Vaccine News – VAXXED TV – What I Know Now & Scientists Prove Those Vaccinated for Shingles Can Infect Others with Chicken Pox

Scientists Prove Those Vaccinated for Shingles Can Infect Others with Chicken Pox

US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health – Jun 2011

Study – Varicella Zoster Virus DNA at Inoculation Sites and in Saliva After Zostavax Immunization

Duane L. Pierson,1 Satish K. Mehta,2 Don Gilden,corresponding author4,5 Randall J. Cohrs,4 Maria A. Nagel,4 D. Scott Schmid,6 and Stephen K. Tyring3
1 Space Life Sciences, NASA, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
2 Enterprise Advisory Services, Inc
3 University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Texas
4 Department of Neurology
5 Microbiology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora
6 National VZV Laboratory, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia

Correspondence: Don Gilden, MD, Department of Neurology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, 12700 E 19th Ave, Box B182, Aurora, CO 80045 (ude.revnedcu@nedlig.nod).


Analysis of 36 individuals over age 60 years who were immunized with Zostavax revealed varicella zoster virus (VZV) DNA in swabs of skin inoculation sites obtained immediately after immunization in 18 (50%) of 36 subjects (copy number per nanogram of total DNA, 28 to 2.1 × 106) and in saliva collected over 28 days in 21 (58%) of 36 subjects (copy number, 20 to 248). Genotypic analysis of DNA extracted from 9 random saliva samples identified vaccine virus in all instances. In some immunized individuals over age 60, vaccine virus DNA is shed in saliva up to 4 weeks.
Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is a neurotropic alphaherpesvirus. Primary infection usually causes varicella (chicken pox) in children. Airborne VZV enters the nasopharynx and replicates in tonsillar T cells followed by viremia and skin lesions [1, 2]. After primary infection, VZV becomes latent in neurons of cranial nerve ganglia, dorsal root ganglia, and autonomic ganglia along the entire neuraxis. Decades later, VZV reactivates in elderly and immunocompromised individuals to produce zoster (shingles), a syndrome characterized by pain and a vesicular rash on an erythematous base in 1–3 dermatomes. Zoster is common, with ∼1,000,000 cases annually in the United States. Importantly, zoster is often followed by chronic pain (postherpetic neuralgia [PHN]) as well as by meningoencephalitis, cerebellitis, cranial nerve palsies, vasculopathy, myelopathy, and multiple inflammatory diseases of the eye [3].
To prevent zoster and its attendant neurological complications, Zostavax vaccine (Merck) was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in individuals at least 60 years of age. Over a 3-year period, Zostavax effectively reduced the risk of zoster by 51% and PHN by 66% in nearly 20,000 healthy adults age 60 years or older [4]. Zostavax contains live attenuated VZV, and the package insert warns newly vaccinated individuals to avoid contact for an unspecified time with newborn infants, immunosuppressed individuals, and pregnant women who have not had chicken pox or have not been immunized for chicken pox. Because VZV DNA is present in saliva of zoster patients for at least 2 weeks [5] and VZV in saliva can also be infectious [6], we examined the inoculation site and saliva of Zostavax-vaccinated subjects for the presence of VZV DNA for 4 weeks after immunization.

US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health – 1980

Study – Contact vaccinia from recently vaccinated British soldiers

SIR,-The recommendations and medicolegal implications of smallpox vaccination have been discussed in these columns on several occasions
(11 October 1980, p 1004; 25 October, pp 1141 and 1142).
Although vaccination for the public is no longer necessary it is worth noting, as Minerva pointed out (4 April, p 1163), that it continues to be offered to the British Army (both regular and reserve). The risk of transmission of vaccinia by recently vaccinated soldiers to their close and immediate susceptible contacts therefore is likely to increase. This has been illustrated in the following case. A 23-year-old Scottish housewife was referred to the gynaecology department of this hospital on 17 December from the local family planning clinic for confirmation of diagnosis of presumed genital herpes simplex infection. The patient had developed painful itchy lesions on the vulva one week previously and she had also noticed similar lesions on her left loin and ear lobe. On examination she had large moist umbilicated vesicles on the vulva as well as on her left hip and left ear lobe. A clinical diagnosis of vaccinia was confirmed at the regional virus laboratory, Ruchill Hospital, by electron microscopy, and vaccinia virus was isolated in cell culture. These lesions rapidly regress,.d and healed with local application of betadine paint. The history of contact with a vaccinated person was not volunteered; but on close questioning it was revealed that the patient’s husband, who had joined the Royal Air Force, had been vaccinated three weeks previously and had been home at weekends. The patient herself had not been vaccinated in the past. In 1980, of six reported incidents of contact vaccinia received by the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre,1 one was almost identical to our own case: a young woman whose soldier husband had been vaccinated three weeks previously developed genital vaccinia. Another case was in a soldier who had taken part in a boxing match and may have been infected by a colleague. The immediate and obvious question that arises is whether vaccination in the armed Forces is justifiable when there is no valid medical reason for it, and it is no longer necessary for international travel (except to Chad and democratic Kampuchea). The policy of smallpox vaccination has been discussed in a recent editorial of the Jrournal of the Royal Army Medical Corps2 and the main argument for vaccination seems to be to protect the Forces against the possible use of smallpox virus by an enemy as an agent of biological warfare. If the vaccination of the army personnel should continue because of this unlikely but perfectly feasible threat of germ warfare, one can only endorse the view that “Continued education of service personnel and their contacts about the risk and its prevention is now, therefore, even more essential than before.”3 Otherwise we might see more cases of genital vaccinia in women transmitted from recently vaccinated young, healthy, virile British soldiers.

US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health – Feb 2012

Study – Contact transmission of vaccinia virus from smallpox vaccinees in the United States, 2003-2011.

Wertheimer ER, Olive DS, Brundage JF, Clark LL.
Author information
Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, 11800 Tech Road, Suite 220, Silver Spring, MD 20904, USA.

