Just News – Richie From Boston – 5G will be used at olympics to Kill wild pigs


Richie From Boston – 5G will be used at olympics to Kill wild pigs

This isnt a rumor or speculation, this is EXACTLY what we were warning about. RFB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dUBI… http://fortune.com/2018/02/13/winter-… https://bible.org/seriespage/11-demon… https://vimeo.com/user73954749 RFB on vimeo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE_zF… RFB II BACKUP CHANNEL paypal.me/RichieFromBoston https://www.patreon.com/RichieFromBoston Help me help others as well as Make much needed upgrades to my equipment and channel https://twitter.com/NULOOKREFINISH TWITTER RFB Special thanks to ODD Reailty And NICHOLSON1968 for the intros and outros Disclaimer: All works by RichieFromBoston are criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching and research. -All footage taken falls under ”fair use” of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998). Therefore, no breach of privacy or copyright has been committed. -FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be “fair use” in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107

Vaccine News – VAXXED TV – Your facebook posts are making a difference & Study – Eczema vaccinatum resulting from the transmission of vaccinia virus from a smallpox vaccinee: an investigation of potential fomites in the home environment

US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health – Apr 2012

Study – Differentiating the wild from the attenuated during a measles outbreak

Nestibo L, Lee BE, Fonseca K, Beirnes J, Johnson MM, Sikora CA.
Author information
Communicable Disease Control, Alberta Health Services;

In the midst of a local measles outbreak, a recently immunized child was investigated for a new-onset measles-type rash. Nucleic acid testing identified that a vaccine-type measles virus was being shed in the urine. Clinically differentiating measles from a nonmeasles rash is challenging, but can be supported by a thorough medical history evaluation. Rashes are expected to occur after immunization; nucleic acid testing can be used when it is difficult to differentiate between wild and attenuated strains.

US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health – Jan 2009

Study – Eczema vaccinatum resulting from the transmission of vaccinia virus from a smallpox vaccinee: an investigation of potential fomites in the home environment.

Lederman E, Miramontes R, Openshaw J, Olson VA, Karem KL, Marcinak J, Panares R, Staggs W, Allen D, Weber SG, Vora S, Gerber SI, Hughes CM, Regnery R, Collins L, Diaz PS, Reynolds MG, Damon I.
Author information
Poxvirus and Rabies Branch, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA. edith.lederman@med.navy.mil

On March 3, 2007, a 2-year-old boy was hospitalized with eczema vaccinatum. His two siblings, one with eczema, were subsequently removed from the home. Swabs of household items obtained on March 13th were analyzed for orthopoxvirus DNA signatures with real-time PCR. Virus culture was attempted on positive specimens. Eight of 25 household samples were positive by PCR for orthopoxvirus; of these, three yielded viable vaccinia virus in culture. Both siblings were found to have serologic evidence of orthopoxvirus exposure. These findings have implications for smallpox preparedness, especially in situations where some household members are not candidates for vaccination.

US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health – Jan 2005

Study – Effect of different immunisation schedules on the excretion and reversion of oral poliovaccine strains.

Minor PD, Dunn G, Ramsay ME, Brown D.
Author information
National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, Blanche Lane South Mimms, Potters Bar, Herts, EN6 3QG, UK. pminor@nibsc.ac.uk

Excretion of live oral poliovaccine and molecular markers of increased virulence in the viruses isolated were examined in children who were either previously immunised with inactivated or live vaccine or were unimmunised. There appeared to be some effect of previous immunisation with either live or killed vaccine at the second dose of live vaccine. Where an effect was seen it took the form of reduced rates of excretion, shorter time periods of excretion and more rapid and complete reversion of the excreted virus. The data are consistent with the view that poliovirus is able to escape the immune pressure in the gut to some extent by improving its general fitness rather than direct evasion of immunity.

VAXXED TV – These 3 Moms, The 1st of Many

What does this law mean for your family?

Learn to bypass your own obstacles

How can you fight that?

What Causes “Lazy Eye”?

Right then I knew they were all lying

It’s not like this in Germany

Are these vaccines safe?

Your facebook posts are making a difference

Addressing ridiculous topics #peepsTV #Praybig


FOR ISRAEL Ministry – Jewish Johnathan Ben-David forgave his killer and you would not believe why!!!

How to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour

Testimony by Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty

1 Corinthians 15 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Hebrews 6 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
2 of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
3 And this will we do, if God permit.
4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5 and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6 if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
8 but that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.

