Ortodoxia Tinerilor – Despre viață și o viziune asupra suicidului ! – Parintele Calistrat

Ortodoxia Tinerilor – Despre viață și o viziune asupra suicidului ! – Parintele Calistrat


Vaccine News – VAXXED TV – I’ve waited 30 years to tell my story

Vaccines are NOT the cause of SIDS…except when the federal government says they are and compensates parents accordingly (this is a ruling from last month, July 2017):

“After carefully analyzing and weighing all of the evidence and testimony presented in this case in accordance with the applicable legal standards, the undersigned finds that petitioners have met their legal burden. Petitioners have put forth preponderant evidence that the vaccines J.B. received on September 2, 2011 actually caused or substantially contributed to his death from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Furthermore, respondent has failed to put forth preponderant evidence that J.B.’s death was in fact caused by factors unrelated to the vaccines. Accordingly, petitioners are entitled to compensation.”
In the United States Court of Federal Claims
Filed: July 10, 2017
Entitlement Decision; Diphtheria Tetanus-acellular Pertussis (DTaP) Vaccine; Inactivated Polio Vaccine AND HUMAN SERVICES,(IPV); Haemophilus Influenzae(HiB)Vaccine; Pneumococcal Conjugate(PCV) Vaccine; Rotavirus Vaccine;Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

On August 27, 2013, Chase Boatmon and Maurina Cupid (“petitioners”), as the representatives of the estate of their deceased minor child, J.B.,filed a petition under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (“Vaccine Act” or the “Program”),342 U.S.C. § 300aa-10 et. seq. (2012). Petitioners allege that as a result of receiving vaccinations for
Diphtheria-Tetanus-acellular Pertussis (“DTaP”), inactivated polio (“IPV”), haemophilus influenzae(“HiB”), Pneumococcal Conjugate (“PCV”), and Rotavirus vaccinations on September 2, 2011, J.B. passed away from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (“SIDS”) on September 3, 2011.
See Petition (ECF No. 1);Amended Petition(ECF No. 15).After carefully analyzing and weighing all of the evidence and testimony presented in this case in accordance with the applicable legal standards, the undersigned finds that petitioners have met their legal burden.

Petitioners have put forth preponderant evidence that the vaccines J.B. received on September 2, 2011 actually caused or substantially contributed to his deathfrom Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Furthermore, respondent has failed to put forth preponderant evidence that J.B.’s death was in fact caused by factors unrelated to the vaccines. Accordingly, petitioners are entitled to compensation.

Study – Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: another facet of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.
RESULTS: All three patients developed secondary amenorrhea following HPV vaccinations, which did not resolve upon treatment with hormone replacement therapies. In all three cases sexual development was normal and genetic screen revealed no pertinent abnormalities (i.e., Turner’s syndrome, Fragile X test were all negative). Serological evaluations showed low levels of estradiol and increased FSH and LH and in two cases, specific auto-antibodies were detected (antiovarian and anti thyroid), suggesting that the HPV vaccine triggered an autoimmune response. Pelvic ultrasound did not reveal any abnormalities in any of the three cases. All three patients experienced a range of common non-specific post-vaccine symptoms including nausea, headache, sleep disturbances, arthralgia and a range of cognitive and psychiatric disturbances. According to these clinical features, a diagnosis of primary ovarian failure (POF) was determined which also fulfilled the required criteria for the ASIA syndrome.
CONCLUSION: We documented here the evidence of the potential of the HPV vaccine to trigger a life-disabling autoimmune condition. The increasing number of similar reports of post HPV vaccine-linked autoimmunity and the uncertainty of long-term clinical benefits of HPV vaccination are a matter of public health that warrants further rigorous inquiry.

#VaXism NEWS A REAL journalist, Liz Gunn, interviews Dr Suzanne Humphries

VAXXED TV – 4 month vaccinations killed my baby

VAXXED TV – Dr Jeremy Kobler

VAXXED TV – Gardasil HPV vaccine killed my daughter


VAXXED TV – Multiple injuries in my family

VAXXED TV – I’ve waited 30 years to tell my story

VAXXED TV – What My Parents Went Through Is Heartbreaking

VAXXED TV – Entire Family Injured

VAXXED TV – Interview in a hospital with Sarah Cox

VAXXED TV – Feilding, New Zealand VAXXED vs. UNVAXXED

VAXXED TV – Palmerston North – Vaxxed versus unvaccinated

HighWire with Del Bigtree Live Stream

Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC

Story at-a-glance
Book by investigative journalist reveals how the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has engaged in massive fraud, misinformation and manipulation of vaccine information
A Danish scientist hired by the CDC to investigate the vaccine-autism link was charged with 22 counts of fraud and theft, yet the U.S. has not bothered to extradite him from Denmark, where he can be easily found
Most doctors will tell you the science is settled; there’s no link between vaccines and autism. In reality, the CDC is well aware there’s a link. Suppression of such data is why so few doctors understand the problem

VaxXed Arizona – Weston and Emily Wyatt Vaccine Injury
Weston and Emily are vaccine injured. Weston received 20+ vaccines in 4 months before he was 6 months old. He is now 19 and functions at the level of a 3 year old. Emily is 17 and functions at the level of an 8 year old. Both will require a lifetime of care and support.
Investigate before you vaccinate!

AutismOne Media – Dr Arthur Krigsman -Autism Associated Enterocolitis. Does my child have it? What Can I Do About It?
Dr. Arthur Krigsman presents an up-to-the minute report on what has been learned about determining a child’s gastrointestinal health status via innovative and objective laboratory testing, with corresponding information about helpful steps to take should test results evidence pathology and/or dysfunction.