Since 2002, approximately 40,000 US civilians and 2.1 million military personnel have been vaccinated against smallpox. The vaccine contains live vaccinia virus that can be transferred through physical contact. This report summarizes numbers, rates, and characteristics of contact vaccinia cases that presented between December 2002 and March 2011. Cases were identified from reports in adverse event reporting systems and peer-reviewed literature. One hundred fifteen cases of vaccinia transmission through contact were identified (5.4 per 100,000 vaccinees); 52 reports (45%) noted laboratory confirmation. Three-quarters of vaccinees, but fewer than 8% of contact vaccinia cases, were described as military members. Most cases were household or intimate contacts (n=86, 75%) or wrestling partners (n=18, 16%) of vaccinees. Nearly all cases manifested mild, local skin reactions; of 14 hospitalized cases, one was life-threatening. Vaccinia transmission from vaccinees is relatively infrequent. Continued attention to both vaccinee education and screening for contraindications to vaccination is appropriate.

VAXXED TV – Lunchtime in Australia

Channel 7 news Australia

Fake News on The Radio!

MMR Gave my son autism

My son is vaccine injured

Vaccines injured me and my daughter

Q&A Brisbane, Australia

Sunshine Coast people’s study – Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated

Q&A Maleny, Australia #vaxxed #PrayBig

What I Know Now


ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry – Jewish Johnathan Ben-David forgave his killer and you would not believe why!!!

How to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour

Testimony by Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty

1 Corinthians 15 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Hebrews 6 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
2 of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
3 And this will we do, if God permit.
4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5 and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6 if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
8 but that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.

Isaiah 53 – Old testament Prophecy about Jesus

1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant,and as a root out of a dry ground:he hath no form nor comeliness;and when we shall see him,there is no beauty that we should desire him.
3 He is despised and rejected of men;a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:and we hid as it were our faces from him;he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs,and carried our sorrows:yet we did esteem him stricken,smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions,he was bruised for our iniquities:the chastisement of our peace was upon him;and with his stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray;we have turned every one to his own way;and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,yet he opened not his mouth:he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter,and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb,so he openeth not his mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment:and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living:for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
9 And he made his grave with the wicked,and with the rich in his death;because he had done no violence,neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him;he hath put him to grief:when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin,he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days,and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied:by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many;for he shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great,and he shall divide the spoil with the strong;because he hath poured out his soul unto death:and he was numbered with the transgressors;and he bare the sin of many,and made intercession for the transgressors.

The Only Sin That Leads To Hell – Kenneth E Hagin


Vaccine News – Study – Varicella Zoster Virus DNA at Inoculation Sites and in Saliva After Zostavax Immunization & VAXXED TV – IT’S NOT JUST THE MMR

Scientists Prove Those Vaccinated for Shingles Can Infect Others with Chicken Pox

US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health – Jun 2011

Study – Varicella Zoster Virus DNA at Inoculation Sites and in Saliva After Zostavax Immunization

Duane L. Pierson,1 Satish K. Mehta,2 Don Gilden,corresponding author4,5 Randall J. Cohrs,4 Maria A. Nagel,4 D. Scott Schmid,6 and Stephen K. Tyring3
1 Space Life Sciences, NASA, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
2 Enterprise Advisory Services, Inc
3 University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Texas
4 Department of Neurology
5 Microbiology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora
6 National VZV Laboratory, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia

Correspondence: Don Gilden, MD, Department of Neurology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, 12700 E 19th Ave, Box B182, Aurora, CO 80045 (ude.revnedcu@nedlig.nod).


Analysis of 36 individuals over age 60 years who were immunized with Zostavax revealed varicella zoster virus (VZV) DNA in swabs of skin inoculation sites obtained immediately after immunization in 18 (50%) of 36 subjects (copy number per nanogram of total DNA, 28 to 2.1 × 106) and in saliva collected over 28 days in 21 (58%) of 36 subjects (copy number, 20 to 248). Genotypic analysis of DNA extracted from 9 random saliva samples identified vaccine virus in all instances. In some immunized individuals over age 60, vaccine virus DNA is shed in saliva up to 4 weeks.
Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is a neurotropic alphaherpesvirus. Primary infection usually causes varicella (chicken pox) in children. Airborne VZV enters the nasopharynx and replicates in tonsillar T cells followed by viremia and skin lesions [1, 2]. After primary infection, VZV becomes latent in neurons of cranial nerve ganglia, dorsal root ganglia, and autonomic ganglia along the entire neuraxis. Decades later, VZV reactivates in elderly and immunocompromised individuals to produce zoster (shingles), a syndrome characterized by pain and a vesicular rash on an erythematous base in 1–3 dermatomes. Zoster is common, with ∼1,000,000 cases annually in the United States. Importantly, zoster is often followed by chronic pain (postherpetic neuralgia [PHN]) as well as by meningoencephalitis, cerebellitis, cranial nerve palsies, vasculopathy, myelopathy, and multiple inflammatory diseases of the eye [3].
To prevent zoster and its attendant neurological complications, Zostavax vaccine (Merck) was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in individuals at least 60 years of age. Over a 3-year period, Zostavax effectively reduced the risk of zoster by 51% and PHN by 66% in nearly 20,000 healthy adults age 60 years or older [4]. Zostavax contains live attenuated VZV, and the package insert warns newly vaccinated individuals to avoid contact for an unspecified time with newborn infants, immunosuppressed individuals, and pregnant women who have not had chicken pox or have not been immunized for chicken pox. Because VZV DNA is present in saliva of zoster patients for at least 2 weeks [5] and VZV in saliva can also be infectious [6], we examined the inoculation site and saliva of Zostavax-vaccinated subjects for the presence of VZV DNA for 4 weeks after immunization.

US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health – Aug 1977

Study – Chronic progressive poliomyelitis secondary to vaccination of an immunodeficient child.

Davis LE, Bodian D, Price D, Butler IJ, Vickers JH.

We investigated an immunodeficient child in whom chronic progressive poliomyelitis developed after she had received live oral poliovirus vaccine. Poliovirus, Type II, was isolated from throat and stool during life and from several sites within the brain at autopsy. The brain isolate was classified as vaccine-like on the basis of temperature sensitivity and antigenic markers. However, in the monkey neurovirulence test, the brain isolate produced moderately severe lesions throughout the spinal cord and brainstem and appeared nonvaccine-like. Thus, the brain isolate demonstrated a dissociation between the antigenic and neurovirulence markers. Our observations suggest that, under unusual circumstances, such as immunodeficiency, attenuated poliovirus can produce a chronic progressive neurologic disease. This case also emphasizes the need to diagnose immunodeficiency as early as possible, so that live-virus vaccines will not be administered.







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Gardasil killed my 16 year old daughter



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Q&A Australian National University, Science Department


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When Will it Stop?