Isaiah 53 – Old testament Prophecy about Jesus

1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant,and as a root out of a dry ground:he hath no form nor comeliness;and when we shall see him,there is no beauty that we should desire him.
3 He is despised and rejected of men;a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:and we hid as it were our faces from him;he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs,and carried our sorrows:yet we did esteem him stricken,smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions,he was bruised for our iniquities:the chastisement of our peace was upon him;and with his stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray;we have turned every one to his own way;and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,yet he opened not his mouth:he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter,and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb,so he openeth not his mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment:and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living:for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
9 And he made his grave with the wicked,and with the rich in his death;because he had done no violence,neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him;he hath put him to grief:when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin,he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days,and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied:by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many;for he shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great,and he shall divide the spoil with the strong;because he hath poured out his soul unto death:and he was numbered with the transgressors;and he bare the sin of many,and made intercession for the transgressors.

The Only Sin That Leads To Hell – Kenneth E Hagin


Vaccine News – New Study: Measles Virus Neutralizing Antibodies in Intravenous Immunoglobulins:is an Increase by Re-Vaccination of Plasma Donors possible?

New Study: Vaccine Manufacturers and FDA Regulators Used Statistical Gimmicks to Hide Risks of HPV Vaccines
A new study published in Clinical Rheumatology exposes how vaccine manufacturers used phony placebos in clinical trials to conceal a wide range of devastating risks associated with HPV vaccines. Instead of using genuine inert placebos and comparing health impacts over a number of years, as is required for most new drug approvals, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline spiked their placebos with a neurotoxic aluminum adjuvant and cut observation periods to a matter of months.
Researchers from Mexico’s National Institute of Cardiology pored over 28 studies published through January 2017—16 randomized trials and 12 post-marketing case series—pertaining to the three human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines currently on the market globally. In their July 2017 peer-reviewed report, the authors, Manuel Martínez-Lavin and Luis Amezcua-Guerra, uncovered evidence of numerous adverse events, including life-threatening injuries, permanent disabilities, hospitalizations, and deaths, reported after vaccination with GlaxoSmithKline’s bivalent Cervarix vaccine and Merck’s quadrivalent or nine-valent HPV vaccines (Gardasil and Gardasil 9). Pharmaceutical company scientists routinely dismissed, minimized or concealed those injuries using statistical gimmicks and invalid comparisons designed to diminish their relative significance.
“Of the 16 HPV vaccine randomized trials, only two used an inert saline placebo. Ten of the sixteen compared the HPV vaccine against a neurotoxic aluminum adjuvant.”
Scientific researchers view double-blind placebo trials as the gold standard for testing new drugs. To minimize bias, investigators randomly assign patients to either a “treatment” group or a “control” (placebo) group and then compare health outcomes. The standard practice is to compare a new drug against a “pharmacologically inert” placebo. To minimize opportunities for bias, neither patients nor researchers know which individuals received the drug and which the placebo. However, in clinical trials of the various HPV vaccines, pharmaceutical researchers avoided this kind of rigor and instead employed sleight-of-hand flimflams to mask the seriousness of vaccine injuries.
Of the 16 HPV vaccine randomized trials, only two used an inert saline placebo. Ten of the sixteen compared the HPV vaccine against a neurotoxic aluminum adjuvant, and four trials used an already-approved aluminum-containing vaccine as the comparison. One does not have to be a scientist to understand that using aluminum-containing placebos is likely to muddy the comparison between the treatment and control groups.

Study: Cervical cancer vaccine may not be cause of health issues
A national survey conducted in response to mysterious health problems that girls and young women say were suffered after cervical cancer vaccinations has found that unvaccinated teenagers have reported similar symptoms in comparable numbers.
The results of the study were reported at a health ministry’s cervical cancer vaccine review committee meeting on Dec. 26.
The investigation was conducted by a health ministry research team headed by Tomotaka Sobue, a professor of public health at Osaka University.
The team asked about 18,000 clinics and hospitals in Japan whether they received female patients aged between 12 and 18, during the six-month period of July to December 2015, who complained of certain symptoms, including unexplained body pains and mobility problems, which persisted for more than three months.
The study also asked about the degree to which the patients were affected by the conditions and whether they have difficulty in commuting to school or work.
Analysis of the health-care providers’ responses showed that the ratio of girls who had the cervical cancer vaccination and reported those conditions was 27.8 per 100,000 people. By comparison, the ratio was 20.4 per 100,000 people for the unvaccinated girls experiencing the conditions.
The survey was undertaken to provide evidence to help determine whether active promotion of the cervical cancer vaccinations, which has been halted since 2013, should be resumed.