AutismOne Media – Autism Associated Enterocolitis 2016 – Arthur Krigsman, MD
Gastrointestinal symptoms are exceedingly common in children with autism and are known to be associated with the severity of ASD behaviors. Parents and caregivers often underestimate or fail to recognize GI symptoms because of the focus on behaviors, cognition, and speech. However, recognition, evaluation, and treatment of GI symptoms, particularly autism-associated enterocolitis, often improves not only the child’s GI symptoms, but also cognition and behavior as well. This lecture uses photographs and videos of affected children (facial features removed) to demonstrate GI symptoms in this poorly communicative patient group as well as demonstrating actual images of ASD-associated GI inflammatory pathology obtained at endoscopy and biopsy. The unique features of ASD-associated enterocolitis that together comprise a new disease entity will be presented. Proposed therapeutic interventions will be discussed.

HPV Gardasil vaccine injured my daughter #vaxxed #Praybig

EVZ – SFÂŞIAT DE DURERE pentru că sistemul sanitar din ROMÂNIA i-a UCIS copilul, un TATĂ face o RADIOGRAFIE LUCIDĂ a GENOCIDULUI împotriva românilor. “Indivizi cu MENTALITATE de ASASINI conduc sistemul sanitar”
Înainte de a fi deranjați de această temă am însă o rugăminte către dvs : întrebați-i pe acești experți cine și unde verifică in această țară compoziția și siguranța (contaminat versus necontaminat) vaccinurilor importate integral și injectate în organismul copiilor noștri.
Iar dacă experții vă vor comunica că această verificare se face de către Agenția Națională a Medicamentului și a Dispozitivelor Medicale (ANMDM), atunci să stiți că sunteți mințiti în mod grotesc.
Sunteți mințiți la fel de grotesc cum am fost mințiți (de către un fost consilier al unui fost ministru al Sănătății) toți cei care am participat recent la o conferință organizată de către Ministerul Sănătății pe tema vaccinării.
Acest fost consilier (care ne-a mințit fără nici o reținere afirmând că în România ANMDM verifică ”lot cu lot” vaccinurile injectate copiilor noștri) continuă să ceară în mod public instaurarea unei dictaturi medicale și vaccinarea cu forța a copiilor chiar dacă nimeni nu verifică aceste vaccinuri în România (tot așa cum nimeni nu a verificat in această țară dezinfectanții utilizați in spitale) și nici nu garantează nimeni (nici măcar companiile farmaceutice care le produc) pentru siguranța lor.
Conform unui răspuns oficial oferit la o solicitare a APC România, ANMDM a confirmat că ei nu testează și nu verifică vaccinurile importate și ulterior injectate în organismul copiilor noștri.
Eu nu vă spun să nu vă vaccinati copiii sau sa-i vaccinati, eu vă rog doar să nu uitați niciodată că această decizie este și trebuie să ramână a fiecărui părinte, fără să existe nici un fel de presiuni sau amenințări halucinante precum amenințarea cu interzicerea accesului la educație pentru un copil nevaccinat, decăderea din drepturile părintești pentru cei care nu mai au în mod argumentat încredere în siguranța actualelor vaccinuri și răpirea copiilor lor din mijlocul familiei (preluarea copiilor de către așa zisa Protecție a Copilului), urmată de trimiterea lor într-un orfelinat sau darea lor în adopție în urma unei posibile hotarâri judecătorești în acest sens


Vaccine News – Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles – Microparticles for Oral Delivery – US patent 20080044481 A1

Education and awareness is the first step towards INFORMED CONSENT and the avoidance of these tragedies that are not as rare as we’ve been told … Register here now for this groundbreaking series
➤➤➤ tinyurl.com/9Episodes
➤Networking, exemption information and doctor resources: tinyurl.com/RevolutionForVaccineChoice
➤Follow us: facebook.com/RevolutionForChoice
➤Read all vaccine inserts: tinyurl.com/ReadTheVaccineInsert
#RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VAXXED #Flu #VaccineInjury

Dave Brenda McDowell visit the VaxXed bus while in Detroit, Michigan to the story of all three of their triplets vaccine injury stories following the pneumococcal vaccine. Interview by Polly Tommey with camera and editing by Joshua Coleman. #VaxXed #VaxWithUs #pneumococcal

A SHOCKING report on the researchers whose financial conflicts of interests are currently at war with trustworthy scientific study. Experts are declaring that HALF of all scientific literature may be untrue!
What else aren’t you being told, especially when it pertains to what is being injected into your child? Think vaccines are safe? Find out here, for free: tinyurl.com/9Episodes
✴️ Networking, exemption information and doctor resources: tinyurl.com/RevolutionForVaccineChoice
✴️ Follow us: facebook.com/RevolutionForChoice
✴️ Read all vaccine inserts: tinyurl.com/ReadTheVaccineInsert
#RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VAXXED #FakeScience #BigPharma #CDCWhistleblower

Sweden outlaws coercive mandatory vaccines laws, citing violations of the Swedish Constitution http://bit.ly/2s296lU

#VaXism NEWS #Flu

#VaXism NEWS #Vaxxed #Canberra

Polonia: nessun obbligo vaccinale! 8 giorni di protesta e il governo si è fermato. Tutto da verificare. #LibertàVaccinale #MedicalFreedom
Poland: no vaccine obligation! 8 days of protest and the government stopped. Everything to check out. #Libertàvaccinale #Medicalfreedom

Most people have been bullied by people who claim to speak in the name of science.” Watch more with Rupert Sheldrake: http://ow.ly/lt1Z30e07RA

Un interminabile corteo di famiglie per la libertà di vaccinazione ha affollato ieri sera le vie di Bolzano al grido : “Libertà” dopo il via libera alla Camera dei Deputati all’obbligo di vaccinazione per l’iscrizione dei figli nelle scuole
The long wave for freedom of choice on vaccines
An endless parade of families for the freedom of vaccination took place last night in the streets of bolzano to the cry: “freedom” after the free pass to the house of members of the of the of children in schools

O fetiţă de două luni din Olt a murit la câteva ore după un vaccin, în braţele mamei! ANTENA 1
Sunteţi de acord cu Legea Vaccinării Obligatorii! Legea care ar trebui să înfunde puşcăriile de părinţi care ar fi avut tupeul să ceară să fie pe deplin informaţi despre ce conţine vaccinul, unde a fost fabricat, dacă este compatibil cu românii şi ce riscuri comportă atât vaccinarea, cât şi nonvaccinarea celor mici.