Highwire with Del Bigtree from Australia





Stories in Port Macquarie, Australia


ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry – Jewish Johnathan Ben-David forgave his killer and you would not believe why!!!

How to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour

Testimony by Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty

1 Corinthians 15 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Hebrews 6 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
2 of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
3 And this will we do, if God permit.
4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5 and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6 if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
8 but that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.

Isaiah 53 – Old testament Prophecy about Jesus

1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant,and as a root out of a dry ground:he hath no form nor comeliness;and when we shall see him,there is no beauty that we should desire him.
3 He is despised and rejected of men;a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:and we hid as it were our faces from him;he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs,and carried our sorrows:yet we did esteem him stricken,smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions,he was bruised for our iniquities:the chastisement of our peace was upon him;and with his stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray;we have turned every one to his own way;and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,yet he opened not his mouth:he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter,and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb,so he openeth not his mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment:and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living:for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
9 And he made his grave with the wicked,and with the rich in his death;because he had done no violence,neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him;he hath put him to grief:when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin,he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days,and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied:by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many;for he shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great,and he shall divide the spoil with the strong;because he hath poured out his soul unto death:and he was numbered with the transgressors;and he bare the sin of many,and made intercession for the transgressors.

The Only Sin That Leads To Hell – Kenneth E Hagin


Vaccine News – You Can Say NO, To Mandatory Vaccination And Suffer No Penalty

#VaXism NEWS
Tucker Carlson #flu

Study – Relevance of Neuroinflammation and Encephalitis in Autism
Published online 2016 Jan 19
In recent years, many studies indicate that children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis have brain pathology suggestive of ongoing neuroinflammation or encephalitis in different regions of their brains. Evidence of neuroinflammation or encephalitis in ASD includes: microglial and astrocytic activation, a unique and elevated proinflammatory profile of cytokines, and aberrant expression of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells. A conservative estimate based on the research suggests that at least 69% of individuals with an ASD diagnosis have microglial activation or neuroinflammation. Encephalitis, which is defined as inflammation of the brain, is medical diagnosis code G04.90 in the International Classification of Disease, 10th revision; however, children with an ASD diagnosis are not generally assessed for a possible medical diagnosis of encephalitis. This is unfortunate because if a child with ASD has neuroinflammation, then treating the underlying brain inflammation could lead to improved outcomes. The purpose of this review of the literature is to examine the evidence of neuroinflammation/encephalitis in those with an ASD diagnosis and to address how a medical diagnosis of encephalitis, when appropriate, could benefit these children by driving more immediate and targeted treatments.

Flu shots with side-effects on offer again
Natasha Bita, Consumer Editor
TheAustralian – 12:00AM February 16, 2012
Perth mother Kirsten Button, whose toddler Saba suffered brain damage after her Fluvax shot in 2010, said yesterday she was “shocked” the government would award the contract to CSL when it did not know why Fluvax had caused so many febrile convulsions. “What assurance does the public have, when they have not explained to us what happened with Fluvax in the first place?” Ms Button said.
She said Saba had been in perfect health before her flu shot, but 16 hours later was on life support, with brain injury and organ damage.
Now two months shy of her third birthday, Saba has epilepsy and is fed through a tube.
“She doesn’t talk, she doesn’t walk, she doesn’t eat and she can’t see properly,” Ms Button said. However, the little girl does occasionally reward her parents with a smile.
CSL was awarded the $117m contract in December, and the information was published on the federal government’s tender database last Friday.
Sanofi-Aventis was awarded a $69.5m contract while GlaxoSmithKline received a $14.7m contract – both to supply seasonal and pandemic flu vaccines for five years.
The contracts coincide with a new TGA review that reveals the risk of side-effects in adults from Fluvax in 2010 was “modestly higher” than for two rival brands.
Fluvax was 14.5 times more likely to cause a headache and nine times more likely to cause fatigue than Vaxigrip.
The data – based on an analysis of “adverse events” in adults vaccinated during the 2010 flu season – reveals Fluvax was 4.4 times more likely to cause vomiting and 10.7 times more likely to cause injection site pain than Influvac, made in The Netherlands for Abbott Australasia.

Lessons learnt in Japan from adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine: a medical ethics perspective
The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has been linked to a number of serious adverse reactions. The range of symptoms is diverse and they develop in a multi-layered manner over an extended period of time. The argument for the safety and effectiveness of the HPV vaccine overlooks the following flaws: (i) no consideration is given to the genetic basis of autoimmune diseases, and arguments that do not take this into account cannot assure the safety of the vaccine; (ii) the immune evasion mechanisms of HPV, which require the HPV vaccine to maintain an extraordinarily high antibody level for a long period of time for it to be effective, are disregarded; and (iii) the limitations of effectiveness of the vaccine. We also discuss various issues that came up in the course of developing, promoting and distributing the vaccine, as well as the pitfalls encountered in monitoring adverse events and epidemiological verification.

VaxXed Stories: Jena in Seattle
Jena shares the story of her two boys vaccine injuries with the VaxXed team in Seattle, Washington. Camera and editing by Joshua Coleman

Study – Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among US Children With Older Siblings With and Without Autism
April 21, 2015
Importance  Despite research showing no link between the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism spectrum disorders (ASD), beliefs that the vaccine causes autism persist, leading to lower vaccination levels. Parents who already have a child with ASD may be especially wary of vaccinations.
Objective  To report ASD occurrence by MMR vaccine status in a large sample of US children who have older siblings with and without ASD.
Design, Setting, and Participants  A retrospective cohort study using an administrative claims database associated with a large commercial health plan. Participants included children continuously enrolled in the health plan from birth to at least 5 years of age during 2001-2012 who also had an older sibling continuously enrolled for at least 6 months between 1997 and 2012.
Exposures  MMR vaccine receipt (0, 1, 2 doses) after 1 year of age.
Main Outcomes and Measures  ASD status defined as 2 claims with a diagnosis code in any position for autistic disorder or other specified pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) including Asperger syndrome, or unspecified PDD (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification 299.0x, 299.8x, 299.9x).
Results  Of 95 727 children with older siblings, 994 (1.04%) were diagnosed with ASD and 1929 (2.02%) had an older sibling with ASD. Of those with older siblings with ASD, 134 (6.9%) had ASD, vs 860 (0.9%) children with unaffected siblings (P < .001). MMR vaccination rates (≥1 dose) were 84% (n = 78 549) at age 2 years and 92% (n = 86 063) at age 5 years for children with unaffected older siblings, vs 73% (n = 1409) at age 2 years and 86% (n = 1660) at age 5 years for children with affected siblings. MMR vaccine receipt was not associated with an increased risk of ASD at any age. For children with older siblings with ASD, at age 2, the adjusted relative risk (RR) of ASD for 1 dose of MMR vaccine vs no vaccine was 0.76 (95% CI, 0.48-1.22; P = .25), and at age 5, the RR of ASD for 2 doses compared with no vaccine was 0.56 (95% CI, 0.30-1.04; P = .07). For children whose older siblings did not have ASD, at age 2, the adjusted RR of ASD for 1 dose was 0.91 (95% CI, 0.68-1.20; P = .50) and at age 5, the RR of ASD for 2 doses was 1.09 (95% CI, 0.76-1.54; P = .65).
Conclusions and Relevance  In this large sample of privately insured children with older siblings, receipt of the MMR vaccine was not associated with increased risk of ASD, regardless of whether older siblings had ASD. These findings indicate no harmful association between MMR vaccine receipt and ASD even among children already at higher risk for ASD.