Why flu vaccines so often fail
By Jon CohenSep. 20, 2017 , 2:30 PM
The influenza virus has yet to hit the Northern Hemisphere, but flu vaccine season is already in full swing, with banners outside pharmacies urging: “Get Your Flu Shot Now.” What’s not advertised, however, is just how lackluster the vaccine is. The most commonly used flu shots protect no more than 60% of people who receive them; some years, effectiveness plunges to as low as 10%. Given that a bad flu season can kill 50,000 people in the United States alone, “10% to 60% protection is better than nothing,” says Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. “But it’s a terribly inadequate vaccine for a serious public health threat.” Now, researchers are striving to understand why it fails so often—and how to make a markedly better one.
They’re questioning what was once received wisdom: that the vaccine fails when manufacturers, working months ahead of flu season, incorrectly guess which strains will end up spreading. And they’re learning instead that the vaccine may falter even when the right strains were used to make it, perhaps because of how it is produced or quirks of individual immune systems. “It’s much more complicated than we thought,” Osterholm says. “I know less about influenza today than I did 10 years ago.”

Measles Virus Neutralizing Antibodies in Intravenous Immunoglobulins:is an Increase by Re-Vaccination of Plasma Donors possible?
We report a screen of plasma donors which confirmed that widespread use of childhood measles vaccination since 1963 resulted in a decrease of average measles virus antibody titers in plasma donors, which is reflected in intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG). The measles virus antibody titer is, however, a potency requirement for IVIG, as defined in FDA regulation. To mitigate the decline in measles virus antibody titers in IVIG and to ensure consistent product release, re-vaccination of plasma donors was investigated as a means to boost titers. However, re-vaccination induced titer increases were only about two-fold, and short lived.

Baby Foreskin Is Being Used To Make Vaccines

Warning: Some people may find the information in this article disturbing and the images graphic.

Every year, some infants are circumcised. During this surgical procedure, part of the child’s protective penile tissue is removed. This tissue removed from his penis may be sold to companies and institutions seeking the rich human fibroblast cells and other cells it contains. Most people are unaware that for decades, vaccine companies have been using these foreskin cells to research, grow and develop vaccines.
Certain microorganisms used by vaccine companies need living human cells to replicate. The cells within foreskin are being used for this purpose. Foreskin cells can be used to turn a wild-type microorganism found in nature into a genetically modified microorganism for use in vaccines.
Baby foreskins are used to research rubella, varicella and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. They are used to make cytomegalovirus vaccines, which is something pharmaceutical companies have been working on the last few decades. This vaccine is being created using foreskin cells and clinical trials have already begun. The child’s DNA whose foreskin was used to make the vaccine cannot be fully removed from the vaccines prior to administration. Researchers are also using foreskin to create a human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) immortalized cell line for use in vaccines.
Cells isolated from infant foreskin are preferred because the infant cells have a longer lifespan than those isolated from adult foreskin. The ongoing issue with companies using infant foreskin to develop vaccines and other products is vast; only a small fraction can be discussed here. It is important to research how vaccines are made prior to receiving them, if you want to avoid unwanted contaminants in your body.

PDF: 17 Examples of Admitted Vaccine Failure

Doctor Who Warned Families About Vaccine Dangers, Found Dead Body of missing Dr. Peter Cianfrani found by searchers
By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 28th September 2017
A doctor who warned families about the dangers of mandatory vaccines has been found dead a day after he was reported missing. The body of Dr. Peter Cianfrani, 70, was discovered by search teams on Wednesday morning just off of the Perkiomen Trail in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The longtime family doctor, who disappeared Tuesday was discovered in an isolated woodland area near a trail by searchers. The Perkiomen Trail is a 19-mile-long multi-use rail trail along the Perkiomen Creek, with the trail mostly being gravel. Although the trail is popular with hikers, it’s unclear why Dr. Cianfrani was up there or why his body was found in a wooded area away from the trail. The cause and manner of death are pending although police claim that his death is most-likely a suicide and won’t be investigated as “suspicious”. Dr. Cianfrani had worked in Montgomery County as a medical practitioner for years and was a well-trusted family doctor.

BOOK – Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter by R. B. Pearson

Metro Detroit mom could be thrown behind bars for not getting son vaccinated
Andrea Isom
11:14 PM, Sep 27, 2017
(WXYZ) – If you have kids, their health, their safety is your top priority.
However, what if doing what you think is best, could land you behind bars?
A Metro Detroit mother is facing jail time because of her beliefs when it comes to vaccinations and her kid.
“I would rather sit behind bars standing up for what I believe in, than giving in to something I strongly don’t believe in,” says Rebecca Bredow.
Bredow, a mother of two, has one week to get her son vaccinated and if she does not comply with the order of an Oakland County judge, she will be thrown in jail.
Rebecca believes in parents having the choice to make the right decision for their children based on the parent’s knowledge of vaccines and the child

Mutant Strains Of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio
June 28, 2017
For the first time, the number of children paralyzed by mutant strains of the polio vaccine are greater than the number of children paralyzed by polio itself.
So far in 2017, there have been only six cases of “wild” polio reported anywhere in the world. By “wild,” public health officials mean the disease caused by polio virus found naturally in the environment.
By contrast, there have been 21 cases of vaccine-derived polio this year. These cases look remarkably similar to regular polio. But laboratory tests show they’re caused by remnants of the oral polio vaccine that have gotten loose in the environment, mutated and regained their ability to paralyze unvaccinated children

