#Vaxxed #Nebraska #VaxxedDoctors #MedicalProfessionals #PrayBig

School Bans Unvaccinated Kids After Immunized Children Start Chickenpox Outbreak
By Annabelle Bamforth – May 10, 2017
Augora Hills, CA — Close to one-quarter of students at a California elementary school have been directed by school officials to stay home for three weeks due to a small onset of chickenpox cases that began in March.
The chickenpox outbreak at Mariposa School of Global Education in Augora Hills, California is unique because the first case of chickenpox discovered at the school was found in a student who had been fully vaccinated.
Daniel Stepenosky, the superintendent of Las Virgenes Unified School District that includes the Mariposa School, acknowledged to CBS Los Angeles that three students were found to have chickenpox. “A kindergartener, a first-grader, a third-grader. The first case happened around mid-March. The student was immunized, however still contracted chickenpox.”
According to local newspaper The Acorn, Stepenosky noted that “(It’s) interesting . . . the first of three cases was a student that was fully immunized. . . . He was the vaccinated one.”

Students quarantined following chickenpox outbreak
Some Mariposa parents oppose vaccinations
By Stephanie Bertholdo

Nearly 100 Students Ordered To Stay Home While Elementary School Deals With Chickenpox Outbreak
May 5, 2017 9:06 PM

‘I would rather be dead than like this’: Teenager’s agony as she is left wheelchair-bound and feeling like an ’80-year-old’ as her parents claim controversial HPV vaccine is to blame
Zara Beattie, from Wigton, Cumbria was once a promising football player
Now the teenager struggles to stand up on her own and is largely bed bound
Her parents believe her symptoms started after she had the HPV vaccine
Since the jab, Zara suffers heart palpitations and severe pain all over her body
Experts say there is no link between the HPV vaccine and chronic illness
By Daisy Dunne For Mailonline
Published: 10:54 BST, 8 May 2017 | Updated: 12:04 BST, 10 May 2017

A recent outbreak of measles in Minnesota has everyone concerned. Unfortunately, there is something else happening right now in that same state that’s killing far more people than measles!
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Sweden Votes Down Mandatory Vaccination
Sweden’s Parliament just rejected 7 motions that would have promoted forced vaccinations. The Swedish Parliament decided forced vaccination policies are contrary to their citizens’ constitutional rights. May every other country in the world follow their lead. Here is a rough translation of the article.

Should anti-vaxxers be hung? Then, is measles a hoax? And one of the world’s most controversial doctors. This is HighWire. #HighWire Universal Broadcast Network At Sunset Gower Studios

House backs measure barring mandatory vaccines for foster children
Discussion over a bill that would improve the state’s Child Protective Services agency turned into a heated debate over vaccines — and whether they should be required for children placed in foster care.
by Alex Samuels May 10, 2017 8 PM
State Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, proposed an amendment that would prohibit those examinations from including vaccinations. He was joined by several Republican members of the Freedom Caucus who insisted that vaccines were invasive and unnecessary.
“Immunizations do not qualify as emergency care. No vaccine cures a disease,” Zedler said.

“The Public Must Be Informed” Dr. Andrew Wakefield
From the average Joe to well respected medical doctors who have been noted as saying after they see the film that the film will change the way they practice medicine. Dr. Andrew Wakefield is getting the truth out on his hit documentary, “Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe.”
Health Coach Beverly Butler
What happens when your multi-billion dollar empire is threatened by a simple research paper and you know the research is correct? You bash and discredit the author of the paper and assassinate his character and hope the problem goes away. Well it didn’t and on today’s show I talk to the author of the paper and the director of the film, “Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe.”
Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the man who was discredited by the mainstream media after publishing his research paper in the Lancet in 1998 that stated there MAY be a possible connection between the MMR vaccines and autism, has since been exonerated and is now getting the truth out on his hit documentary, “Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe.”
Dr. Andrew Wakefield – is an academic gastroenterologist and researcher and directs and stars in this film. This film has reached millions with the truth and is waking people up en mass. From the average Joe to well respected medical doctors who have been noted as saying after they see the film that the film will change the way they practice medicine.
He gave practical solutions to this problem without ever saying vaccines should be done away with – which he NEVER said. All he suggested based on research was that the MMR vaccine would be safer to be given in 3 separate doses and given when the child is older. That’s all! And he was crucified for saying this.

So why is it only Andy Wakefield we hear about? Why is HE the scapegoat? Well, one answer is that after the paper was published in The Lancet, he was asked publicly whether he would recommend continued use of the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine. Dr. Wakefield replied that, in his personal opinion, he would not—that he would encourage the use of the single dose measles vaccine (not the combined version) instead… just to be on the safe side.
It was probably that response that immediately made him the target of the giant pharmaceutical SmithKline Beecham (now GlaxoSmithKline) which made and sold the MMR vaccine in the United Kingdom. Little tidbit… media mogul Rupert Murdoch and his family just happened to have a financial interest in that company and one of his sons, James, actually sat on its board of directors.

The Escalating Efforts to Silence Vaccine Safety Debate
By Alison Fujito
It’s one thing to recommend something you believe in. It’s quite another to demand that everyone else believe in it as well.  Add hostility, politics, lobbyists, and an industry with a long history of dishonesty, and the result is the antithesis of the founding principles of this country.
Last month, Cosmopolitan posted a very disturbing opinion piece by a lobbyist for vaccine mandates, attorney Jinny Suh. Ms. Suh is the creator and leader of the activist group “Immunize Texas” which she terms a “grass-roots community group.” It’s actually a branch of “Immunize USA,” which is funded by vaccine companies GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Pfizer, and vaccine inventor and industry spokesman Paul Offit, among others.
The article is liberally sprinkled with pejoratives and thinly-veiled accusations directed towards those who don’t agree with the author. The end result leaves a strong impression encouraging fear, repression, and hatred against anyone wanting to maintain the right to determine which invasive medical procedures they are willing to have performed on their children, and when.

Let’s remember the facts here:
Vaccination is an invasive medical procedure.
Medical procedures may be declined by the patient.
Medical procedures on infants and children ARE PARENTING DECISIONS.

Much love to Mike Adams of for these tyranny smashing rhymes!