Says 1 in 45 Children Now Have Autism. Don’t Worry, Nothing To See Here
Published December 8, 2015
A total of 2.24% of U.S. children (1 in 45 children) aged 3 to 17 years have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to new statistics released by the 2014 National Health Interview Survey. The new figure is up from 1.25% reported from 2011 to 2013. The prevalence of developmental delay fell to 3.57% from 4.84%, while the rate of intellectual disability remained virtually unchanged at 1.1%.1
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) attributes the significant jump in autism rates on the new format of the survey, which asked parents about autism before asking them if their child had an “other developmental delay.”1 In other words, the change in the order of the questions in the survey may have influenced parents to more likely report autism.
Regardless of the revised question ordering, the rates of autism have continued to increase dramatically during the past three decades:

    1980’s: Two studies (1987 & 1989) found 1 in 2500-3000 U.S. children had autism2 3
2000: American Academy of Neurology and Child Neurology Society estimate 1 in 500 US children had autism.    2003-2004: Study (2006) revealed 1 in 188 U.S. children had autism5
2007: CDC states 1 in 150 U.S. children had autism6
2009: CDC states 1 in 110 U.S. children had autism7
2012: CDC states 1 in 88 U.S. children had autism8
2014: CDC states 1 in 68 U.S. children aged eight had autism9

Even though in 2014, the CDC “officially” admitted that 1 in 68 US children eight years old were found to have autism, in 2013 a CDC national health survey found that 1 in 50 children between the ages of 6 and 17 were diagnosed with ASD in 2011-2012.10 The authors of that 2013 federal health survey stated that:
The reported prevalence of ASD has increased in recent decades. For example, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) revealed a nearly fourfold increase in parent-reported ASD between the 1997–1999 and 2006–2008 surveillance periods, and CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network revealed a 78% increase in ASD prevalence between 2002 and 2008.

MARC J. BERN & PARTNERS LLP Files Lawsuits For A Hundred Individuals Against Merck Alleging Shingles/Zostavax Vaccine Is Defective*
MARC J. BERN & PARTNERS LLP, the attorneys who last month filed their first complaint in Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas on behalf of Jorja Bently, today have filed complaints for another 100 plaintiffs against Merck regarding its Shingles vaccine, Zostavax. The assertions are wide ranging and include plaintiffs claiming to have suffered various side effects which include contracting shingles, chickenpox, high blood pressure, intense neuropathic pain, eye injuries, headaches, dizziness amongst others.
It is alleged by Marc J. Bern & Partners LLP that “Merck knew and had reason to know that its Zostavax vaccine was inherently defective and unreasonably dangerous as designed” that “Merck downplayed the serious and dangerous side effects of its product to encourage sales of the product; consequently, Merck placed its profits above its customers’ safety.” According to founding Partner Marc J Bern, the firm is currently representing nearly 5000 claimants and has thousands more filings to follow. “We have been investigating this drug for quite some time. We steadfastly believe in the merits of this litigation. This vaccination is at best 50 percent effective. Either it is not effective or it causes shingles or a host of other side effects. What is most troubling is that Merck had a better alternative on hand when this product was released.” says Bern.

Thousands Sue Merck for Shingles Vaccine “Causing What It’s Supposed to Prevent”
By Annabelle Bamforth – April 22, 2017
Merck has explicitly stated that those who receive the Zostavax vaccine “may still get shingles.” However, Bouk argued that some people may be contracting shingles as a side effect of the vaccine itself due to the live virus strain in the vaccine, not because people are experiencing shingles despite the vaccine.
Bouk went on to say that “there is a study out there that shows that in 50% of the patients that actually get the vaccine, that sometimes they don’t get shingles — the virus goes straight to manifesting in the central nervous system. It’s possible that you could get the vaccine and get meningitis or encephalitis without ever actually exhibiting shingles.” Bouk advises that patients weigh the risks of Zostavax before receiving the vaccine.
While GSK seeks approval of Shingrix, which could lead to their product edging out Zostavax, a large number of claims have been filed against Merck. The Mark J. Bern Partners law firm “is currently representing nearly 5000 claimants and has thousands more filings to follow.”

Shingles Vaccine Zostavax Is Causing What It’s Designed To Prevent
April 19, 2017
By now I think most people have seen the commercials on television telling us that if we’ve ever had the chicken pox at any point in our lives, then the shingles virus is already inside of us. As it stands right now, there is a vaccine for shingles called Zostavax, but what we’re finding out now about this vaccine makes it seem like it might be pretty dangerous or at least cause some side effects that are actually the same as what we’d see from shingles. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins talks with Attorney Troy Bouk about the dangers associated with Zostavax.

London UK vaccine injuries #vaxxed #praybig #truth #science

You Can Say NO, To Mandatory Vaccination And Suffer No Penalty

Informed Consent!
The Supreme Court has spoken: even a “…diminished expectation of privacy does not diminish [your] privacy interest in preventing a government agent from piercing [your] skin…. this Court has never retreated from its recognition that any compelled intrusion into the human body implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests…” (Missouri v McNeely, 2013
members of the public have the right to make informed consent decisions, even if a decision may be considered a “bad” decision by the Government. The Supreme Court indicated, in Thompson v Western States 2016
Significantly, there is also the UN Declaration on BioEthics, negotiated in Geneva, using language similar to the Nuremberg Code and clearly applies to both treatment and experiment:

Article 6 – “Consent – 1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice. 2. Scientific research should only be carried out with the prior, free, express and informed consent of the person concerned. The information should be adequate, provided in a comprehensible form and should include modalities for withdrawal of consent. Consent may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without any disadvantage or prejudice.