CDC whistleblower tells Congress he destroyed evidence linking MMR to autism

Check out how an anti-vaxxing mom deals with Whooping Cough compared to the rest of the world. LIKE A BOSS- that’s she deals with it!
Shares work better than likes!
Stickers, T-Shirts, Books and Medical Bracelets! http://myincredibleopinion.com
All video episodes on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MyIncredibleOpinionWithForrestMaready

Brief Report: What Happens When I Can No Longer Support My Autistic Relative? Worries About the Future for Family Members of Autistic Adults.
Very little is known about autism and adulthood. Family members are often the primary support for autistic adults and frequently express concerns about what the future will hold and what support will be available for their relative. 120 family members of autistic adults completed an online survey exploring concerns about the future for their relative. The most endorsed concerns were “their needs won’t be met” (77% worried weekly), “whether they will be happy” (72% worried weekly) and “who will care for them” (58% worried weekly). The results highlight the importance of implementing structured and timely support through collaboration with governmental policy, local commissioning and communication with charities to help prepare family members and their autistic relative for the future.

Merck Created Hit List to “Destroy,” “Neutralize” or “Discredit” Dissenting Doctors
Last Updated May 6, 2009 7:38 PM EDT
Merck made a “hit list” of doctors who criticized Vioxx, according to testimony in a Vioxx class action case in Australia. The list, emailed between Merck employees, contained doctors’ names with the labels “neutralise,” “neutralised” or “discredit” next to them.

New Merck Allegations: A Fake Journal; Ghostwritten Studies; Vioxx Pop Songs; PR Execs Harass Reporters
Last Updated Apr 23, 2009 4:05 PM EDT
Federal prosecutors in the U.S. will be reading with amusement the Australian press’s coverage of a class action trial down under for patients who took Merck’s now-withdrawn painkiller Vioxx.

Vaccini: la parola ai medici contro l’obbligo delle vaccinazioni.
Vaccines: the word to doctors against vaccination.

Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles
July 28, 2017
A disturbing patent discovered this week reveals plans to hide vaccines within food particles without the public knowing about it.
US Patent application ‘US20080044481 A1’ (“Microparticles for oral delivery”) was filed in 2005, and allows drugs and vaccines to be embedded into tiny invisible particles of food.
Are we to assume the technology hasn’t yet been applied?
Is it operating at a stealth level? I’ll try to answer these questions in a minute. But first:
Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles
The inventor and assignee is listed as Mordechai Harel, who was associated with Advanced BioNutrition Corporation of Columbia, Maryland. Here are a group of quotes from the patent application. The statements leave no doubt about the wide, wide application of the technology.

Microparticles for Oral Delivery – US patent 20080044481 A1
The invention provides microbeads containing oil-associated biologically active compounds and methods for their manufacture and use. The microbeads consist of a soluble complex of non-digestible polymer and emulsifier with oil-associated biologically active compounds embedded in a matrix of digestible polymer. The disclosed microbead complex protects the biologically active compounds, such as vitamins, fish oil and carotenoids, from oxidation, taste and odor degradation. The disclosed microbeads also provide protection from the stomach digestive distraction, and allows for the delivery of the biologically active compounds in the intestine.


Vaccine News – Ancient Drug Discovered To Reverse Autism Symptoms Caused By Vaccines & 1999 – Public should be told that vaccines may have long term adverse effects

Newcastle Australia peeps #vaxxed #Praybig

Educate before you vaccinate!!! tiny.cc/FreeVaccinationEducation
More information on glyphosate in vaccines:
Jeffrey M. Smith is the director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and is one of the world’s leading advocates against GM foods. His book Seeds of Deception is rated the number one book on the subject and has had a substantial influence on public perception and even legislation. Smith has reached tens of millions of people through hundreds of media interviews. He produced the video Hidden Dangers in Kids’ Meals, and also writes a popular monthly syndicated column. He is on the Genetic Engineering Committee of the Sierra Club, was the former vice president of marketing for a GMO detection laboratory, and ran for U.S. Congress in his home state of Iowa to raise public awareness of the health and environmental dangers of GM foods.
Find his books here: amazon.com/Jeffrey-M.-Smith/e/B001JRXVHC/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
Networking, exemption information and doctor resources: tinyurl.com/RevolutionForVaccineChoice
Follow us: facebook.com/RevolutionForChoice
Read all vaccine inserts: tinyurl.com/ReadTheVaccineInsert
#RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #Monsanto #Pesticides #Glyphosate #EducateBeforeYouVaccinate #VAXXED

Watch a free condensed version of Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe right here: http://bit.ly/2o0b5CpDel Bigtree shakes down the pharma controlled media in his rebel rousing #BeBrave speech.

#VaXism NEWS
Italy update…vote moved to Saturday at noon Italian time.
Please record a FB live saying “It Does Not End Here” (you may also say it in Italian: “Non finesce qui”)
And use the hashtag: #NONFINISCEQUI #ItDoesNotStopHere
Michelle Maher Ford

Fate vedere questo filmato a tutti quelli che ancora si ostinano a dire che le vaccinazioni sono sicure.
Show this footage to everyone who still insists that vaccinations are safe.

