Vaccine News – VAXXED TV – I’ve waited 30 years to tell my story

Vaccines are NOT the cause of SIDS…except when the federal government says they are and compensates parents accordingly (this is a ruling from last month, July 2017):

“After carefully analyzing and weighing all of the evidence and testimony presented in this case in accordance with the applicable legal standards, the undersigned finds that petitioners have met their legal burden. Petitioners have put forth preponderant evidence that the vaccines J.B. received on September 2, 2011 actually caused or substantially contributed to his death from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Furthermore, respondent has failed to put forth preponderant evidence that J.B.’s death was in fact caused by factors unrelated to the vaccines. Accordingly, petitioners are entitled to compensation.”
In the United States Court of Federal Claims
Filed: July 10, 2017
Entitlement Decision; Diphtheria Tetanus-acellular Pertussis (DTaP) Vaccine; Inactivated Polio Vaccine AND HUMAN SERVICES,(IPV); Haemophilus Influenzae(HiB)Vaccine; Pneumococcal Conjugate(PCV) Vaccine; Rotavirus Vaccine;Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

On August 27, 2013, Chase Boatmon and Maurina Cupid (“petitioners”), as the representatives of the estate of their deceased minor child, J.B.,filed a petition under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (“Vaccine Act” or the “Program”),342 U.S.C. § 300aa-10 et. seq. (2012). Petitioners allege that as a result of receiving vaccinations for
Diphtheria-Tetanus-acellular Pertussis (“DTaP”), inactivated polio (“IPV”), haemophilus influenzae(“HiB”), Pneumococcal Conjugate (“PCV”), and Rotavirus vaccinations on September 2, 2011, J.B. passed away from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (“SIDS”) on September 3, 2011.
See Petition (ECF No. 1);Amended Petition(ECF No. 15).After carefully analyzing and weighing all of the evidence and testimony presented in this case in accordance with the applicable legal standards, the undersigned finds that petitioners have met their legal burden.

Petitioners have put forth preponderant evidence that the vaccines J.B. received on September 2, 2011 actually caused or substantially contributed to his deathfrom Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Furthermore, respondent has failed to put forth preponderant evidence that J.B.’s death was in fact caused by factors unrelated to the vaccines. Accordingly, petitioners are entitled to compensation.

Study – Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: another facet of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.
RESULTS: All three patients developed secondary amenorrhea following HPV vaccinations, which did not resolve upon treatment with hormone replacement therapies. In all three cases sexual development was normal and genetic screen revealed no pertinent abnormalities (i.e., Turner’s syndrome, Fragile X test were all negative). Serological evaluations showed low levels of estradiol and increased FSH and LH and in two cases, specific auto-antibodies were detected (antiovarian and anti thyroid), suggesting that the HPV vaccine triggered an autoimmune response. Pelvic ultrasound did not reveal any abnormalities in any of the three cases. All three patients experienced a range of common non-specific post-vaccine symptoms including nausea, headache, sleep disturbances, arthralgia and a range of cognitive and psychiatric disturbances. According to these clinical features, a diagnosis of primary ovarian failure (POF) was determined which also fulfilled the required criteria for the ASIA syndrome.
CONCLUSION: We documented here the evidence of the potential of the HPV vaccine to trigger a life-disabling autoimmune condition. The increasing number of similar reports of post HPV vaccine-linked autoimmunity and the uncertainty of long-term clinical benefits of HPV vaccination are a matter of public health that warrants further rigorous inquiry.

#VaXism NEWS A REAL journalist, Liz Gunn, interviews Dr Suzanne Humphries

VAXXED TV – 4 month vaccinations killed my baby

VAXXED TV – Dr Jeremy Kobler

VAXXED TV – Gardasil HPV vaccine killed my daughter


VAXXED TV – Multiple injuries in my family

VAXXED TV – I’ve waited 30 years to tell my story

VAXXED TV – What My Parents Went Through Is Heartbreaking

VAXXED TV – Entire Family Injured

VAXXED TV – Interview in a hospital with Sarah Cox

VAXXED TV – Feilding, New Zealand VAXXED vs. UNVAXXED

VAXXED TV – Palmerston North – Vaxxed versus unvaccinated

HighWire with Del Bigtree Live Stream

Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC

Story at-a-glance
Book by investigative journalist reveals how the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has engaged in massive fraud, misinformation and manipulation of vaccine information
A Danish scientist hired by the CDC to investigate the vaccine-autism link was charged with 22 counts of fraud and theft, yet the U.S. has not bothered to extradite him from Denmark, where he can be easily found
Most doctors will tell you the science is settled; there’s no link between vaccines and autism. In reality, the CDC is well aware there’s a link. Suppression of such data is why so few doctors understand the problem

VaxXed Arizona – Weston and Emily Wyatt Vaccine Injury
Weston and Emily are vaccine injured. Weston received 20+ vaccines in 4 months before he was 6 months old. He is now 19 and functions at the level of a 3 year old. Emily is 17 and functions at the level of an 8 year old. Both will require a lifetime of care and support.
Investigate before you vaccinate!