You Can Say NO, To Forced Vaccination And Suffer No Penalty. But, You Have To make A Statement In A Legal Way, In A Specific Way,

Share the AVD Card Campaign

Vaccine News – “It took me 7 years to teach him how to chew”

Big Pharma is the biggest, baddest, most dangerous drug dealer in the world.

Study – Clinical clues for autoimmunity and neuroinflammation in patients with autistic regression.
The charts of 206 children with ASD and 33 diagnosed with autistic regression variant were reviewed. The incidence of febrile illness in the 6 months prior to initial parental concern was significantly higher in the children with autistic regression compared with those with ASD (30% vs 0%; p<0.001). The overall prevalence of familial autoimmunity was also higher in children with autistic regression compared with those with ASD (33% vs 12%; p<0.001). Type 1 diabetes and autoimmune thyroiditis were both more common in families with children with autistic regression. Other non-immune risk factors did not differ between the two groups.
Our findings suggest that predisposition to autoimmunity, and immune/inflammatory activation, may be associated with autistic regression.

The Vaccine Science Contradiction
The modern human race has been thriving and evolving for at least the last 200,000 years according to Anthropologists. Vaccines have only been around for less than 200 years. So how did humans survive for the 199,800 years before that. The answer is that you are born with a fully functioning immune system, capable of self-immunization. Vaccines are not required for immunization. Your body does it automatically. Just like 10,000 generations of your ancestors who also survived without vaccines. If your immune system didn’t work automatically to keep you alive then you would have never been born.

The Amazing Dr. Franz from Orlando.
#gooddoctor #pediatrician #vaxxed #praybig

Episode 7 of The Truth About Vaccines is NOW PLAYING. Tonight’s episode is all about Vaccine alternatives and Freedom of Choice. Super important for you to see.

Aluminium Adjuvants Have Never Been Approved For Use In Vaccination
In a press release, describing Professor Exley’s latest paper, the founder of the Dwoskin Family Foundation, Mrs. Claire Dwoskin wrote:
“Research at Keele University led by Professor Christopher Exley aims to understand the toxicity of aluminum adjuvants in vaccinations and their latest findings are now published in Nature’s ‘Scientific Reports.
In a project funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the Dwoskin Foundation the group at Keele investigated the relationship between the physicochemical properties of aluminum adjuvants and the immune response. Specifically, they show that the reaction of the aluminum adjuvant at the injection site will determine its subsequent fate and therefore its activity both at the injection site and away from the injection site.
One form of aluminum adjuvant which is most commonly used in vaccines is an aluminum hydroxyphosphate salt and is more toxic at the injection site than the second form of aluminum adjuvant, also commonly used in vaccines, aluminum oxyhydroxide salt. However, the latter is more easily loaded into immune reactive cells with the possibility to be transported throughout the body. It is suggested by the Keele research that this loading of aluminum into viable cells offers a mechanism whereby significant amounts of aluminum, a known neurotoxin, might be translocated throughout the body and even across the blood brain barrier and into the central nervous system.” [2, 3, 4]
Countless Childhood Vaccinations Contain Aluminum

Shingles Vaccine Zostavax Is Causing What It’s Designed To Prevent
April 19, 2017
By now I think most people have seen the commercials on television telling us that if we’ve ever had the chicken pox at any point in our lives, then the shingles virus is already inside of us. As it stands right now, there is a vaccine for shingles called Zostavax, but what we’re finding out now about this vaccine makes it seem like it might be pretty dangerous or at least cause some side effects that are actually the same as what we’d see from shingles. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins talks with Attorney Troy Bouk about the dangers associated with Zostavax

Dying 13 Year Old Diagnoses Her Own HPV Vaccine Injury that Stumped Doctors
April 20, 2017
Health Impact News Editor Comments
One of the true tragedies in modern medicine is the refusal to consider vaccine injuries when diagnosing or treating disease. The U.S. government acknowledges that people die and are injured by vaccines, as is evidenced from the Department of Justice’s quarterly reports on settlements in vaccine court:
However, medical students are given no training in recognizing or treating vaccine injuries, and no studies are ever conducted to find out why some children suffer from vaccines while others do not.
In this story out of the U.K., a 13 year old girl accomplishes something her doctors could not do, and that was diagnose her own life-threatening disease by researching all of the possibilities, without excluding vaccine injuries, something that apparently handicapped her doctors. She discovered that she suffered from an autoimmune disease after receiving the HPV vaccine.

Professor Hamamoto talks about the persecution he faces at UC Davis after speaking the truth to his students. #Vaxxed #DarrylHamamoto #SenatorPan #SB277 #OperationPaperClip
Camera, editing and sound by Joshua Coleman.

It took me 7 years to teach him how to chew
Nancy Kirkman’s son was severely injured by vaccines at 3 months of age. The family has been subjected to immense heartache and cruelty.
Interview recorded on February 2, 2017 in San Diego, California.

#VaxxedNation #VaxxedNationTour #RFKcommission #Truth #Science #Vaxxed #Tears #VaxxedTears

Baby’s Health Rapidly Declines After Receiving 13 Vaccines at One Time – Mom Accused of Abuse for Disagreeing with Doctors
April 20, 2017
Durenda and her son KJ on his 1st birthday, before he had 8 shots in one day.
by Health Impact News/ Staff
A young Georgia mother had no idea that a routine trip to the pediatrician’s office for her son’s 1 year check-up would change her son’s life forever, and leave her fighting the state for custody of her own son. When the nurse-practitioner told her that her son was a little behind on his shots and they would need to catch up, Durenda Whitehead didn’t question the need for the vaccines. She did, however, question the safety of giving 13 vaccines at once.
Durenda’s pediatrician assured her that it was fine:
I can give up to 20 at one time.
Durenda was unaware of a research study published in the summer 2016 edition of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons by Neil Z. Miller entitled, “Combining Childhood Vaccines at One Visit Is Not Safe.” In a press release, Miller wrote:
Our study showed that infants who receive several vaccines concurrently…are significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die when compared with infants who receive fewer vaccines simultaneously.
Baby’s Health Declines After 13 Vaccines in One Day
During his first year of life, little KJ had a few bouts with respiratory illness, but on January 16, 2017, he was healthy, happy, and active.