Baby Boy Suffers From Seizures After Getting Vaccines

Highwire with Del Bigtree #vaxxed #PrayBig

Dott. Stefano Montanari: «In 10 vaccini ci sono cellule di feti di aborti procurati»
Dr… Stefano Montanari: “in 10 vaccines there are cells of aborted abortions”

Vaccine Damage Testimony of a parent, daughter with polio vaccine

We are honored to have the world’s leading experts on vaccine injury speaking here in Australia. Autoimmune, autism, cancer, epilepsy, anxiety, ADD, ADHD. How does mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde etc in vaccines effect us? Why and how deep is the corruption and coverup?
Tonight – Mon 24 July in BRISBANE, Tues 25 July in Gold Coast! Eventbrite for Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. Book here and learn the facts –

More Than 22,000 Brave Nurses Refusing to Submit to Mandatory Vaccinations
Nurses are required to wear face masks for refusing the flu vaccine.
Despite a CDC study that found mandatory vaccines for nurses offer no protection for patients, hospitals are pushing hard for forced vaccinations. Many nurses are choosing to lose their jobs rather than submit to forced mandatory flu vaccinations, and one has even sued the hospital, state, and federal governments for $100,000,000.
Nurses against Mandatory Vaccines (NAMV) was founded and formed by our CEO became alarmed when mandatory vaccination policies were being introduced into workplaces, and there seemed to be no rhyme or reason. First and foremost, NAMV is not anti-vaccine, but pro-choice when it comes to vaccination. We believe that all persons should have the right to choose and refuse medical treatment; that means nurses and healthcare workers alike.

CDC Study: Mandatory Flu Vaccinations of Health Care Workers Offer NO Protection to Patients
Analysis finds limited evidence for HCW flu vaccination
Hospitals and public health officials strongly promote healthcare worker (HCW) flu vaccination as a step to protect patients, but a new analysis found that evidence for a benefit isn’t as strong as previously thought.
And influenza experts who commented on the analysis pointed out that, for specific outcomes such as lab-confirmed influenza, the data showed little evidence of protection for patients.
The meta-analysis, by researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), appeared in an early online edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases. They focused on four randomized controlled trials and four observational studies from long-term facilities or hospitals. They pooled the results and assigned grades to the quality of the evidence.
An increasing number of health systems require staff to receive flu shots or else wear a mask during flu season, but the efforts have been met with pushback from some medical worker groups. Employee groups support flu vaccination and other measures to control the spread of flu, but many say workers should have the right to opt out for health, religious, or personal reasons.
In addition, the science behind flu vaccination mandates has been a topic of recent debate. In November 2012, an editorial in a Canadian medical journal calling for mandatory flu shots in HCWs prompted a quick response from researchers who questioned the evidence cited in the piece.
The new CDC analysis of HCW flu vaccination is part of an overall trend toward evidence-based public health recommendations and parallels recent new scrutiny on the efficacy of the flu vaccine itself.
In an editorial published alongside the study, Marie Griffin, MD, MPH, professor of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine… pointed out that, after the researchers submitted their study, a Cochrane group updated its meta-analysis on the topic, using three of the same studies and focusing on more specific outcomes, such as lab-confirmed flu. The Cochrane analysis found no evidence to support compulsory vaccination of HCW, she wrote.
Nick Kelley, PhD, research associate for the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), said that the new analysis provides a more robust look at HCW flu immunization studies than earlier reviews and includes observational studies that weren’t available at the time.
For outcomes that matter the most—lab-confirmed flu and flu hospitalizations—the two meta-analyses (the CDC’s and Cochrane’s) both find low or very low levels of evidence, he said. “We simply don’t have good evidence that vaccination of healthcare personnel prevents influenza transmission to patients,” Kelley said.

Analysis finds limited evidence for HCW flu vaccination
Hospitals and public health officials strongly promote healthcare worker (HCW) flu vaccination as a step to protect patients, but a new analysis found that evidence for a benefit isn’t as strong as previously thought.
And influenza experts who commented on the analysis pointed out that, for specific outcomes such as lab-confirmed influenza, the data showed little evidence of protection for patients. They agreed, though, that immunization is a good measure to take.
The meta-analysis, by researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), appeared in an early online edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases. They focused on four randomized controlled trials and four observational studies from long-term facilities or hospitals. They pooled the results and assigned grades to the quality of the evidence.
An increasing number of health systems require staff to receive flu shots or else wear a mask during flu season, but the efforts have been met with pushback from some medical worker groups. Employee groups support flu vaccination and other measures to control the spread of flu, but many say workers should have the right to opt out for health, religious, or personal reasons.
In addition, the science behind flu vaccination mandates has been a topic of recent debate. In November 2012, an editorial in a Canadian medical journal calling for mandatory flu shots in HCWs prompted a quick response from researchers who questioned the evidence cited in the piece.
The new CDC analysis of HCW flu vaccination is part of an overall trend toward evidence-based public health recommendations and parallels recent new scrutiny on the efficacy of the flu vaccine itself.
Most studies that have looked at the health impact of HCW flu vaccination on patients have focused on nursing homes. Older people are more susceptible to flu and are known to have weaker immune response to the vaccine. Nursing home outbreaks are one marker that health officials use to monitor yearly flu activity.

Nurse Fired for Refusing Flu Shots, Sues Hospital and CDC
Law Offices of James Elsman Announces Suit: Nurse Refuses Shots — Sues Hospital, Federal and State Governments for $100,000,000 Claiming Flu-Shots Have Many Dangers and Questionable Advantages
PR Newswire
DETROIT, Jan. 22, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — A nurse was fired from her Hospital job for refusing to take the flu-shot on religious and health grounds, and is “blowing the cover, off many dangers of the flu vaccine,” says her lawyer, James Leonard Elsman of Birmingham, Michigan.
Karen Bashista of S. Lyon, Livingston County, Michigan was a nurse for St. Joe Hospital, and was fired for not taking the flu-shot; though she offered to wear a mask, be moved to another floor and function, etc. She said “Hospital doctors got waivers of such.”
Elsman said this is the first suit in the U.S.A., which joins a termination with a major challenge to the efficacy of the much-vaunted “flu-shot,” because he is suing not only the Hospital, but also the C.D.C. (“Centers for Disease Control”) of the U.S. Government, and the State Community Health Dept.
Nurse Bashista continued: “People are just waking up to the dangers of flu-shots and other vaccination shots that we don’t question, because ‘government’ recommends such. Well, if government is so smart, why can’t they even administer Obamacare? Government is grasping at straws and many physicians know this, more and more. Why don’t they always take the flu-shots?”

The First 6 Years Of A Fully Vaccinated Child’s Life Looks Like This
Here is a comprehensive list of what your child receives if you fully vaccinate them for the first six years of their life.
Source: “What The Pharmaceutical Companies Don’t Want You To Know About Vaccines” – By Dr. Todd M. Elsner. Todd’s book is available on Amazon here: http://amzn.to/2nwo41h
“This book is a must read for parents, soon to be parents and physicians who regularly administer vaccines. There are over 500 pages of information proving that vaccines are not responsible for the eradication of communicable disease; vaccines have done nothing but promote chronic disease and illness; and vaccines contain the most toxic chemicals known to man. Furthermore, there are close to 2,000 references that back up the information in this book. The references are from studies published in peer reviewed medical journals, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, the prestigious Institute of Medicine, and from the United States Congressional Reform Committee. Lastly, this book contains all the U.S. licensed vaccines and the ingredients each vaccine contains. The ingredients of each vaccine come directly from the pharmaceutical companies’ vaccine package insert which are cross referenced with the National Library of Medicine for their human health effects-You will be SHOCKED at the side effects these vaccine ingredients have on the human body! FACT: If anyone from the medical community wants to argue with the information in this book, they will argue among themselves-it is their information!”

17,500 mcg 2-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
5,700 mcg aluminum (neurotoxin)
Unknown amounts of fetal bovin serum(aborted cow blood)
801.6 mcg formaldehyde (carcinogen, embalming agent)
23,250 mcg gelatin (ground up animal carcuses)
500 mcg human albumin (human blood)
760 mcg of monosodium L-glutamate (causes obesity & diabetis)
Unknown amounts of MRC-5 cells (aborted human babies)
Over 10 mcg neomycin (antibiotic)
Over 0.075 mcg polymyxin B (antibiotic)
Over 560 mcg polysorbate 80 (carcinogen)
116 mcg potassium chloride (used in lethal injection)
188 mcg potassium phosphate (liquid fertilizer agent)
260 mcg sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
70 mcg sodium borate (Borax, used for cockroach control)
54,100 mcg of sodium chloride (table salt)
Unknown amounts of sodium citrate (food additive)
Unknown amounts of sodium hydroxide (Danger! Corrosive)
2,800 mcg sodium phosphate (toxic to any organism)
Unknown amounts of sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate (toxic to any organism)
32,000 mcg sorbitol (Not to be injected)
0.6 mcg streptomycin (antibiotic)
Over 40,000 mcg sucrose (cane sugar)
35,000 mcg yeast protein (fungus)
5,000 mcg urea (metabolic waste from human urine)
Other chemical residuals

My Journey Leaving the Anti Vaccination Movement
I bet you freaked out just a little bit when you read the title right?
Small pox was eradicated by the vaccine. False.
Small pox had greatly declined before the vaccine, increased after the vaccine in westernized countries, and was effectively eradicated in third-world countries due to the surveillance and containment quarantine program. The small pox vaccine was actually flawed, deadly, and ineffective, killing many and inflicting even more with serious adverse reactions. Small pox eventually exterminated itself when people had access to clean water, good food, clean living conditions, and proper hygiene.
Immunizations and vaccinations are interchangeable terms. False.
Guys, we have got to stop throwing around the terms “immunization” and vaccination as if they’re synonymous. Immunization is the process by which a person becomes immune to a disease. Vaccination does not guarantee immunity and any immunity given is temporary.
There is supposedly no “causal” connection between vaccines and autism. True.
There’s just a whole bunch of studies where children who were vaccinated got autism; a vaccine package insert that listed autism as a potential adverse reaction; court cases won by children who developed autism post-vaccination; studies that link seizures, brain encephalopathy, and gut disorders to vaccines and studies that link seizures, gut disorders, and brain encephalopathy to autism; a vaccine removed from the market because it caused brain damage in children (i.e. autism & DPT), studies on the ingredients in vaccines that cause autism, and a whole bunch of empirical data that is super important unless…it pertains to autism.
The best way to protect a baby from pertussis is to vaccinate. False.
Many people decide to vaccinate after they see a child injured from pertussis. Many people decide not to vaccinate because they have seen a child injured from the pertussis vaccine. These are both emotional arguments. The truth of the matter is that babies would be protected from many diseases if mothers acquired lifetime immunity via natural exposure and subsequently passed protective antibodies to their babies. Vaccines destroy this passive immunity and put our infants at risk. However, since neither the vaccine nor pertussis give lifetime immunity we now give ineffective, untested, dangerous, “Category C” Tdap vaccines to pregnant women.

Mail Online – MMR – The Truth
For three months, award-winning Mail writer Melanie Phillips has investigated the MMR controversy.
Her findings, reveal how officials have concealed major evidence, how ‘neutral’ experts are paid by the drug firms and research that could prove the doubters right all along…
He has been mocked, denounced and driven from his job. To the medical and political establishment, he is an outcast and an enemy.
But Andrew Wakefield, the doctor at the heart of the furore over the MMR vaccination, believes he is on the brink of vindication.
It was Mr Wakefield, a gastroenterologist then working at the Royal Free hospital in London, who first made the devastating claim that the triple jab for measles, mumps and rubella can provoke both autism and bowel disease in a small proportion of children.
His theory, which exploded into the public arena in 1998, spread alarm among parents everywhere.
The British and international medical authorities united to dismiss it, scorning his research as worthless and insisting the vaccination was perfectly safe.
Report after report was published to rebut his findings, with MPs and ministers – including Prime Minister Tony Blair – joining the chorus that there was no cause for concern.

1999 – Public should be told that vaccines may have long term adverse effects
Editor—Jefferson’s editorial about vaccination and its adverse effects mentions our research.1 We found that immunisation starting at birth was associated with a decreased risk of insulin dependent diabetes, while immunisation starting after age 2 months was associated with an increased risk of diabetes in both rodents and humans.2 We initiated a collaboration with Dr Jaakko Tuomilehto to study the effect of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine on the incidence of diabetes. Roughly 116 000 Finnish children were randomised to receive either four doses of the vaccine, starting at 3 months of age, or one dose at 24 months of age.3 We calculated the incidence of insulin dependent diabetes in both groups until age 10 and in a group that did not receive the vaccine—a cohort that included all 128 500 children born in Finland in the 24 months before the study of the vaccine began.
A conference was held in Bethesda, Maryland, in May 1998 to discuss our data. At the conference we stated that the data on the vaccine support our published findings that immunisation starting after the age of 2 months is associated with an increased risk of diabetes. Our analysis is further supported by a similar rise in diabetes after immunisation with H influenzae type b vaccine in the United States4 and United Kingdom.5 Furthermore, the increased risk of diabetes in the vaccinated group exceeds the expected decreased risk of complications of H influenzae meningitis.
Research into immunisation has been based on the theory that the benefits of immunisation far outweigh the risks from delayed adverse events and so long term safety studies do not need to be performed. When looking at diabetes—only one potential chronic adverse event—we found that the rise in the prevalence of diabetes may more than offset the expected decline in long term complications of H influenzae meningitis. Thus diabetes induced by vaccine should not be considered a rare potential adverse event. The incidence of many other chronic immunological diseases, including asthma, allergies, and immune mediated cancers, has risen rapidly and may also be linked to immunisation.
We believe that the public should be fully informed that vaccines, though effective in preventing infections, may have long term adverse effects. An educated public will probably increasingly demand proper safety studies before widespread immunisation. We believe that the outcome of this decision will be the development of safer vaccine technology.

Mercury and Autism Relationship Confirmed in Longitudinal Study
by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
World Mercury Project
The international journal Science of the Total Environment has just published a compelling study from the Republic of Korea, where autism prevalence is high. The study identifies a strong relationship between prenatal and early childhood exposure to mercury and autistic behaviors in five-year-olds.
Lead author Jia Ryu and coauthors acknowledge mercury’s potential for neurotoxicity straight away but choose to characterize previous findings on the mercury-autism relationship as “inconsistent.” They attribute the seeming lack of consistency, in part, to methodological issues, especially flagging problematic cross-sectional study designs that measure autistic behaviors and mercury levels (in either blood or hair) at a single point in time. To rectify these methodological weaknesses, Ryu and coauthors report on data from a multi-region longitudinal study in the Republic of Korea called the Mothers and Children’s Environmental Health (MOCEH) study.
The ongoing MOCEH study examines environmental exposures during pregnancy and childhood and their effects on children’s growth and development. A unique feature is that it includes five different blood samples: maternal blood from early and late pregnancy; cord blood; and samples from children at two and three years of age. In addition, the study asks mothers to complete three follow-up surveys and—when their child reaches age five—the 65-item Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS), which assesses autistic behaviors.
Key Results
Ryu and colleagues present available data for 458 (26%) of the 1,751 mother-child pairs originally recruited into the MOCEH study. What are their key findings?
First, the researchers report a significant linear relationship between mercury exposure and autistic behaviors (as indicated by a scaled score called an SRS T-score). Strikingly, they find that with a doubling of blood mercury levels at four time points (late pregnancy, cord blood, and at two and three years of age), SRS T-scores are significantly higher.
Ryu et al. also look specifically at SRS T-scores greater than or equal to 60. Sixty and above is the accepted threshold for detecting “mild to moderate” deficits of social behavior related to autism; scores of 76 or more are in the “severe” range. In these analyses, the same linear relationship holds for late pregnancy and birth (i.e., cord blood). With a doubling of blood mercury levels at these two time points, there is a 31% and 28% increase, respectively, in the risk of an SRS T-score of 60 or more.
Finally, the researchers identify a stronger association between late-pregnancy mercury exposure and autistic behaviors in five-year-old boys versus five-year-old girls, perhaps due to mercury’s endocrine-disrupting properties.

Study – Associations of prenatal and early childhood mercury exposure with autistic behaviors at 5 years of age: The Mothers and Children’s Environmental Health (MOCEH) study
We conducted a longitudinal cohort study using an ongoing prospective birth cohort initiated in 2006, wherein blood mercury levels were measured at early and late pregnancy; in cord blood; and at 2 and 3 years of age. We analyzed 458 mother-child pairs. Autistic behaviors were assessed using the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) at 5 years of age. Both continuous SRS T-scores and T-scores dichotomized by a score of ≥ 60 or < 60 were used as outcomes.
The geometric mean of mercury concentrations in cord blood was 5.52 μg/L. In adjusted models, a doubling of blood mercury levels at late pregnancy (β = 1.84, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.39, 3.29), in cord blood (β = 2.24, 95% CI: 0.22, 4.27), and at 2 years (β = 2.12, 95% CI: 0.54, 3.70) and 3 years (β = 2.80, 95% CI: 0.89, 4.72) of age was positively associated with the SRS T-scores. When the SRS T-scores were dichotomized, we observed positive associations with mercury levels at late pregnancy (relative risk [RR] = 1.31, 95% CI: 1.08, 1.60) and in cord blood (RR = 1.28, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.63).
We found that blood mercury levels at late pregnancy and early childhood were associated with more autistic behaviors in children at 5 years of age. Further study on the long-term effects of mercury exposure is recommended.

Study – Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Total Population Sample
The prevalence of ASDs was estimated to be 2.64% (95% CI=1.91–3.37), with 1.89% (95% CI=1.43–2.36) in the general-population sample and 0.75% (95% CI=0.58–0.93) in the high-probability group. ASD characteristics differed between the two groups: the male-to-female ratios were 2.5:1 and 5.1:1 in the general population sample and high-probability group, respectively, and the ratios of autistic disorders to other ASD subtypes were 1:2.6 and 2.6:1, respectively; 12% in the general-population sample had superior IQs, compared with 7% in the high-probability group; and 16% in the general-population sample had intellectual disability, compared with 59% in the high-probability group.
Two-thirds of ASD cases in the overall sample were in the mainstream school population, undiagnosed and untreated. These findings suggest that rigorous screening and comprehensive population coverage are necessary to produce more accurate ASD prevalence estimates and underscore the need for better detection, assessment, and services.

Study – The Mothers and Children’s Environmental Health (MOCEH) study
The MOCEH study is a prospective hospital- and community-based cohort study designed to collect information related to environmental exposures (chemical, biological, nutritional, physical, and psychosocial) during pregnancy and childhood and to examine how exposure to environmental pollutants affects growth, development, and disease. The MOCEH network includes one coordinating center, four local centers responsible for recruiting pregnant women, and four evaluation centers (a nutrition center, bio-repository center, neurocognitive development center, and environment assessment center). At the local centers, trained nurses interview the participants to gather information regarding their demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, complications related to the current gestation period, health behaviors and environmental factors. These centers also collect samples of blood, placenta, urine, and breast milk. Environmental hygienists measure each participant’s level of exposure to indoor and outdoor pollutants during the pre- and postnatal periods. The participants are followed up through delivery and until the child is 5 years of age. The MOCEH study plans to recruit 1,500 pregnant women between 2006 and 2010 and to perform follow-up studies on their children. We expect this study to provide evidence to support the hypothesis that the gestational environment has an effect on the development of diseases during adulthood. We also expect the study results to enable evaluation of latency and age-specific susceptibility to exposure to hazardous environmental pollutants, evaluation of growth retardation focused on environmental and genetic risk factors, selection of target environmental diseases in children, development of an environmental health index, and establishment of a national policy for improving the health of pregnant women and their children.

Autism in America
My nephew has vaccine injured brain damage called autism. At 26 years old – non verbal. Very sad. The whole family is affected.

Byron Bay peeps #vaxxed #Praybig

Ancient Drug Discovered To Reverse Autism Symptoms Caused By Vaccines
A 100-year-old drug has been found to help reverse the symptoms of autism in children after taking just a single dose.
Suramin is a medicine that was first developed in 1916. It is primarily used as an anti-parasitic drug for treating African sleeping sickness and river blindness.
But now, scientists say the drug could be one of the most promising treatments for vaccine-injured children who suffer from autism.
Rt.com reports: “After the single dose, it was almost like a roadblock had been released,” he said. “If the future studies show that there’s continued health benefits, this could be a game-changer for families with autism.”
The study, which has been published in the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, saw five of the participants receive suramin, while the remainder were given placebos. Included in the group were four non-verbal children – two six year olds and two 14 year olds.

RT – ‘Game-changer for autism’: 100-year-old drug reverses symptoms, study finds
A drug discovered more than 100 years ago may hold the key to combating autism symptoms, according to a study.
Researcher Dr Robert Naviaux of the San Diego School of Medicine gave suramin, a drug first developed in 1916, to 10 autistic boys between the ages of five and 14, and noted transformative results.
“After the single dose, it was almost like a roadblock had been released,” he said. “If the future studies show that there’s continued health benefits, this could be a game-changer for families with autism.”
The study, which has been published in the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, saw five of the participants receive suramin, while the remainder were given placebos. Included in the group were four non-verbal children – two six year olds and two 14 year olds.
“The six year old and the 14 year old who received suramin said the first sentences of their lives about one week after the single suramin infusion,” Naviaux told the UC San Diego Health website. “This did not happen in any of the children given the placebo.”

Could this 100-year-old medication be the cure for autism?
Small clinical trial suggests suramin can reverse some symptoms.
Bryan Nelson
Suramin is a medicine that was first developed back in 1916, and it has proven so reliable as medication that it’s on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. Today it’s primarily used as an anti-parasitic drug for treating African sleeping sickness and river blindness, but now scientists think it might also offer treatment for one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the United States: autism.
Research led by Dr. Robert Naviaux of the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine has found that when suramin was administered to children showing symptoms of autism, those symptoms were significantly alleviated after just a single dose, reports Seeker.


Acțiuni criminale împotriva propriilor cetățeni, prezentate ca fiind un mare succes al autorităților și specialiștilor.
Faptele istorice se repetă, mulțimea doarme.
Autoritățile pregătesc în România, fapt ce se întâmplă și în multe alte țări servile intereselor oculte, o lege de impunere a vaccinării. O astfel de lege este o acțiune de tip nazist, chiar dacă vine frumos abbalată și prezentată ca o măsură pentru binele nostru.
Cel mai adesea exemplu al pro-vacciniștilor, dat în susținerea punctului lor de vedere, este ”succesul” vaccinării în combaterea epidemiei de poliomielită.
Dar hai să vedem faptele premergătoare, din timpul și după ”epidemia”polio.

Folosirea intensivă în agricultură a DDT-ului, un ”pesticid” ce avea toate avizele de folosire și despre care se spunea că e nepericuloasă pentru plante, animale și oameni.
După o perioadă încep să apară multiple cazuri de îmbolnăviri în rândul animalelor, iar apoi la oameni. Boala ducea cel mai adesea la decese și paralizii.

Vocile avizate ale specialiștilor, găsesc vinovat pentru aceste multiple îmbolnăviri, așa numitul virus poliomielitic și duc astfel deliberat populația în eroare. Toată strategia de, protecție, combatere și tratare a acestei boli a fost construită pe premiza că este o boală de natură virală. În realitate boala era produsă de intoxicarea cu DDT, neurotoxină care produce fix același lucru.
Răspândirea virusului e pusă pe seama insectelor (țânțari, muște etc.) Autoritățile ”care fac totul pentru binele oamenilor”, demarează o amplă acțiune de dezinsecție, împrăștiind pe toate căile cu atomizoare cantități imense de DTT, adică fix substanța responsabilă de moartea și paralizia unui număr în creștere de oameni. Împrăștierea acestei toxine se întinde astfel de pe câmpurile agricole în zonele populate.
Aburul toxic era împrăștiat peste tot, în zone aglomerate și la ore de vârf, în sălile de clasă, în cantinele școlare în timp ce elevii serveau masa, în sălile de spectacol, în parcuri, în pișcine etc. Oamenii erau așa de manipulați de propaganda media că solicitau ”îmbăierea” în aburul toxic, cereau cu exces de zel dezinsecția fiecărui colțișor al casei lor, al grădinii etc. Oamenii înhalau aburul atomizoarelor, făceau totul pentru a nimicii ”virusul” din ambientalul lor și chiar din organismul lor.

Ca o paranteză, acțiunile firmelor de deratizare și dezinsecție de azi din marile orașe, fac ceva similar, substanțele atomizate având avizele de siguranță (lprecum avea și DDT-ul), dar asta nu înseamnă că sunt și în realitate sigure pentru oameni.

Mai mult, această substanță neurotoxică a început să fie inglobată în produsele de curățenie, în produse de igienă corporală, în lacuri și vopsele, peste tot.
Mediul și locuințele erau astfel saturate de acestă neurotoxină, iar rezultatele nu au întârziat să apară.

Numărul de îmbolnăviri crește exponențial, mulți copii sunt afectați, mulți mor și foarte mulți rămân paralizați pe viață.

Între timp, la presiunile unor cetățeni care nu s-au lăsat înșelați de propaganda autorităților și care au făcut corelația cu DDT-ul, cu toată rezistența lumii ”științifice” și a ”specialiștilor, în final se admite că DDT-ul este toxic și drept urmare este trecut pe lista substanțelor interzise. În ceea ce privește corelația cu cazurile de poliomielită, punctul de vedere al specialiștilor rămâne același, e vorba de un virus.

Se decide crearea unui vaccin antipolio, și se înființează un institut ce urma să se ocupe de producerea acestor vaccinuri.
Coincidență sau nu, fostul lobbyst al producătorului de DDT, este numit acum șeful acestui institut. Destul de repede se concretizează și se pune în producție vaccinul ”salvator”. Apar probleme în utilizarea acestuia, se fac diferite variante, injectabile, oarale, dar …
Trebuia acum ca oamenii să primească și o veste bună, că vaccinurile își fac treaba, că e un adevărat succes al acțiunilor conjugate dintre aurorități și specialiști, era nevoie de o mare victorie în lupta cu temutul virus polio.
Cu toate astea, ciferele nu-i ajutau de loc, așa că se pune la cale o manipulare statistică prin care să se facă dovada efectelor campaniilor de vaccinare. Cum ? Simplu, prin schimbarea diagnosticelor unei părți a bolnavilor, astfel, peste noapte, bolnavi care înaine primeau diagnoisticul de poliomielită, au fost încadrați la diagnosticul de meningită encefalitică.
Numărul statistic al cazurilor de poliomielită scade, dar nimeni nu se concentrează să vadă că în aceași proporție numărul cazurilor de meningită encefalitică crește.

Totul devine apoi un moment de referință pentru realizările lumii medicale, realizare cu care se mândresc și astăzi cei din sistemul medical, dar folosit și ca exemplu concret pentru cei care doresc cu orice preț să dovedeasacă utilitatea vaccinării.

În final doresc să adaug faptul că prin vaccinuri se pot cotropi state fără război, iar importul de vaccinuri constituie o chestiune de securitate națională, aceasta fiind o poartă de intrare a intereselor străine pentru distrugerea sănătății cetățenilor și a țării.
Ce folos dacă după ani de zile, când efectele ascunse ale acestor vaccinuri vor apărea, vom băga la pușcărie niște boșorogi, care cu ani de zile în urmă și în cârdășie cu interese străine și cu industria Farma, au decis prin funcțiile în care s-au aflat, vaccinarea obligatorie a noastră și a copiilor noștrii .

Ceea ce v-am prezentat mai sus, se poate încadra la crime împotriva umanității, dar … în continuare o grămadă de spălați pe creier fac din asta un moment de referință a capacității medicinei și autorităților. Cei vinovați de genocid, sunt considerați eroi.
Nu înțeleg cum fix cei care spun că nu pot fi manipulați, fix cei care spun că politicienii noștrii ne-au dus de râpă, în cazul propagandei media provaccinare, consideră că de această dată media nu mai manipulează și fix tot acum politicienii și decidenții noștrii ne vor binele.

Corelați acum aceste informații cu ”epidemiile” de gripă porcină și/sau aviară și la acțiunile de dezinsecție de atunci. Știe cineva ce efect au avut asupra noastră acele substanțe folosite atunci ?(producătorii fiind străini desigur)

Am cumpărat de curând o soluție pentru curățarea ecranelor LCD, iar surpriza a fost că miroase a DTT, un derivat al DDT-ului, al cărui miros îl știu din copilărie, pentru că era foarte folosit în România, în lupta cu gândacii de Colorado. Bineînțeles că spray-ul pentru curățarea ecranelor LCD e produs în străinătate și e foarte posibil ca să aibă și astfel de adausuri.

Fiți vigilenți, selectați informația. vedeți dincolo de ce se prezintă oficial !

Leonard Cheșca
14 aprilie 2017.

Mai multe informații despre vaccinuri aici :







”Vaccinurile prevenţie sau boala ” de,Dr.-Christa Todea Gross

