Study – IgE sensitization to gelatin: the probable role of gelatin-containing diphtheria–tetanus–acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccines
We recently found that most events of anaphylaxis to live attenuated viral vaccines containing gelatin as a stabilizer might be caused by the gelatin. However, the mechanism that the children were sensitized to gelatin was unclear. In Japan, both diphtheria–tetanus–acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccines with and without gelatin are available. We explored the possibility that gelatin-containing DTaP vaccines before live viral vaccines sensitize children to gelatin. We received the serum samples of 87 children who had systemic immediate-type reactions including anaphylaxis to the vaccines from both physicians and vaccine manufacturers throughout Japan. We then surveyed the DTaP vaccination histories of the children who demonstrated anti-gelatin IgE. Of the above 87 children, 79 (91%) had anti-gelatin IgE. We successfully collected DTaP vaccination histories including the manufacturers’ names and numbers of doses on 55 children. Only one child had not received any DTaP vaccine, the other 54 had received gelatin-containing DTaP vaccines and none received gelatin-free DTaP vaccines. We concluded that there was a strong causal relationship between gelatin-containing DTaP vaccination, anti-gelatin IgE production, and risk of anaphylaxis following subsequent immunization with live viral vaccines which contain a larger amount of gelatin.

Vaccine News – 15 children die in botched vaccine campaign in South Sudan

At the CDC rally!

Her daughter was injected with 6 vaccines at one time and LISTEN TO WHAT HAPPENED!!

The Wild Doc – ZERO to THREE immunization webinar, doctors lie. And avoided my questions.

“You don’t mess with Parents” – Polly Tommey #VaxXed Worldwide

El Efecto del Aluminio en las Vacunas – Prof. Dr. Christopher A. Shaw, PhD, BS, MSc.

#VaXism NEWS

States ending free parent whooping vaccine
PARENTS across Australia will no longer receive free whooping cough vaccinations because it is not effective in protecting newborns from the potentially deadly illness, a parliamentary committee has heard.
Since 2009 all states and territories except Tasmania have at some stage introduced the free parental vaccination program in an effort to shield infants from the illness.
Whooping cough, a highly infectious airborne bacterial disease, can kill if complications cause lack of oxygen to the brain.
It is most serious in babies under a year old, with newborns susceptible as they are unable to be vaccinated until they are at least four months old.
But at a Victorian Parliamentary Accounts and Estimates Committee hearing on Tuesday, Department of Health divisional executive director Chris Brook said states were abandoning the “cocooning” program from June 30.
He said the national Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) had determined vaccinating parents was not effective in protecting newborns, after two pharmaceutical manufacturers made submissions to the PBAC.

Study – Mercury in vaccines from the Australian childhood immunization program schedule.
Despite the removal of the mercury (Hg)-based preservative thimerosal from vaccines listed on the Australian Immunization Program Schedule for children, concerns remain among some researchers and parents for the safety of the present schedule, in part due to a fear of residual trace levels of Hg. The purpose of this study was to independently assess childhood vaccines for the presence of Hg. Eight vaccines administered to children under the age of 5 yr were assessed for Hg content via a DMA-80 direct mercury analyzer. Seven of the 8 vaccines contained no detectable levels of Hg (less than 1 ppb); however, 1 vaccine (Infanrix hexa) tested positive for Hg at 10 ppb. The result was confirmed and validated by retesting the original sample. Follow-up testing was conducted on three additional samples of Infanrix hexa (one from the same production lot and two from a different lot). All three tested positive for Hg (average of 9.7 ppb). Although the levels of Hg detected are substantially lower than any established exposure safety limits, the results of this study reveal that inaccuracies exist in public health messages, professional communications, and official documentation regarding Hg content in at least one childhood vaccine. In the interests of public health, it is incumbent on vaccine manufacturers and responsible agencies such as the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Federal Department of Health and Ageing to address this issue as a matter of urgency