Study – Combining Childhood Vaccines at One Visit Is Not Safe
Neil Z. Miller

#VaXism NEWS
#Texas Well done Texans For Vaccine Choice!!
Thank you freedom Reps!
Zedler let TIP have it!!

Skip that Newborn Vitamin K Shot
How much synthetic vitamin K is in the shot? Shockingly, the national standard mandated by most states for US hospitals to administer is over 100 times the infant’s RDA of this nutrient. Since studies have linked large doses of vitamin K with childhood cancers and leukemia, this large dose of synthetic K administered within minutes of birth seems questionable at best.
The fact is that medical science still does not know that much about the metabolic fate of vitamin K. Little to no unmetabolized vitamin K shows up in urine or bile. This is disturbing given the fact that vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin and therefore has the potential to accumulate in body tissues. More disturbing is that the liver of a newborn does not begin to function until 3 or 4 days after birth. As a result, this little being has very limited to no ability to detoxify the large dose of synthetic vitamin K and all other the dangerous ingredients in the injection cocktail including:

– Phenol (carbolic acid – a poisonous substance derived from coal tar)
– Benzyl alcohol (preservative)
– Propylene glycol (better known as “edible” antifreeze)
– Acetic acid (astringent, antimicrobial agent)
– Hydrochloric acid
– Lecithin
– Castor oil

The manufacturer’s insert included with the shot includes the following warning:
Severe reactions, including fatalities, have occurred during and immediately after intravenous injection of phytonadione [synthetic Vitamin K] even when precautions have been taken to dilute the vitamin and avoid rapid infusion ….
The manufacturer’s insert is no exaggeration of the risks. On October 17, 2013, a case of anaphylactic shock in a newborn from the synthetic vitamin K shot was reported making the possibility of death from this shot a a very real side effect
Anaphylactic shock due to vitamin K in a newborn and review of literature
Newborn infants are born with an immature innate immunity. They are less likely to develop anaphylaxis since their immune system is weaker than older infants and children. There are only a few reports of side effects after vitamin K injection in neonates although prophylaxis against hemorrhagic disease of the newborn with this drug has been in routine practice in all over the world for many years. We herein report a case of anaphylactic shock developing after the intramuscular administration of vitamin K1 in a newborn. To our knowledge, this patient is the first case of neonatal anaphylactic shock developing due to intramuscular administration of vitamin K1. We suggest the clinicians should be aware of this possibility of potentially fatal adverse effect occurring with intramuscular administration of vitamin K1.
Does this make any sense to you? It makes absolutely no sense to me. How could anyone say that this shot is safe and effective for newborns?

Is There Vaccine Cause-And-Correlation Regarding The Dramatic Rise In Children’s Chronic Diseases?
Posted on April 18, 2017
Since the introduction of CDC’s hyper-vaccine schedule, which saw children’s vaccines schedules increase from 10 to 69 vaccines after the 1986  National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed into law, very young children are contracting chronic “old age type” diseases early in life—an anomaly heretofore not experienced demographically.
First off, obesity rates (2013-2014) for U.S. children between the ages of 6 and 11 years was 17.4% [1]  Three leading causes of death in children between 1 and 4 years of age were congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities. [1]   Mandatory pregnancy vaccines have impact upon growing fetuses.  For children 5 to 14 years of age, it’s cancer! [1]   However, according to Contemporary Pediatrics [2] 2014 published data, cancer was the second leading cause of death for children between 1 and 9 years of age (11.8% of deaths).  For infants, the third leading cause of death was sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS, 8.4%)—something that seemingly appeared in pediatric medicine context concomitantly with the increase in mandated vaccines, specifically with multi-valent vaccines, i.e., numerous vaccines given at one time.  However, the CDC’s information about SIDS claims vaccines do not cause SIDS.  Try telling that to many parents.
According to Focus for Health, 27% of U.S. children live with chronic diseases! [3]   That website asks the question, “Why are today’s children sicker than ever before?”  The answer: “While genes may play a role in obesity, asthma and ADHD, environmental and social changes are behind the surge, researchers said.”5 [Children Sicker Now Than in Past, Harvard Report Says] [4]   That Harvard Report found a fourfold increase in childhood obesity; twice the asthma rate since the 1980s; and regarding diabetes: White children’s rate was 26.1 per 100,000; black children, 25.4 per 100,000; American Indian youth, 25 per 100,000 including the highest rate of type-2 diabetes. [4] According to the CDC, one in six children in the USA has a developmental disability, which represents a 17% rise between 1997 and 2008. [7]
Furthermore, are you aware the cost of fully vaccinating a child has increased by 2,700% during the last decade?  Vaccines are extremely profitable for manufacturers, but very costly in terms of adverse health effects, medical bills for parents, and social issues (day care, school, jobs, welfare benefits, etc.) for infants, toddlers, teens and adults.

The Dangers Of Vaccines and Vaccination
Vaccines Are Unavoidably Unsafe
According to the US Food and Drug Administration, safety assessments for vaccines have not often included toxicity studies because vaccines have not been viewed as inherently toxic. Yet vaccines are legally defined as unavoidably unsafe.
It is not just childhood vaccines that come with substantial risk. Influenza vaccines, vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases, and others contain similar risks for adverse events. Also troubling is that vaccination is recommended now for pregnant women, even though vaccine package inserts clearly state they have not been tested on pregnant women, so the effects on the fetus can’t be known.
In the 1960s only a handful of childhood vaccines were given. The current CDC recommended vaccine schedule for children now has over 30 vaccines by the time a child turns 6 and an additional potential for up to 30 more by the time they reach 18. Could this increase be linked to our declining health? For example, currently:

    One in six children in the US has a learning disability
Over 50% suffer from some type of chronic illness.
Cancer is the leading cause of death in our children
Autism rates have soared from 1 in 10,000 in 1990 to 1 in 68 today

Since genetic mutations change slowly over generations, we must look to environmental causes for these changes. While other environmental toxins certainly are at play in these statistics, disregarding the potential role to the amounts of toxin injected into children through vaccines is not only bad public policy, it is bad science. By disregarding the role of vaccines in our statistics for infant mortality and chronic diseases, we could be doing more harm than good in mandating, or even advising, them.
Vaccine Adverse Effects: Known Risks
The list of adverse side effects for vaccines is long and troubling. A quick scan of the Vaccine Injury Table kept by the Health Resource Center for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reveals that compensation for injury is possible from a variety of the most common vaccines given to children.
Adverse events are the reason the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over 3 billion dollars from 1988 – 2016 despite the fact that only 1 in 5 claims receives any compensation at all. Studies reveal that a small fraction of those injured by vaccines ever file any claim at all since most doctors reject the notion that a problem was caused by a vaccine despite the reality that such problems are listed on the manufacturers product insert. You can learn more by reading this fficial document: National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
Vaccines: Adverse Effects List
Various vaccines are linked to the following serious adverse reactions:

    Anaphylactic shock
Aseptic meningitis, meningitis
Bell’s palsy, facial palsy, isolated cranial nerve palsy
Blood disorders such as thrombocytopenic purpura (a disease that destroys platelets need for clotting)
Brachial neuritis
Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
Chronic rheumatoid arthritis
Convulsions, seizures, febrile seizure
Encephalopathy and encephalitis (brain swelling)
Hearing loss
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Immune system disorders
Lymphatic system disorders
Multiple sclerosis
Nervous system disorders
Neurological syndromes including autism
Paralysis and myelitis including transverse myelitis
Peripheral neuropathy
Pneumonia and lower respiratory infections
Skin and tissue disorders including eczema
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Vaccine-strain versions of chicken pox, measles, mumps, polio, influenza, meningitis, yellow fever, and pertussis
Vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels)



Vaccine News – Infant Dies shortly after 6 Month Check Up at Daycare

The corrupt vaccine industry has the means and motive to stage a massive false flag “outbreak” to demand nationwide vaccine mandates
Sunday, April 02, 2017 by: Mike Adams
Vaccine companies have the means, the motive and the lack of ethics to wage false flag attacks against children
In this podcast, I explain how and why vaccine companies have the means, the motive and the lack of medical ethics to pull off “vaccine false flag” attacks that target children with live infectious agents (essentially biological weapons).
Even more, I predict that because the vaccine industry is losing the public relations war due to accelerating efforts of public education — such as The Truth About Vaccines documentary series that’s about to go public — the vaccine industry is unquestionably plotting to carry out a vaccine false flag “outbreak” and then blame the so-called “anti-vaxxers” for the medical mayhem that follows. This outbreak, in turn, will be used to demand nationwide vaccine mandates that criminalize “anti-vaxxers” and seek to place the government is a position of absolute control over your body.

Zika virus vaccine will genetically re-engineer your DNA
Saturday, April 01, 2017 by: Tracey Watson
(Natural News) Touted as “the next great epidemic,” just the words “Zika virus” are enough to strike fear into the hearts of millions. With every pregnant woman on high alert and female athletes bailing out of the Rio Olympics in terror last year, the mainstream media created an epidemic of hysteria far greater than the danger posed by the disease itself. With conditions like microcephaly (babies born with abnormally small heads) and Guillain-Barré syndrome (an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks its own peripheral nervous system) being blamed on Zika, fear spread like a contagious disease – quickly and without reason.
But, stop and think: When was the last time you saw a Zika headline? How many babies actually ended up being born with microcephaly? How many people have you heard of that contracted Guillain-Barré after being infected with Zika?
Jon Rappaport, an award-winning investigative journalist, makes the point that with a vaccine like this, the sky would be the limit for the government. Under the guise of “vaccination,” DNA could be altered to make people more obedient or passive, intelligent and talented, subservient, etc.
Knowing as we do that the Zika hysteria was essentially a storm in a teacup, it really does make you wonder what the ulterior motive might be for developing such a vaccine, doesn’t it?

Triplets Regress into Autism ALL ON THE SAME DAY — Genetics Could Not Do This! (VaxXed Story)
“We are living proof that they are all lying!”
“We were told it was genetic.”
They were told by Geneticists there’s no possible way that 3 children would shut off on the same day. That is absolutely STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE – especially being 2 boys and 1 girl.

Studies show: Natural Mumps, Measles, Chicken Pox & Influenza viruses protect against cancer
Getting this infectious disease “naturally” (as listed in the studies below) apparently prevents the disease.   Clearly the above protocol  (creating a genetically engineered virus strain) was advanced by researchers because they realized that “naturally gained” wild viruses protect against cancer.  Hence, they thought, lets genetically engineer the virus in our labs to cure cancer that people are getting because vaccination does not impart the same complex protective quality as in nature. And besides we can patent it and make money on the vaccines, then make money on the disease it provokes and then make money on an artificial cure to an artificial vaccine.
Editor:  So why don’t we get the natural diseases, like before we had the cancer epidemic that is the leading cause of death for children,  and prevent cancer in the first place?  The money make’s purpose is to design expensive pharmacuetical lab made genetic viruses that mimick natural virus in order to fix the cancer that we got by being artificially stimulating our immune system by be vaccinated.
VLA Comment:  The above protocol uses genetically modified virus.  But as Doctor Palevsky writes…”The assumption among these people is that the genetic information of the micro-organisms that cause these diseases does not already exist inside the human body before the injection occurs. This assumption is one of the deepest flaws in current scientific ‘thinking.’ Any attempt to protect against diseases by injecting them into the body, especially since so much of what comprises human DNA is reportedly of viral genetic origin, is a set-up to destroy the human species. It’s possible, and even likely, that the genetic material of these wide ranges of diseases, may already be a part of the human genome, even if the diseases are not present, and even if the people have never been exposed to anyone with the diseases”
MUMPS: Researchers investigated whether mumps might engender immunity to ovarian cancer through antibodies against the cancer-associated antigen MUC1 abnormally expressed in the inflamed parotid gland.  Read more….
MEASLES:  Albonico et al found that adults are significantly protected against non-breast cancers — genital, prostate, gastrointestinal, skin, lung, ear-nose-throat, and others — if they contracted measles (odds ratio, OR = 0.45), rubella (OR = 0.38) or chickenpox (OR = 0.62) earlier in life. [Med Hypotheses 1998; 51(4): 315-20].
MEASLES: Montella et al found that contracting measles in childhood reduces the risk of developing lymphatic cancer in adulthood [Leuk Res 2006; 30(8): 917-22].
MEASLES: Alexander et al found that infection with measles during childhood is significantly protective — it cuts the risk in half — against developing Hodgkin’s disease (OR = 0.53) [Br J Cancer 2000; 82(5): 1117-21].
MEASLES: Glaser et al also found that lymph cancer is significantly more likely in adults who were not infected with measles, mumps or rubella in childhood [In J Cancer 2005; 115(4): 599-605].
COMMON INFECTIONS: Gilham et al found that infants with the least exposure to common infections have the greatest risk of developing childhood leukemia [BMJ 2005; 330: 1294].
EARLY EXPOSURE TO INFECTIONS:Urayama et al also found that early exposure to infections is protective against leukemia [Int J Cancer 2011; 128(7): 1632-43].  Read more….
CHICKEN POX (VARICELLA Canniff J., Donson A.M., Foreman N.K., Weinberg A. Cytotoxicity of glioblastoma cells mediated ex vivo by varicella-zoster virus-specific T cells. J Neurovirol. 2011;17(October (5)):448–454. [PubMed] Canniff et al. reported an association between those individuals with clinical or laboratory evidence of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection and lower risk of glioma.A glioma is a type of tumor that starts in the brain or spine. It is called a glioma because it arises from glial cells.
CHICKEN POX IN CHILDHOOD: Silverberg J.I., Kleiman E., Silverberg N.B., Durkin H.G., Joks R., Smith-Norowitz T.A. Chickenpox in childhood is associated with decreased atopic disorders, IgE, allergic sensitization, and leukocyte subsets. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2012;23(February (1):50–58. [PubMed Silverberg et al. also reported that wild-type VZV infection up to 8 years of age was found to be protective against atopic disorders that are thought to be “mediated by suppression of IgE production and allergic sensitization, as well as altered leukocyte distributions.

Dr Tony Bark rocks her interview with the truth. #thetruthaboutvaccines

You want Autism Awareness? Here it is. You tell me how we are supposed to leave our houses. Tell me how we are supposed to live in the community. I’m all ears. Because parents of kids with disabilities feel completely isoloated. And it’s not by our kid’s disabilities. It’s by the people in the world that refuse to acknowledge that our kids are part of this world. #autism #autismawareness

How Much Money Do Pediatricians Really Make From Vaccines?
If you want to be sure your pediatrician has your child’s best interest, this is mandatory reading. Pediatricians around the country have begun refusing to accept families who opt out of some or all vaccines. Thanks to a tip sent to Wellness & Equality by a reader, now we know why.
When my friend’s child suffered a life-threatening reaction to a vaccine a week after her first birthday, my friend assumed her pediatrician would write her a medical exemption from future vaccines. Shortly after receiving a routine set of vaccines, the happy, vibrant one-year-old spiked a 106 degree fever, began having seizures, and was hospitalized. When the unexplained “illness” passed after a week in the hospital, the little girl had lost her ability to walk. My friend describes how her daughter, who had learned to walk several months earlier at 9 months, suddenly “stumbled around like a drunk person” for weeks following the vaccines. My friend met with a team of pediatricians, neurologists, and naturopathic doctors, and they agreed: Her daughter had suffered a brain injury caused by a reaction to one of the vaccines. Hoping the injury would be temporary and that she might recover and ease her brain inflammation if they could help her small body quickly eliminate the vaccine additives that caused the reaction, my friend’s daughter underwent an intensive detoxification program overseen by a nutritionalist. Slowly, her daughter relearned to walk.
My friend is a practicing attorney who graduated from a Top 10 college. The evidence was overwhelming that her daughter’s reaction had been caused by vaccines, she told me.
But a few months later, when she took her daughter back into the pediatrician for a visit, he wanted to vaccinate her daughter again. She was baffled. Why?

Size and age-sex distribution of pediatric practice: a study from Pediatric Research in Office Settings.
Study participants cared for 529513 active patients (50.7% male). Each practitioner cared for an average of 1546 patients. The number of patients per practitioner was significantly higher in less-populated areas and in solo practices. Children aged 12 years and younger comprised 81% of the patients seen by Pediatric Research in Office Settings practitioners, and more than half of the children were aged 6 years or younger. Before age 5 years, boys accounted for a slightly, but significantly, higher number of patients, whereas after age 14 years, girls comprised a significantly larger proportion of patients.
The average number of 1546 patients per practitioner derived from these private practice data is in line with health maintenance organization-based estimates. Pediatric practitioners predominantly serve younger children. These data provide the only current national estimates of the size and age-sex distribution of independent pediatric practices, and can help pediatricians and health service researchers plan for the future provision of health care to children.

Infant Dies shortly after 6 Month Check Up at Daycare
April 4, 2017 By: Meg Kelley
An investigation was sparked after an infant died at a daycare facility in Riverside County on Monday, according to officials.
Kristin Watkins said she dropped off her 3-year-old son and 7-month-old daughter, Addison Watkins, at Worman Family Daycare at about 7 a.m. on Monday.
An hour later, she received a devastating call that her daughter was in full cardiac arrest. Crews with the Fire Department responded to the home in the 1200 block of Stepstone Court in Hemet and tried to save baby Addison Watkins. Kristen and Steve Watkins rushed to the hospital but by the time the couple arrived Addison was already pronounced dead, family friend Darnisha Tossell stated.
Kristin Watkins said her little girl had just received a clean bill of health from her doctor less than a week prior to her daughter’s passing.
Addison showed no obvious signs of trauma, police said in a press release. “I just want to know what happened to my baby. I just want answers,” Kristin Watkins told Eyewitness News in an interview.
These are the recommended shots that an infant receives at a 6-month check-up:

Hepatitis B (Hep B)
Rotavirus (RV)
DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis)
Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)
Pneumococcal (PCV)
Polio (IPV)
Flu (Influenza) – Yearly starting 6 months

It was also noted that Kristin Watkins had recently pased down outgrown clothes of Addison’s on a swap group prior to her passing. Kristin had posted to retrieve them for keepsakes. It was noted Addison’s clothes were returned to the family. The families GoFund Me page can be found here:

#VaXism NEWS
#JustOneDrop premieres in #London today

Merck’s Zostavax, the lucrative shingles vaccine, can allegedly cause shingles, serious injuries and even death. attorneys are now investigating lawsuits on behalf of patients who have suffered life-threatening injuries after receiving this vaccine.
To learn more, visit: