Vaccine News – My 3 boys are injured from vaccines #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #Praybig – VAXXED TV

War Room – Mumps Vaccine Causes Mumps Outbreak In Colleges
Should we continue to pretend vaccines are risk free when they’re now causing outbreaks of the exact thing they’re supposed to prevent?
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VAXXED TV – Too many coincidences #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #praybig

Dr Cammy Benton MD #didyouknow #knowtherisk

I will not vaccinate #vaxxed #didYouKnow #praybig

Single Rubella vaccine injured my son #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #praybig

I will not vaccinate my little boy #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #praybig

Vaccines gave my children autism, food allergies, type 1 diabetes and speech disorders #DidYouKnow

My 3 boys are injured from vaccines #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #Praybig

RV mechanics wife – it’s a God thing #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #praybig

Vaccines gave my son eczema #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #Praybig

TDap vaccine during pregnancy killed my baby #vaxxed #DidYouKnow #Praybig


Just News – The Official Hagmann & Hagmann Report – David Lankford on The Hagmann Report & What Happens When You Die?


What Happens When You Die? Everyone On Earth Should Watch This Video and Share It
“Every single person is born with special gifts. It is our job here on Earth to use these gifts with each other to make the world a better place”. What a powerful powerful message this woman shares. Incredible!. Every one on Earth should watch this. Share this video! To learn more about Erica here is a link to her website –

More testimonies can be found on this page: Heaven & Hell testimonies

Single mosquito bite might be enough to transmit multiple viruses, study finds
By Gillian Mohney DR. ALIA HASSANALI
May 19, 2017, 3:01 PM ET
Mosquito bites aren’t just a nuisance but can be a serious public health threat as seen during the mosquito-borne Zika outbreak that spread through much of the globe last year.
A new study published today in the Nature Communications journal reports that mosquitoes might be even more adept at spreading disease than previously thought. The researchers wanted to find out if the infamous Aedes aegypti mosquito may be able to spread multiple diseases at once. The insect, also called the cockroach of mosquitoes, is known to be among the primary way diseases like chikungunya, dengue and Zika virus spread.
Researchers from Colorado State University exposed hundreds of mosquitoes to either chikungunya, Zika or dengue and different combinations of the three. They also exposed 48 mosquitoes to the three viruses–chikungunya, Zika and dengue–to see if one or all three of the diseases could appear in the saliva, which could then potentially infect a person.
The researchers examined the saliva, gut and legs of the insects for signs of viral infection. They found that 92 percent of the mosquitoes tested positive for all three viruses.
Of the 48 just one remained uninfected.

Catholic Church Spends $2 Million Blocking New Child Sex Abuse Laws Hires NY lobbying firm to stop anti-pedophile law reforms

Posted by: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 20th May 2017 @ 7.41pm
Not leaving it to divine chance, the state Catholic Conference has turned in recent years to some of Albany’s most well-connected and influential lobby firms to help block a bill that would make it easier for child sex abuse victims to seek justice. The Catholic Conference, headed by Timothy Cardinal Dolan, has used Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker, Patricia Lynch & Associates, Hank Sheinkopf, and Mark Behan Communications to lobby against the Child Victims Act as well as for or against other measures. All told, the conference spent more than $2.1 million on lobbying from 2007 through the end of 2015, state records show. That does not include the conference’s own internal lobbying team.

The Official Hagmann & Hagmann Report – America NEEDS revival with Pastor David Lankford on The Hagmann Report


Vaccine News – Father of Five, Paralyzed by the DTaP Vaccination

Vaccines Revealed Documentary Episode 1 – watch now free

CDC admits 98 million Americans were given cancer virus via the polio shot
The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40).  The CDC quickly took down the page, along with Google, but the site was luckily cached and saved to symbolize this grand admission.
To further confirm this unbelievable admission, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola University in Chicago Dr. Michele Carbone has been able to independently verify the presence of the SV40 virus in tissue and bone samples from patients who died during that era. He found that 33% of the samples with osteosarcoma bone cancers, 40% of other bone cancers, and 60% of the mesothelioma’s lung cancers all contained this obscure virus. This leaves the postulation that upwards of 10–30 million actually contracted and were adversely affected by this virus, to be deadly accurate.

In this shocking interview, top Merck scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman confesses (with laughter) that Merck vaccines (Polio) had been deliberately contaminated with SV40, a CANCER-CAUSING monkey virus from 1953 – 63. Learn all about the Vaccine-Cancer connection in the upcoming re-release of the Truth About Cancer documentary on May 16th:

Did you see this radio show host ‘lose his mind’ over BillNye and #Vaccines? #HighWire

Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary
Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine
In addition to weakened or killed disease antigens (viruses or bacteria), vaccines contain very small amounts of other
ingredients – excipients or media.
Some excipients are added to a vaccine for a specific purpose. These include:
Preservatives, to prevent contamination. For example, thimerosal.
Adjuvants, to help stimulate a stronger immune response. For example, aluminum salts.
Stabilizers, to keep the vaccine potent during transportation and storage. For example, sugars or gelatin.
Others are residual trace amounts of materials that were used during the manufacturing process and removed. These include:
Cell culture materials, used to grow the vaccine antigens. For example, egg protein, various culture media.
Inactivating ingredients, used to kill viruses or inactivate toxins. For example, formaldehyde.
Antibiotics, used to prevent contamination by bacteria. For example, neomycin.
The following table lists all components, other than antigens, shown in the manufacturers’ package insert (PI) for each vaccine.
Each of these PIs, which can be found on the FDA’s website (see below) contains a description of that vaccine’s manufacturing
process, including the amount and purpose of each substance. In most PIs, this information is found in Section 11: “Description.”
All information was extracted from manufacturers’ package inserts, current as of January 6, 2017.
If in doubt about whether a PI has been updated since then, check the FDA’s website at:

Food and Drug Administration FDA Product Approval: Vaccine index

Flu Cases Show Huge Drop Thanks To…Less Flu Shots?
By Paul Webber – May 2, 2017
I was stunned to read an article from, titled, Big Drop In Reported Flu Cases. I wasn’t particularly stunned to read that flu cases in the region were down, I was more stunned to read a writer’s blasphemous inability to achieve logic. I haven’t seen a swing and miss this bad since Pedro Cerrano swung and missed for the first hour of the movie, Major League. So I’m here to help the cause.
The opening sentence really tells us a lot (not all, but a lot) of what we need to know. Lots of residents aren’t getting a flu shot, lots or residents aren’t getting the flu. Valid? Not totally, but that’s a decent start. We now find out that there is a 94% decrease in confirmed flu cases from the prior year. What do we also know? I remind you, less than half of residents got a flu shot. So what conclusion is drawn by health officials? That flu shots are helping stave off the flu.
My head hurts. I need to take a breath. That’s a fallacy. This writer is employed and paid to write things. My head is exploding.

2-Month Old Infant Suffered Apnea and Died Following 8 Vaccines
Monday, August 01, 2016
(NaturalNews) Another family is mourning the loss of their two-month old baby following routine vaccinations. Cash Dewayne Thomas was having apnea episodes following the vitamin K injection and hepatitis B vaccine given to him at birth. When his mother sought help from numerous doctors, they ignored her concerns and would not put Cash on a breathing monitor.
At his two-month well-baby checkup, Cash’s pediatrician assured his mother the vaccines were safe and signed off for the nurse to vaccinate Cash with eight more vaccine doses, even though Cash’s breathing problems had not been addressed. He died 16 days later, which is one of the critical days infants pass away or suffer breathing issues after vaccination.
After burying their son, Cash’s parents, Whitney Hill and Jesse Dewayne Thomas, regretted that they listened to the doctor over their own instincts. They entrusted the doctors with their infant son and know the vaccines led to his breathing problems and ultimately his death.
Cash’s mother and father want to send a strong message to parents who support vaccines and hope their son’s story will help save others from suffering a loss like they have.

“Life ruined by a single vaccine” — All This Father Wanted Was To See His Newborn, Instead This Happened…
This is the story of Ben Hammond, his family, and a tragedy that has become all too familiar and all too often ignored by both mainstream and local media. Controversy has erupted on both sides of the vaccine movement, and it’s far from over.
Father of Five, Paralyzed by the DTaP Vaccination
Ben and Tanya’s fifth child, James, was born eight weeks premature in September 2012. The doctors at the hospital made the father get a 3-in-1 vaccination (DTaP: whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus) before he could see his baby.
He was up to date on vaccinations, but the hospital told him he needed the whooping cough booster.
Instead of protecting him, the vaccine almost killed him; it left him paralyzed, unable to work, and struggling with serious lifelong health issues, the family says.
“Horrendous, absolutely horrendous. Watching your husband go from the big, Aussie man that he was to a complete quad. I’m now no longer a wife; I’m now his carer,” Tanya said in an interview with 9 News Perth (Australia). [1]

Vaccine failure is well established: Malignant mumps in MMR vaccinated children
Sayer Ji
Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:05 UTC
A new study finds highly malignant mumps infections in those successfully vaccinated against the virus…
A provocative new study titled, “Epidemic of complicated mumps in previously vaccinated young adults in the South-West of France,” reveals that the MMR vaccine, despite generating high rates of presumably protective IgG antibodies against mumps, does not always translate into real-world immunity against infection as we have repeatedly been told. To the contrary, the study details cases where, despite the detection of high levels of antibodies against the mumps virus, patients contracted a malignant form of mumps that only rarely follows from natural, community acquired infection.
Vaccine Failure Is Well Established In the Scientific Literature
While counter-intuitive to those who uncritically accept the official marketing copy of the vaccine industry and their cheerleaders within government and the mainstream media, the research community and general public is beginning to appreciate how prevalent and well-documented vaccine failure really is, especially in the case of measles, hepatitis B, chickenpox,pertussis (whooping cough), HIV, polio, HPV, and influenza vaccines that do not work as advertised.

Study 2014 – Epidemic of complicated mumps in previously vaccinated young adults in the South-West of France
Five cases of meningitis, 1 of orchitis, and 1 of unilateral hearing impairment were identified. Each of the 7 patients had been previously vaccinated with MMR, 4 had received 2 doses of this vaccine. Blood tests revealed high rates of IgG antibodies, usually considered as sufficient for immunological protection, and every patient had at least 1 positive RT-PCR test for mumps.
Outbreaks of complicated mumps may still occur despite a broad coverage of MMR vaccination. The clinical presentation suggested mumps but the final diagnosis could only be confirmed by genomic detection of the virus. Unusual viral strains with increased neurovirulence, insufficient population coverage associated with immunity decrease over time may explain outbreaks of complicated mumps. A full vaccine scheme of contact people or a third injection of vaccine for previously vaccinated people who are at risk of developing mumps are required to prevent further spreading of the disease during the outbreak.

World Governments Knew MMR Vaccine Caused Autism In 1970’s