VAXXED TV – Former researcher has unvaccinated children

Health professionals talk vaccinations

Vaccines gave my son autism

DTaP vaccine gave my daughter epilepsy

3 months ago my baby died following vaccinations

My unvaccinated extremely healthy children

My son has ADHD and rage from vaccinations

Read The Insert

15 children die in botched vaccine campaign in South Sudan
JUBA, South Sudan — Fifteen young children have died in a botched measles vaccination campaign that saw people as young as 12 years old administering the vaccines, South Sudan’s government announced Friday.
The United Nations said the children died of “severe sepsis/toxicity” from the contaminated vaccine, and the health ministry blamed the deaths on human error. One syringe was used for all the children during the four-day campaign, and the vaccine was stored without refrigeration the entire time.
Measles is yet another challenge facing the desperately poor East African country that already has been devastated by more than three years of civil war and a recently declared famine, as well as a cholera outbreak.
The government said all of the children who died were under the age of 5. It is setting up a commission to determine who is responsible and whether victims’ families will be compensated.
The measles vaccination campaign is targeting more than 2 million children across the country. About 300 children were targeted in the area where the children’s deaths occurred.
The children died in the rural town of Kapoeta in early May. Another 32 children suffered fever, vomiting and diarrhea but recovered, a joint statement by the World Health Organization and the U.N. children’s agency UNICEF said.

Ministerul Justiției: Proiectul legii vaccinării obligatorii prezintă riscuri de neconstituționalitate
Adi Mosoianu
Ministerul Justiției este de părere că proiectul legii vaccinării obligatorii a copiilor, elaborat de către Ministerul Sănătății, nu instituie norme suficient de clare și previzibile, în acord cu exigențele impuse în acest sens de jurisprudența Curții Constituționale, ceea ce ar putea duce la apariția unor vicii de neconstituționalitate și, în plus, consideră că draftul de act normativ ar putea afecta dreptul fundamental al persoanei de a dispune de ea însăși, prevăzut de Constituție. Aceste considerații ale Ministerului Justiției sunt menționate în avizul Consiliului Legislativ asupra proiectului legii vaccinării obligatorii, document datat 10 august 2017. Guvernul a aprobat proiectul pe 9 august.
“De asemenea, semnalăm faptul că, astfel cum a fost precizat și de către Ministerul Justiției în adresa nr. 69366/2017, “, se arată în avizul Consiliului Legislativ.

Citește mai mult la: https://www.profit.ro/stiri/social/ministerul-justitiei-proiectul-legii-vaccinarii-obligatorii-prezinta-riscuri-de-neconstitutionalitate-17165590
Informaţiile publicate de Profit.ro pot fi preluate doar în limita a 500 de caractere şi cu citarea sursei cu link activ. Orice abatere de la această regulă constituie o încălcare a Legii 8/1996 privind dreptul de autor.


Vaccine News – 81 Studies Linking Vaccines to Autism

Shame for Australia Shame on you Aussie News. #FakeNews Down Under Vaccines Injure. Stand up for TruthPublic Health Vaccines Injure. #VaxXed #CDCwhistleblower

Trump’s Proposed Five Year MORATORIUM on Childhood Vaccinations
By Kent Heckenlively, JD
I like to study presidents and their path to power.
Most people don’t recall that before Bill Clinton became President, the democrats had lost five of the previous six elections. Clinton founded the Southern Democratic Leadership Council to chart a new, more moderate course for democrats.
Barack Obama began his campaign for the presidency at the Illinois State House where Abraham Lincoln had served as a representative, an audacious call for America to fulfill its historic call for racial equality.
Trump is equally bold, the first true citizen to run for the highest office in the land, beholden to NO special interests.

Join Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips, J.D. as he interviews Brandy Vaughan, former Merck employee fighting for vaccine freedom in Italy, where thousands have been on the streets protesting a proposed new vaccine law. Email Attorney Phillips at attorney@vaccinerights.com with your vaccine rights questions or vaccine news, and find vaccine studies at http://www.vaccineresearchlibrary.com.
#LearnTheRisk #justsayNO #realHEALTHnotpharmaWEALTH

Killed by a tdap vaccine
One of the last videos I have of Nicholas before he left us. I miss his smile, i miss his laugh, I miss tying his little shoes, I miss putting his coat one, i miss putting him in his car seat, I miss the way he used to say Daddy , I miss so much. Such a huge hole in my heart and feel so hurt all the time. So hard waking up without him it’s the worst thing in the world and it’s a terrible way to go through life now. He was the best son a father could ask for. I was looking forward to seeing him on the mats, taking him to ball games, playing catch, doing all the little things my father taught me growing up that a father dreams about doing with their son. I had the perfect boy and he was taken from me, so messed up it’s not fair. Miss him so much. I love you Nicholas

The Wild Doc – Religious Exemptions For Vaccines

Vaccine injury – Her little foot had turned blue.
#Vaxxed #Truth #Science #VaccinesKill
Editor: Robin Aris

Today’s FB Live: The disgusting cow stuff in vaccines. You don’t want to miss this! http://vaxxter.com/the_disgusting_cow_stuff_in_vaccines/

Did you know that before vaccines were invented, we didn’t even have the word allergy? Before we started injecting foreign material into our bodies, there wasn’t a word for anaphylaxis?
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All video episodes on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MyIncredibleOpinionWithForrestMaready

Bill gates want the world population to drop by 35%

CDC Investigates Itself on #CDCwhistleblower Fraud Charges and Then Declines to Share Results with Congress
by Ginger Taylor
After the blockbuster revelations that Dr. William Thompson had come forward and admitted that CDC was withholding information that they found linking vaccines to autism, Congressman Bill Posey took the lead in investigating the matter. After many months of sorting through documents given to him by Thompson, Posey took to the floor of the House of Representatives last summer to confirm that there was ample evidence that fraud was taking place and called for formal Congressional hearings.
Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz, the new head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, had reportedly committed to Rep. Posey that he would hold hearings, however those reports were followed by others suggesting that key members of Congress were coming intense under pressure from vaccine interests not to hold hearings, and instead to allow CDC to investigate themselves.
Indeed, CDC spokesperson Tom Skinner released the following statement to Forbes Magazine, announcing that the agency will investigate themselves for the fraud charges that have been levied against them:
“CDC is aware that employee Dr. William Thompson has raised concerns regarding an article he co-authored that was published in 2004 in Pediatrics. Consistent with CDC’s existing policies and procedures, the agency, through its Office of the Associate Director for Science (ADS), and in coordination with the HHS Office of Research Integrity, is reviewing these concerns. The agency will provide further information once the review is completed.”
Months after Rep. Chaffetz had reportedly committed to hold hearings, no hearings have been publicly discussed. Further, activists in the black community report that the ORG’s ranking member, Rep. Elijah Cummings, initially committed to them that he would look into the Thompson disclosure, but recanted his commitment to them within days of making it.

Astley talks about being vaccine injured

Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us
Posted on: Tuesday, February 24th 2015 at 6:45 pm
Written By: Celeste McGovern
This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2015
The research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible and which individuals are more at risk?
No one would accuse Yehuda Shoenfeld of being a quack. The Israeli clinician has spent more than three decades studying the human immune system and is at the pinnacle of his profession. You might say he is more foundation than fringe in his specialty; he wrote the textbooks. The Mosaic of Autoimmunity, Autoantibodies, Diagnostic Criteria in Autoimmune Diseases, Infection and Autoimmunity, Cancer and Autoimmunity – the list is 25 titles long and some of them are cornerstones of clinical practice. Hardly surprising that Shoenfeld has been called the “Godfather of Autoimmunology” – the study of the immune system turned on itself in a wide array of diseases from type 1 diabetes to ulcerative colitis and multiple sclerosis.
But something strange is happening in the world of immunology lately and a small evidence of it is that the Godfather of Autoimmunology is pointing to vaccines – specifically, some of their ingredients including the toxic metal aluminum – as a significant contributor to the growing global epidemic of autoimmune diseases. The bigger evidence is a huge body of research that’s poured in in the past 15 years, and particularly in the past five years. Take for example, a recent article published in the journal Pharmacological Research in which Shoenfeld and colleagues issue unprecedented guidelines naming four categories of people who are most at risk for vaccine-induced autoimmunity.
“On one hand,” vaccines prevent infections which can trigger autoimmunity, say the paper’s authors, Alessandra Soriano, of the Department of Clinical Medicine and Rheumatology at the Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome, Gideon Nesher, of the Hebrew University Medical School in Jerusalem and Shoenfeld, founder and head of the Zabludowicz Center of Autoimmune Diseases in the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. He is also editor of three medical journals and author of more than 1,500 research papers across the spectrum of medical journalism and founder of the International Congress on Autoimmunology. “On the other hand, many reports that describe post-vaccination autoimmunity strongly suggest that vaccines can indeed trigger autoimmunity. Defined autoimmune diseases that may occur following vaccinations include arthritis, lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE) diabetes mellitus, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, dermatomyosiositis, Guillain-Barre syndrome and demyelinating disorders. Almost all types of vaccines have been reported to be associated with the onset of ASIA.”
ASIA – or Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (also known as Shoenfeld’s syndrome) — first appeared in the Journal of Autoimmunology four years ago. It is an umbrella term for a collection of similar symptoms, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, that result after exposure to an adjuvant – an environmental agent including common vaccine ingredients that stimulate the immune system. Since then an enormous body of research, using ASIA as a paradigm, has begun to unravel the mystery of how environmental toxins, particularly the metal aluminum used in vaccines, can trigger an immune system chain reaction in susceptible individuals and may lead to overt autoimmune disease.

Oregon Couple Loses Children due to “Low IQ”
by Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor
Earlier this year (May, 2017) we covered the story of Amy Fabbrini and Eric Ziegler of Bend, Oregon, who have been fighting to prevent Oregon Department of Human Services’ Child Protection Services from terminating their parental rights to their children for nearly four years.
The agency has deemed the couple “incapable” of parenting. CPS claims that the couple cannot provide for their children because they are believed to be intellectually limited. Two of their children were removed shortly after birth, before the couple even had a chance to parent them.
This label of “incapable” placed on Amy and Eric comes as a shock to those who know the couple, given that both of the parents graduated from high school with a standard diploma, and both ranked in the middle of their graduating class.

Triplets Regress into Autism Following Vaccine
Watch the full interview here.

Watch this video then ask yourself again if your pets need these vaccines.

Thousands of Citizens Rise up Against Mandatory Vaccines in Italy Italians protest new vaccination laws – mainstream media blackout
By: Jay Greenberg
The people of Italy have been taking to the streets in their thousands to stand up against Italy’s new mandatory vaccine laws. Thousands of angry citizens have been demonstrating against the vaccinations that have recently been made compulsory, yet the mainstream media in the West refuses to cover the protests. As forced vaccines laws are slowly brought in across the globe, the US corporate media is censoring the coverage over fears the resistance will spread. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO The unprecedented decree-law that was proposed by the Minister of Health has been signed by the sitting Italian president Sergio Mattarella. Until recently, only four vaccines were mandatory in Italy, but now that number has tripled to 12. Despite the Istituto Superiore Di Sanità (the local version of the CDC) declaring that what was stated in the decree itself had no objective urgency, no other decree-law has moved so fast in the Italian legislative system, proving that this legislation only serves to forward the globalist’s agenda of forced vaccinations for all citizens worldwide.

UNICEF Vaccinates African Refugee Children with Combination OPV/IPV Vaccines as Part of Vaccination Experiment
In 2014, a report published by UNICEF revealed that, due to an outbreak of polio in Kenya, the charity had decided it was time to step up their efforts to contain the disease. According to their reports, the most effective way to increase the children’s immunity was to vaccinate them with a combination of both the oral (OPV) and the injectable polio vaccine (IPV) simultaneously. [1]
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “There are two types of vaccines that protect against polio: inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) and oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). IPV is given as an injection in the leg or arm, depending on the patient’s age. Polio vaccine may be given at the same time as other vaccines.” [2]
At first, it appeared that two groups of children were to be vaccinated. The first group would receive the OPV and the second group would receive the IPV. However, it soon became apparent that this was not the case and that, in fact, UNICEF had intended to vaccinate the children with a combination of both of the vaccines.
UNICEF wrote that:
“This time we are including injectable polio vaccine,” says Dr. Samuel Oumo Okiror, Medical Officer at the World Health Organization. “When IPV is combined with OPV, or polio drops, the immunity of the target group improves a lot. We want to make sure that there is better immunity gained among the children.”
Used together, the vaccines accelerate the interruption of poliovirus transmission during outbreaks and also provide greater overall protection from the virus. This approach has not been used previously in any outbreak response.” (emphasis added)
Knowing that this combination could be potentially life-threatening, I decided to watch the video that was published along with the report to see whether or not I had read their paperwork correctly. It wasn’t long before the shocking truth began to sink in. UNICEF was indeed vaccinating the under-fives with not one vaccine, but two polio vaccinations at the same time.

UNICEF’s Secret Partnership Revealed
In 2014, a report published by CTV News, explained that the Global Polio Eradication Initiative was the organization behind the combination vaccination program. As expected, the organization was made up of a partnership among the CDC, Rotary International, the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. [4]
In her report, author Helen Branswell wrote that:
“Oral polio vaccine has been the workhorse of the eradication effort since its start in 1988. Cheap and easy to administer, OPV has protected billions of children from paralysis. But the vaccine has a couple of unwelcome features.
On rare occasions a child who gets the vaccine will develop polio; that happens at a rate of about one case per every 2.7 million first doses of OPV given. As well, OPV-vaccinated children shed viruses in their stools. In settings where hygiene is poor those viruses can spread to other children, immunizing them too. But if the vaccine viruses continue to circulate, they can regain the virulence that was engineered out of them in the vaccine manufacturing process. And those viruses can cause paralysis too.” (emphasis added)
Reading through her report, it soon became apparent that it was because of these so-called “unwelcome features” that Bill Gates and his colleagues had collectively come up with the bright idea that these vulnerable children should be vaccinated with both the OPV and the IPV vaccine, at the same time, in a bid to eradicate polio.

The Epidemic of Diseased Ovaries
by Marco Cáceres and Barbara Loe Fisher
Published July 31, 2017
In an article in The Vaccine Reaction titled “Why are Americans So Sick?” journalist Rishma Parpia noted that the United States is experiencing an epidemic of autoimmune diseases. She listed several autoimmune diseases associated with chronic inflammation in the body that have become so “common” that they have come to be seen as normal, including celiac disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis (MS), and type 1 diabetes.1
There is another serious chronic health condition becoming more prevalent in the U.S. and other countries defined as an endocrine (hormonal) disorder, which some scientists suspect may also be an autoimmune disease. It is called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).2 3 4 The U.S. Office on Women’s Health estimates that one in 10 women between ages 15 and 44 in the U.S. have PCOS.5
It is estimated that 8-20 percent of women of reproductive age in the world are affected by PCOS,6 which involves under or over-production of certain hormones among women of reproductive age that can cause enlarged ovaries and small cysts on their outer edges.7 8
In PCOS there is a low level of progesterone, one of the two main female sex hormones. This low progesterone level has the effect of overstimulating the immune system, which then produces more of the other of the two main female sex hormones, estrogen, and leads to the production of autoantibodies that can mistakenly attack and damage the body’s healthy cells and organs.4
Millions of Women in U.S. Have PCOS

Why are Americans So Sick?
by Rishma Parpia
Published July 6, 2017
Autoimmune Diseases: A Silent and Rising Epidemic
Autoimmune diseases are among the most prevalent diseases in the U.S., affecting more than 23.5 million Americans, particularly women. More than 80 autoimmune diseases have been identified. The most common of these affecting Americans are type 1 diabetes, lupus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and celiac disease.6 According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HSS), these conditions tend to develop in women in the childbearing years.7
Emily Somers, PhD, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health states:
Females have a higher susceptibility to autoimmune diseases than men—in fact, autoimmune diseases as a group rank among the leading 10 causes of death for women.8 9
Historically, autoimmune diseases have not always been this common. The prevalence of both autoimmune diseases and allergies has been increasing in the U.S. since the 1950s.10 While researchers have postulated many theories explaining the rise in autoimmune diseases, the cause of autoimmune diseases remains largely unknown.
Chronic diseases are the single largest threat to the health of Americans—not infectious diseases. They are the leading cause of death in the U.S. Despite the fact that deaths from infectious diseases have dramatically declined, current public health policies and laws that seek to prevent infectious diseases through vaccination have never been as aggressively enforced in American history.
The big question that remains unanswered is: Why is there such a lack of urgency by public health officials to investigate what is causing American children and adults to be so sick?

Kenya: Over a million women and girls of childbearing age were given a tetanus shot laced with an anti-fertility agent that made them unable to get pregnant or caused miscarriages if they became pregnant. The Gardasil vaccine is also causing infertility and early menopause in young girls, right here in America. Become informed and connect with others in our movement today. Protect your families! >>> tinyurl.com/9Episodes
#RevolutionForChoice #InformedConsent #VAXXED #Sterilization #Gardasil

Our sincerest condolences to Connie and Chris Gard, the loving, devoted parents of a precious baby boy who will remain in our hearts always.
HighWire video here: facebook.com/HighWireTalk/videos/467989570243707
Charlie Gard’s story: facebook.com/Charliegardsfight/videos/1274819125897786
#MedicalKidnapping #ParentalRights HighWire with Del Bigtree #RevolutionForChoice

81 Studies Linking Vaccines to Autism

Pro Decizii Informate – Conferinta de presa despre proiectul de lege privind obligativitatea vaccinarii
Pe data de 8 iunie, Asociatia Pro Decizii Informate a organizat prima dintr-o serie anuntata de conferinte, menita sa puna in discutie chestiuni ce tin de sanatatea publica, si in particular sa dezbata, pe baza de argumente medicale, etice si juridice, chestiunea obligativitatii vaccinarii. Prin propunerea legislativa dezbatuta in cadrul conferintei, vaccinarea ar deveni singurul act medical obligatoriu, desi comporta riscuri si efecte adverse, unele grave si foarte grave, pana la deces, care sunt recunoscute chiar de catre producatori prin prospecte.
Subliniem inca de la inceput faptul ca subiectul conferintei a fost OBLIGATIVITATEA vaccinarii si nicidecum nu s-a luat in discutie daca vaccinarea este sau nu o metoda preventiva benefica sau riscanta. Nu s-a spus “vaccinati” sau “nu vaccinati”, dat fiind ca, la ora actuala, decizia de a accesa sau nu un serviciu medical ne apartine, conform legislatiei in vigoare, Constitutiei Romaniei si tratatelor la care tara noastra este parte. Specialistii invitati sa isi spuna punctul de vedere, si anume avocatul, profesor universitar si doctor in drept: avocat Gheorghe Piperea, farmacista Ioana Cacovean, Conf. Univ. Dr. Costel Stanciu, specialistul in sanatate si nutritie Cristela Georgescu si medicul psihiatru Dragos Matei, au abordat, rand pe rand, chestiunea obligativitatii vaccinarii, fiecare din perspectiva ariei sale de competenta.

Microbiologul român VANIA ATUDOREI – Adevăruri incomode despre vaccinuri si industria medicamentelor