AutismOne Media – Dr Arthur Krigsman -Autism Associated Enterocolitis. Does my child have it? What Can I Do About It?
Dr. Arthur Krigsman presents an up-to-the minute report on what has been learned about determining a child’s gastrointestinal health status via innovative and objective laboratory testing, with corresponding information about helpful steps to take should test results evidence pathology and/or dysfunction.

AutismOne Media – Autism Associated Enterocolitis 2016 – Arthur Krigsman, MD
Gastrointestinal symptoms are exceedingly common in children with autism and are known to be associated with the severity of ASD behaviors. Parents and caregivers often underestimate or fail to recognize GI symptoms because of the focus on behaviors, cognition, and speech. However, recognition, evaluation, and treatment of GI symptoms, particularly autism-associated enterocolitis, often improves not only the child’s GI symptoms, but also cognition and behavior as well. This lecture uses photographs and videos of affected children (facial features removed) to demonstrate GI symptoms in this poorly communicative patient group as well as demonstrating actual images of ASD-associated GI inflammatory pathology obtained at endoscopy and biopsy. The unique features of ASD-associated enterocolitis that together comprise a new disease entity will be presented. Proposed therapeutic interventions will be discussed.

HPV Gardasil vaccine injured my daughter #vaxxed #Praybig

EVZ – SFÂŞIAT DE DURERE pentru că sistemul sanitar din ROMÂNIA i-a UCIS copilul, un TATĂ face o RADIOGRAFIE LUCIDĂ a GENOCIDULUI împotriva românilor. “Indivizi cu MENTALITATE de ASASINI conduc sistemul sanitar”
Înainte de a fi deranjați de această temă am însă o rugăminte către dvs : întrebați-i pe acești experți cine și unde verifică in această țară compoziția și siguranța (contaminat versus necontaminat) vaccinurilor importate integral și injectate în organismul copiilor noștri.
Iar dacă experții vă vor comunica că această verificare se face de către Agenția Națională a Medicamentului și a Dispozitivelor Medicale (ANMDM), atunci să stiți că sunteți mințiti în mod grotesc.
Sunteți mințiți la fel de grotesc cum am fost mințiți (de către un fost consilier al unui fost ministru al Sănătății) toți cei care am participat recent la o conferință organizată de către Ministerul Sănătății pe tema vaccinării.
Acest fost consilier (care ne-a mințit fără nici o reținere afirmând că în România ANMDM verifică ”lot cu lot” vaccinurile injectate copiilor noștri) continuă să ceară în mod public instaurarea unei dictaturi medicale și vaccinarea cu forța a copiilor chiar dacă nimeni nu verifică aceste vaccinuri în România (tot așa cum nimeni nu a verificat in această țară dezinfectanții utilizați in spitale) și nici nu garantează nimeni (nici măcar companiile farmaceutice care le produc) pentru siguranța lor.
Conform unui răspuns oficial oferit la o solicitare a APC România, ANMDM a confirmat că ei nu testează și nu verifică vaccinurile importate și ulterior injectate în organismul copiilor noștri.
Eu nu vă spun să nu vă vaccinati copiii sau sa-i vaccinati, eu vă rog doar să nu uitați niciodată că această decizie este și trebuie să ramână a fiecărui părinte, fără să existe nici un fel de presiuni sau amenințări halucinante precum amenințarea cu interzicerea accesului la educație pentru un copil nevaccinat, decăderea din drepturile părintești pentru cei care nu mai au în mod argumentat încredere în siguranța actualelor vaccinuri și răpirea copiilor lor din mijlocul familiei (preluarea copiilor de către așa zisa Protecție a Copilului), urmată de trimiterea lor într-un orfelinat sau darea lor în adopție în urma unei posibile hotarâri judecătorești în acest sens


News – Zero Hedge – U.S. Journalist Investigating “Migrant Crime” In Sweden Has To Leave Under “Police Escort” For His Own Safety

Zero Hedge – U.S. Journalist Investigating “Migrant Crime” In Sweden Has To Leave Under “Police Escort” For His Own Safety
After Trump called attention to the rising tide of migrant crime in Sweden last week, independent journalist Tim Pool decided to head to Stockholm for a first-hand look at the “crime-ridden migrant suburb” of Rinkeby.  Unfortunately, upon arrival Pool didn’t get to do much investigating before arousing the suspicion of a couple of masked men who proceeded to follow him through the streets eventually leading to his prompt police escort out of the city out of fear for his crew’s safety.

Zero Hedge – Former Marine’s Facebook Post On VA Treatment Of Patients Causes Outrage
A former Marine and his wife say the scene inside a Veterans Administration hospital in Durham, North Carolina, was so shocking that they took pictures and posted them to Facebook.
Now, as AP reports,  thousands of people are expressing outrage and the head of the medical center says an employee involved has been removed from patient care pending an internal review.

If You See THIS Label On the Fruit Do Not Buy It at Any Cost!
Most of us don’t know that the stickers attached to the fruits and vegetables are there for more than just scanning the price.
The PLU code, or the price lookup number on the sticker can help you determine if  the product is genetically modified, organic or produced with chemical fertilizers, fungicides or herbicides.
1. A four-digit code beginning with a 3 or a 4 means the produce is probably conventionally grown. The last digits of the code represent the kind of the fruit or vegetable you are buying. For example, bananas are always labeled with the code of 4011.
2. If there are five numbers, and the first is “8″, then the product is genetically modified. The label on genetically modified banana (GE-genetically engineered of GMO) would contain the numbers 84011.
3. A five-digit number that starts with a 9 means the item is organic. Organic bananas are labeled with 94011.
EWG ( The Environmental Working Group) analyzed pesticide residue testing data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration to come up with rankings for these popular fresh produce items.

Posted on March 1, 2017 11:00
By David Frankenhuis
Two women in Germany last weekend became the victim of brutal sexual assaults in two separate incidents. In both cases, the attackers were described as ‘southern types’, operating in small bands.
Carnival rape, crying woman in Leverkusen
On Sunday night, a 31-year-old woman in the city of Leverkusen was victimised by a gang of three men in the district of Lützenkirchen. She was attacked by all three of the perpetrators and subsequently raped on a lawn by one of them. After the assault, the men fled in an unknown direction, Freie Zeiten reports.
Passers-by had, later on, found the crying woman sitting in the streets. She was dressed up as a hippie since she had been out celebrating Carnival.
According to the victim, the men were dressed in dark clothes, in between 20 and 30 years of age, and all had a ‘southern appearance’. This usually means they come from countries such as Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt.
The police are asking the public for help, and an arrest has yet to be made in this case.
Violent gang rape on Hamburg riverbank
In Hamburg, two men on Sunday evening sexually assaulted a 46-year-old woman after beating her. The violent gang rape took place near a bridge called the Lombardsbrücke, which is located on the riverbank of the Alster.
On  Monday morning, the injured victim went to a hospital where she was investigated and treated, and other local media report. Afterwards, she spoke to police to file a complaint.
In this case, as well, the woman referred to the rapists as being of southern descent, meaning Northern Africans or, in German police lingo, the so-called ‘Nafri’s’. She could not describe the assailants more accurate.
During the interrogation, the victim mentioned an elderly couple passing by the location of the attack. They may be important witnesses, police have stated.

Investigative Journalist For CBS News Exposes How Mainstream Media Brainwashes The Public

Investigative Journalist For CBS News Exposes How Mainstream Media Brainwashes The Public
If you’re aware that only a handful of corporations (6, to be exact) control over 90% of the media, you’re one of the few. What this means is that everything you hear on the radio, read in the news, and see on television (including the ‘news’), is controlled by one of these six corporations: General Electric (GE), News Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS.
This startling truth has become more commonly accepted in recent years, especially since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media, was exposed.

For her eye-opening TEDx talk (below), the veteran investigative journalist (and former CBS News investigative reporter) reveals how “astroturf,” or fake grassroots movements, funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.


Investigative journalist reveals global vaccine conspiracy orchestrated by the WHO

On February 26, 2014, a public hearing was held under the direction of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Tokyo, Japan in response to reports of adverse effects following  Gardasil vaccinations. Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, the Director of Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, testified on the behalf of parents whose children had either died, or experienced serious neurological complications after being given the HPV shots. As a pathologist, his hypothesis was straightforward:

“… the HPV vaccination depends on the Gardasil adjuvant. On the left-hand side, the aluminum adjuvant waits for the release of human DNA as a result of inflammation and the cell death. And the human DNA would combine with the aluminum and stimulate the macrophage to enhance the immunogenicity of the vaccine reaction. However, in Gardasil because the HPV DNA was already present in the vaccine when they were injected in these girls, so the viral DNA combined with the aluminum injected to stimulate the microphages. And that is the mechanism I believe to cause cytokine storm and tumor necrosis release. And that would cause hypotension, tachycardia, and sudden death. And other neurological symptom is called acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.”

Read more at: